Кон Питер : другие произведения.

This What Is Often Called Bad Luck

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Наталии К.

This what is often called bad luck:
You've gone and I'm all alone.
When  we're lonely everything is dark
The sky is cold like icy dome...
You've gone and sun which always shines,
Can nowhere be found,
And I with softly closed eyes
Am lying on the ground.
Just thinking of the our fate
And time when we've met
That you've been just my classmate
But and the closest friend.
When I first looked into your eyes
Red hair was above,
My feelings didn't realize
Were sympathy or love...
This what is often called bad luck:
You've gone and I'm all alone.
When  we're  lonely everything is dark,
The sky is cold like icy dome...
You've gone but sun which always shines,
Still shining all around,
At last I've opened closed  eyes
And standing on the ground.
I'm thinking of the tricky fate
Which always plays it's game,
You'll surely have the other mate
And I will do the same.
This what is often  called bad luck,
But hardly it is so,
When we are lonely everything is dark.
But are we lonely? No!


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