Козлов Алексей Борисович : другие произведения.

Jack Steal Hut

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Алексей Козлов
   Jack Steal Hut.
   This is the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad Rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the Countess dissolute,
   That milked the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the Miser Boss all insolent and predatory,
   That kissed the Countess dissolute,
   That milked the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the False Priest all shaven and shorn,
   That married the Miser Boss all insolent and predatory,
   That kissed the Countess dissolute,
   That milked the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the dog,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
   This is the fucking Cock that crowed in the morn,
   That waked the False Priest all shaven and shorn,
   That married the man all tattered and torn,
   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
   That milked the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack built.
   This is the Crew Farmer sowing his corn,
   That fuck the cock that crowed in the morn,
   That waked the False Priest all shaven and shorn,
   That married the man all tattered and torn,
   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
   That milked the June Judge with the crumpled horn,
   That tossed the Legless Colonel,
   That worried the crazy fat Cat,
   That killed the mad rat,
   That ate the China Bible
   That grow mouldy in the hut that Jack steal.
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