Рекомендательный список для чтения (англ.)
(c) OK, 2006
(в бесплатной версии убрана "аналитика" - т.е. расшифровки, почему произведение в списке)
сортировка по авторам:
Abbot, Edwin A. | Flatland | 1884 |
Adams, Douglas | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | 1979 |
Adams, Douglas | The Restaurant At the End of the Universe | 1980 |
Adams, Richard | Watership Down | 1972 |
Alderman, Gill | The Memory Palace | 1996 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Non-Stop | 1958 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Long Afternoon of Earth | 1961 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | "The Saliva Tree" | 1965 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Moment of Eclipse | 1970 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Billion Year Spree [nonfiction] | 1974 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Malacia Tapestry | 1976 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Spring | 1982 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Summer | 1983 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Winter | 1985 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Trillion Year Spree [nonfiction] | 1986 |
Aldridge, Ray | Gate of Faces | 1991 |
Aldridge, Ray | The Beauty Addict | 1993 |
Allen, Roger MacBride | Orphan of Creation | 1988 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Resurrection, Inc. | 1988 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Assemblers of Infinity [by KJA & Doug Beason] | 1992 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights [by KJA & Rebecca Moestra] | 1998 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Dune: House Atreides [by Brian Herbert & KJA] | 1999 |
Anderson, M. T. | Feed | 2002 |
Anderson, Poul | The High Crusade | 1960 |
Anderson, Poul | Trader to the Stars | 1964 |
Anderson, Poul | The Star Fox | 1965 |
Anderson, Poul | Tau Zero | 1970 |
Anderson, Poul | The Byworlder | 1971 |
Anderson, Poul | "The Queen of Air and Darkness" | 1971 |
Anderson, Poul | There Will Be Time | 1972 |
Anderson, Poul | Hrolf Kraki's Saga | 1973 |
Anderson, Poul | The People of the Wind | 1973 |
Anderson, Poul | Fire Time | 1974 |
Anderson, Poul | A Midsummer Tempest | 1974 |
Anderson, Poul | The Avatar | 1978 |
Anderson, Poul | Orion Shall Rise | 1983 |
Anderson, Poul | The Boat of a Million Years | 1989 |
Anderson, Poul | The Stars Are Also Fire | 1994 |
Anderson, Poul | The Fleet of Stars | 1997 |
Anderson, Poul | Genesis | 2000 |
Anthony, Patricia | Cold Allies | 1993 |
Anthony, Piers | Chthon | 1967 |
Anthony, Piers | A Spell for Chameleon | 1977 |
Anthony, Piers | Castle Roogna | 1979 |
Armstrong, Michael | After the Zap | 1987 |
Arnason, Eleanor | A Woman of the Iron People | 1991 |
Arnason, Eleanor | Ring of Swords | 1993 |
Arnaud, G. J. | La Compagnie des Glaces (The Ice Corporation) | 1987 |
Arnzen, Michael A. | Grave Markings | 1994 |
Asaro, Catherine | Primary Inversion | 1995 |
Asaro, Catherine | Catch the Lightning | 1997 |
Asaro, Catherine | The Veiled Web | 1999 |
Asaro, Catherine | The Quantum Rose | 2000 |
Asimov, Isaac | I, Robot [coll.] | 1950 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Caves of Steel | 1953 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Foundation Trilogy | 1953 |
Asimov, Isaac | The End of Eternity | 1955 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Gods Themselves | 1972 |
Asimov, Isaac | Foundation's Edge | 1982 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Robots of Dawn | 1983 |
Asprin, Robert | Another Fine Myth | 1978 |
Asprin, Robert | Thieves' World [ed] | 1979 |
Asprin, Robert | Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn [ed] | 1980 |
Asprin, Robert | Shadows of Sanctuary [ed] | 1981 |
Asprin, Robert | Storm Season [ed] | 1982 |
Attanasio, A. A. | Radix | 1981 |
Attanasio, A. A. | Solis | 1994 |
Atwood, Margaret | The Handmaid's Tale | 1985 |
Baird, Wilhelmina | CrashCourse | 1993 |
Baker, Kage | The Anvil of the World | 2003 |
Baker, Scott | The Idiot King | 1981 |
Bakis, Kirsten | Lives of the Monster Dogs | 1997 |
Ballard, J. G. | The Crystal World | 1966 |
Ballard, J. G. | The Unlimited Dream Company | 1979 |
Banks, Iain | The Wasp Factory | 1984 |
Banks, Iain | The Bridge | 1986 |
Banks, Iain | The Player of Games | 1988 |
Banks, Iain | Use of Weapons | 1990 |
Banks, Iain | Feersum Endjinn | 1994 |
Banks, Iain | Excession | 1996 |
Banks, Iain | Inversions | 1998 |
Banks, Iain | The Algebraist | 2004 |
Barker, Clive | Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. I-III | 1984 |
Barker, Clive | Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. IV-VI | 1985 |
Barker, Clive | The Damnation Game | 1985 |
Barker, Clive | Weaveworld | 1987 |
Barker, Clive | Cabal | 1987 |
Barker, Clive | Imajica | 1991 |
Barker, Clive | Sacrament | 1996 |
Barker, Clive | Galilee | 1998 |
Barker, Clive | Coldheart Canyon | 2001 |
Barker, Clive | Abarat [graphic narrative] | 2002 |
Barker, Clive | Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War | 2004 |
Barnes, John | Orbital Resonance | 1991 |
Barnes, John | A Million Open Doors | 1992 |
Barnes, John | Mother of Storms | 1994 |
Barnes, John | One for the Morning Glory | 1996 |
Barnes, John | Earth Made of Glass | 1998 |
Barnes, Rory | The Book of Revelation [by Damien Broderick & RB] | 1999 |
Barnes, Steven | Lion's Blood | 2002 |
Barrington Bayley | Collision with Chronos | 1977 |
Barrington Bayley | The Garments of Caean | 1978 |
Barrington Bayley | The Zen Gun | 1983 |
Barth, John | Giles Goat-Boy | 1966 |
Barton, William | "Age of Aquarius" | 1996 |
Barton, William | Heart of Glass | 2000 |
Barton, William | Off on a Starship | 2003 |
Batchelor, John Calvin | The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica | 1983 |
Baxter, Stephen | Raft | 1991 |
Baxter, Stephen | Timelike Infinity | 1993 |
Baxter, Stephen | The Time Ships | 1995 |
Baxter, Stephen | Voyage | 1996 |
Baxter, Stephen | Titan | 1997 |
Baxter, Stephen | Vacuum Diagrams | 1997 |
Baxter, Stephen | Time: Manifold 1 | 1999 |
Baxter, Stephen | Omegatropic [nonfiction] | 2002 |
Baxter, Stephen | Coalescent | 2003 |
Beagle, Peter S. | A Fine And Private Place | 1960 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Last Unicorn | 1968 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Folk of the Air | 1986 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Innkeeper's Song | 1993 |
Beagle, Peter S. | Giant Bones | 1997 |
Beagle, Peter S. | Tamsin | 1999 |
Bear, Greg | "Blood Music" | 1983 |
Bear, Greg | Blood Music [novel] | 1985 |
Bear, Greg | Eon | 1985 |
Bear, Greg | "Tangents" | 1986 |
Bear, Greg | The Forge of God | 1987 |
Bear, Greg | Queen of Angels | 1990 |
Bear, Greg | Moving Mars | 1993 |
Bear, Greg | Dinosaur Summer | 1998 |
Bear, Greg | Darwin's Radio | 1999 |
Bear, Greg | Darwin's Children | 2003 |
Bell, Douglas | Mojo and the Pickle Jar | 1991 |
Bell, Hillary | Mirror, Mirror | 1996 |
Benford, Gregory | In the Ocean of Night | 1977 |
Benford, Gregory | Timescape | 1980 |
Benford, Gregory | Against Infinity | 1983 |
Benford, Gregory | Great Sky River | 1987 |
Bergeron, Alain (fr.) | Phaos | 2003 |
Berliner, Janet | Children of the Dusk [by JB & George Guthridge] | 1997 |
Bertin, Joanne | The Last Dragonlord | 1998 |
Bester, Alfred | The Demolished Man | 1952 |
Bester, Alfred | The Stars My Destination | 1956 |
Bester, Alfred | The Computer Connection | 1975 |
Bethke, Bruce | Headcrash | 1995 |
Bishop, Anne | Daughter of the Blood | 1998 |
Bishop, K. J. | The Etched City | 2003 |
Bishop, Michael | A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire | 1975 |
Bishop, Michael | Transfigurations | 1979 |
Bishop, Michael | No Enemy But Time | 1982 |
Bishop, Michael | Ancient of Days | 1985 |
Bishop, Michael | Unicorn Mountain | 1988 |
Bishop, Michael | Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana | 1989 |
Bishop, Michael | Brittle Innings | 1994 |
Bisson, Terry | Talking Man | 1986 |
Bisson, Terry | "Bears Discover Fire" | 1990 |
Bisson, Terry | The Pickup Artist | 2001 |
Bisson, Terry | Dear Abbey | 2003 |
Blake, Katherine | The Interior Life | 1990 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Digging Leviathan | 1984 |
Blaylock, James P. | Homunculus | 1986 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Last Coin | 1988 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Paper Grail | 1991 |
Blaylock, James P. | Lord Kelvin's Machine | 1992 |
Blaylock, James P. | All the Bells on Earth | 1995 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Rainy Season | 1999 |
Blish, James | A Case of Conscience | 1958 |
Blom, Suzanne Allés | Inca | 2000 |
Blum, Jonathan | Fallen Gods [by JB & Kate Orman] | 2003 |
Blumlein, Michael | X, Y | 1993 |
Bowes, Richard | Minions of the Moon | 1999 |
Bowker, Richard | Dover Beach | 1987 |
Bradbury, Ray | The Martian Chronicles | 1950 |
Bradbury, Ray | Fahrenheit 451 | 1953 |
Bradbury, Ray | Something Wicked This Way Comes | 1962 |
Bradbury, Ray | From the Dust Returned | 2001 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Heritage of Hastur | 1975 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Forbidden Tower | 1977 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Hawkmistress! | 1982 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Mists of Avalon | 1983 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Thendara House | 1983 |
Brenchley, Chaz | Light Errant | 1997 |
Brin, David | Sundiver | 1980 |
Brin, David | Startide Rising | 1983 |
Brin, David | The Practice Effect | 1984 |
Brin, David | The Postman | 1985 |
Brin, David | The Uplift War | 1987 |
Brin, David | Earth | 1990 |
Brin, David | Glory Season | 1993 |
Brin, David | Brightness Reef | 1995 |
Brin, David | Infinity's Shore | 1996 |
Brin, David | Heaven's Reach | 1998 |
Brin, David | Kiln People | 2002 |
Brite, Poppy Z. | Lost Souls | 1992 |
Brite, Poppy Z. | Drawing Blood | 1993 |
Broderick, Damien | The Dreaming Dragons | 1980 |
Broderick, Damien | Striped Holes | 1988 |
Broderick, Damien | The White Abacus | 1997 |
Broderick, Damien | Transcension | 2002 |
Brown, Fredric | Martians, Go Home! | 1955 |
Brown, Simon | Winter | 1997 |
Brunner, John | Stand on Zanzibar | 1968 |
Brunner, John | The Jagged Orbit | 1969 |
Brunner, John | The Sheep Look Up | 1972 |
Brunner, John | The Shockwave Rider | 1975 |
Bryant, Edward | Fetish | 1991 |
Buckner, M. M. | Hyperthought | 2003 |
Budrys, Algis | Who? | 1958 |
Budrys, Algis | Rogue Moon | 1960 |
Budrys, Algis | Michaelmas | 1977 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Shards of Honor | 1986 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Falling Free | 1988 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | The Vor Game | 1990 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Barrayar | 1991 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Mirror Dance | 1994 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Cetaganda | 1996 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Memory | 1996 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Komarr | 1998 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | A Civil Campaign | 1999 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | The Curse of Chalion | 2001 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Diplomatic Immunity | 2002 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Paladin of Souls | 2003 |
Bull, Emma | War for the Oaks | 1987 |
Bull, Emma | Bone Dance | 1991 |
Bunch, Chris | The Warrior's Tale [by Allan Cole & CB] | 1994 |
Bunch, David | Moderan | 1971 |
Burgess, Anthony | A Clockwork Orange | 1962 |
Burke, Kealan-Patrick | The Turtle Boy | 2004 |
Burroughs, Edgar Rice | A Princess Of Mars | 1912 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Wild Seed | 1980 |
Butler, Octavia E. | "Bloodchild" | 1984 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Dawn | 1987 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Parable of the Sower | 1993 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Parable of the Talents | 1998 |
Cadigan, Pat | Mindplayers | 1987 |
Cadigan, Pat | Synners | 1991 |
Cadigan, Pat | Fools | 1994 |
Calder, Richard | Dead Girls | 1992 |
Calvino, Italo | Cosmicomics | 1969 |
Campbell, Ramsey | To Wake the Dead | 1980 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Nameless | 1981 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Incarnate | 1983 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Hungry Moon | 1986 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Influence | 1988 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Midnight Sun | 1990 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Nazareth Hill | 1997 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Silent Children | 2000 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Darkest Part of the Woods | 2002 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Overnight | 2004 |
Cantrell, Lisa W. | The Manse | 1987 |
Card, Orson Scott | Ender's Game | 1985 |
Card, Orson Scott | Speaker for the Dead | 1986 |
Card, Orson Scott | Seventh Son | 1987 |
Card, Orson Scott | Red Prophet | 1988 |
Card, Orson Scott | Prentice Alvin | 1989 |
Card, Orson Scott | Xenocide | 1991 |
Card, Orson Scott | The Memory of Earth | 1992 |
Card, Orson Scott | Alvin Journeyman | 1995 |
Card, Orson Scott | Children of the Mind | 1996 |
Card, Orson Scott | Ender's Shadow | 1999 |
Card, Orson Scott | Shadow of the Hegemon | 2001 |
Carey, Jacqueline | Kushiel's Dart | 2001 |
Carey, Peter | Illywhacker | 1985 |
Carmody, Isobelle | Greylands | 1997 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Land of Laughs | 1980 |
Carroll, Jonathan | Sleeping In Flame | 1988 |
Carroll, Jonathan | A Child Across the Sky | 1989 |
Carroll, Jonathan | Outside the Dog Museum | 1991 |
Carroll, Jonathan | From the Teeth of Angels | 1994 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Marriage of Sticks | 1999 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Wooden Sea | 2001 |
Carroll, Jonathan | White Apples | 2002 |
Carter, Angela | Heroes And Villains | 1969 |
Carter, Angela | The Infernal Desire Machine Of Dr. Hoffman | 1972 |
Carter, Angela | Nights at the Circus | 1984 |
Caswell, Brian | Deucalion | 1995 |
Chabon, Michael | Summerland | 2002 |
Chalker, Jack Laurence | Midnight At The Well Of Souls | 1977 |
Chalker, Jack Laurence | The Wars Of The Well | 1980 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | False Fatherland | 1968 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | The Bitter Pill | 1974 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | The Big Black Mark | 1975 |
Chant, Joy | Red Moon and Black Mountain | 1971 |
Chant, Joy | The Grey Mane of Morning | 1977 |
Chant, Joy | When Voiha Wakes | 1983 |
Chapman, Stepan | The Troika | 1997 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | Walk to the End of the World | 1974 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | Motherlines | 1978 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Vampire Tapestry | 1980 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Kingdom of Kevin Malone | 1993 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Furies | 1994 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Conqueror's Child | 1999 |
Chase, Robert R. | The Game of Fox and Lion | 1986 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Faded Sun: Kesrith | 1978 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Fires of Azeroth | 1979 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Downbelow Station | 1981 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Ealdwood | 1981 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Pride of Chanur | 1982 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Tree Of Swords And Jewels | 1983 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Cuckoo's Egg | 1985 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Cyteen | 1988 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Invader | 1995 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Finity's End | 1997 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Precursor | 1999 |
Chiang, Ted | "Hell Is the Absence of God" | 2001 |
Cisco, Michael | The Divinity Student | 1999 |
Claiborne, Sybil | In the Garden of Dead Cars | 1993 |
Clark, Simon | The Night of the Triffids | 2001 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Childhood's End | 1953 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | The City and the Stars | 1956 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | 2001: A Space Odyssey | 1968 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Rendezvous with Rama | 1973 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Imperial Earth | 1975 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | The Fountains of Paradise | 1979 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | 2010: Odyssey Two | 1982 |
Clarke, Susanna | Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell | 2004 |
Clegg, Douglas | The Hour Before Dark | 2002 |
Clement, Hal | Mission of Gravity | 1954 |
Clement, Hal | Star Light | 1970 |
Clifton, Mark | They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine) [by MC & Frank Riley] | 1954 |
Clute, John | The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction [by JC & Peter Nicholls, eds.] | 1993 |
Clute, John | Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia | 1995 |
Clute, John | The Encyclopedia of Fantasy [by JC & John Grant, eds.] | 1997 |
Colfer, Eoin | Artemis Fowl | 2001 |
Colfer, Eoin | The Supernaturalist | 2004 |
Collins, Nancy A. | Sunglasses After Dark | 1989 |
Compton, D. G. | The Steel Crocodile | 1970 |
Condon, Richard | Manchurian Candidate | 1959 |
Coney, Michael G. | Hello Summer, Goodbye | 1975 |
Coney, Michael G. | Brontomek! | 1976 |
Coney, Michael G. | Cat Karina | 1982 |
Connolly, Flynn | The Rising of the Moon | 1993 |
Constantine, Storm | The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit | 1987 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Pashazade: The First Arabesk | 2001 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Felaheen: The Third Arabesk | 2003 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Stamping Butterflies | 2004 |
Coville, Bruce | My Teacher Glows in the Dark | 1992 |
Coville, Bruce | I Was a 6th Grade Alien | 1999 |
Cowper, Richard | The Road to Corlay | 1978 |
Cramer, John G. | Twistor | 1989 |
Crew, Gary | Beneath the Surface [by GC & Steven Woolman] | 2004 |
Crichton, Michael | The Andromeda Strain | 1969 |
Crowley, John | The Deep | 1975 |
Crowley, John | Engine Summer | 1979 |
Crowley, John | Little, Big | 1981 |
Crowley, John | Ægypt | 1987 |
Crowley, John | Love & Sleep | 1994 |
Curval, Philippe | Cette Chére Humanité | 1976 |
Czerneda, Julie E. | In the Company of Others | 2001 |
Dalkey, Kara | The Nightingale | 1988 |
Daniel, Tony | Metaplanetary | 2001 |
Danielewski, Mark Z. | House of Leaves | 2000 |
Dann, Jack | The Man Who Melted | 1984 |
Dann, Jack | The Memory Cathedral | 1996 |
Dann, Jack | The Rebel | 2004 |
Danvers, Dennis | Wilderness | 1991 |
Davies, Murray | Collaborator | 2003 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | The Incomplete Enchanter [by Fletcher Pratt & LSdC] | 1941 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | Lest Darkness Fall | 1941 |
de Lint, Charles | Moonheart | 1984 |
de Lint, Charles | Mulengro | 1985 |
de Lint, Charles | Yarrow | 1986 |
de Lint, Charles | Jack the Giant Killer | 1987 |
de Lint, Charles | The Little Country | 1991 |
de Lint, Charles | Our Lady of the Harbour | 1991 |
de Lint, Charles | Dreams Underfoot | 1993 |
de Lint, Charles | The Ivory and the Horn | 1995 |
de Lint, Charles | Trader | 1997 |
de Lint, Charles | Someplace to Be Flying | 1998 |
de Lint, Charles | Forests of the Heart | 2000 |
de Lint, Charles | The Onion Girl | 2001 |
de Lint, Charles | Seven Wild Sisters | 2002 |
de Lint, Charles | Waifs and Strays | 2002 |
Dean, Pamela | The Dubious Hills | 1994 |
Dedman, Stephen | The Art of Arrow Cutting | 1997 |
Delacorte, Peter | Time on My Hands: A Novel with Photographs | 1997 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Babel-17 | 1966 |
Delany, Samuel R. | The Einstein Intersection | 1967 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Nova | 1968 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Dhalgren | 1975 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Triton | 1976 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Tales of Nevèrÿon | 1979 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand | 1984 |
Denton, Bradley | Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede | 1991 |
Denton, Bradley | Blackburn | 1993 |
Denton, Bradley | The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians & A Conflagration Artist [coll.] | 1994 |
Desmond, Sean | Adam's Fall | 2000 |
Di Filippo, Paul | A Year in the Linear City | 2002 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Man in the High Castle | 1962 |
Dick, Philip K. | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | 1968 |
Dick, Philip K. | Ubik | 1969 |
Dick, Philip K. | Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said | 1974 |
Dick, Philip K. | A Scanner Darkly | 1977 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Divine Invasion | 1981 |
Dick, Philip K. | VALIS | 1981 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Transmigration of Timothy Archer | 1982 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | The Dragon and the George | 1976 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | The Final Encyclopedia | 1984 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | Way of the Pilgrim | 1987 |
Disch, Thomas M. | Camp Concentration | 1968 |
Disch, Thomas M. | On Wings of Song | 1979 |
Disch, Thomas M. | The M.D. | 1991 |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee | Mistress of Spices | 1997 |
Dix, Shane | The Unknown Soldier [by Sean Williams & SD] | 1995 |
Dix, Shane | Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2000 |
Dix, Shane | The Dark Imbalance [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2001 |
Dix, Shane | Echoes of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2002 |
Dix, Shane | Orphans of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2003 |
Doctorow, Cory | Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom | 2003 |
Doctorow, Cory | A Place So Foreign and 8 More [coll.] | 2003 |
Dodd, Quenin | Beatnik Rutabagas from beyond the Stars | 2001 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever | |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | The Wounded Land | 1980 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | The One Tree | 1982 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | Daughter of Regals and Other Tales [coll.] | 1984 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | Reave the Just and Other Tales [coll.] | 1998 |
Dorsey, Candas Jane | Black Wine | 1997 |
Dorsey, Candas Jane | A Paradigm of Earth | 2001 |
Douglass, Sara | Pilgrim | 1998 |
Douglass, Sara | The Wounded Hawk | 2001 |
Dowling, Terry | Rhynosseros | 1990 |
Dowling, Terry | Wormwood [coll.] | 1991 |
Dowling, Terry | Blue Tyson | 1992 |
Dowling, Terry | An Intimate Knowledge of the Night | 1995 |
Dowling, Terry | Blackwater Days | 2000 |
Dozois, Gardner | Strangers | 1978 |
Duane, Diane | The Door Into Fire | 1979 |
DuBois, Brendan | Resurrection Day | 1999 |
Duchamp, L. Timmel | Love's Body, Dancing in Time [coll.] | 2004 |
Due, Tananarive | My Soul to Keep | 1997 |
Duncan, Dave | West of January | 1989 |
Dunkle, Clare B. | The Hollow Kingdom | 2003 |
Dunn, Katherine | Geek Love | 1989 |
Dunn, Mark | Think Tank | 2000 |
Eddison, E. R. | The Worm Ouroboros | 1922 |
Edgerton, Teresa | Child of Saturn | 1989 |
Effinger, George Alec | What Entropy Means to Me | 1972 |
Effinger, George Alec | When Gravity Fails | 1987 |
Effinger, George Alec | A Fire in the Sun | 1989 |
Egan, Greg | Quarantine | 1992 |
Egan, Greg | Permutation City | 1994 |
Egan, Greg | Axiomatic [coll.] | 1995 |
Egan, Greg | Distress | 1995 |
Egan, Greg | Diaspora | 1997 |
Egan, Greg | Luminous [coll.] | 1998 |
Egan, Greg | Teranesia | 1999 |
Egan, Greg | Schild's Ladder | 2002 |
Eisenstein, Phyllis | Sorcerer's Son | 1979 |
Elgin, Suzette Haden | Native Tongue | 1984 |
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) | The Golden Key [by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson & KE] | 1996 |
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) | King's Dragon | 1997 |
Ellison, Harlan | Mefisto In Onyx | 1993 |
Emshwiller, Carol | The Mount | 2002 |
Engh, M. J. | Rainbow Man | 1993 |
Erdrich, Louise | The Antelope Wife | 1998 |
Erikson, Steven | Gardens of the Moon | 1999 |
Eskridge, Kelley | Solitaire | 2002 |
Evangelisti, Valerio | Nicholas Eymerich | 1997 |
Evans, Christopher | Aztec Century | 1993 |
Everson, John | Covenant | 2004 |
Fancher, Jane | Groundties | 1991 |
Farmer, Nancy | The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm | 1994 |
Farmer, Nancy | The Sea of Trolls | 2004 |
Farmer, Philip José | To Your Scattered Bodies Go | 1972 |
Faust, Minister | The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad | 2004 |
Feist, Raymond E. | Servant of the Empire [by REF & Janny Wurts] | 1990 |
Fergusson, Bruce | The Shadow of His Wings | 1987 |
Fforde, Jasper | The Eyre Affair | 2001 |
Finch, Sheila | Infinity's Web | 1985 |
Finney, Jack | Time and Again | 1957 |
Flynn, Michael F. | In the Country of the Blind | 1990 |
Ford, Jeffrey | The Physiognomy | 1997 |
Ford, Jeffrey | The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque | 2002 |
Ford, John M. | The Dragon Waiting | 1983 |
Ford, John M. | Growing Up Weightless | 1993 |
Forsyth, Kate | Dragonclaw: Book One of The Witches of Eileanan | 1997 |
Forward, Robert L. | Dragon's Egg | 1980 |
Forward, Robert L. | Futue Magic | 1988 |
Fowler, Christopher | Full Dark House | 2003 |
Fowler, Christopher | Breathe | 2004 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Artificial Things [coll.] | 1986 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Sarah Canary | 1991 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Black Glass [coll.] | 1998 |
Frankowski, Leo | The Cross-Time Engineer | 1986 |
Freireich, Valerie J. | Becoming Human | 1995 |
Friedman, C. S. | In Conquest Born | 1987 |
Frost, Gregory | Fitcher's Brides | 2002 |
Fry, Stephen | Making History | 1996 |
Funke, Cornelia | Inkheart | 2003 |
Gaiman, Neil | Good Omens [by Terry Pratchett & NG] | 1990 |
Gaiman, Neil | Smoke and Mirrors | 1998 |
Gaiman, Neil | Stardust | 1998 |
Gaiman, Neil | American Gods | 2001 |
Gaiman, Neil | Coraline | 2002 |
Gardner, James Alan | Hunted | 2000 |
Garfinkle, Richard | Celestial Matters | 1996 |
Geary, Patricia | Strange Toys | 1987 |
Gemmell, David | Legend | 1984 |
Gentle, Mary | Golden Witchbreed | 1983 |
Gentle, Mary | Rats and Gargoyles | 1990 |
Gentle, Mary | The Architecture of Desire | 1991 |
Gentle, Mary | Ash: A Secret History | 2000 |
Gerdner, John | Grendel | 1971 |
Gerrold, David | When Harlie Was One | 1972 |
Gerrold, David | The Man Who Folded Himself | 1973 |
Gerrold, David | Moonstar Odyssey | 1977 |
Gerrold, David | "The Martian Child" | 1994 |
Gerrold, David | Jumping Off the Planet | 2000 |
Ghosh, Amitav | The Calcutta Chromosome | 1995 |
Gibson, William | Neuromancer | 1984 |
Gibson, William | Count Zero | 1986 |
Gibson, William | Mona Lisa Overdrive | 1988 |
Gibson, William | The Difference Engine [by WG & Bruce Sterling] | 1990 |
Gibson, William | Virtual Light | 1993 |
Gibson, William | All Tomorrow's Parties | 1999 |
Gibson, William | Pattern Recognition | 2003 |
Gidron, Martin J. | The Severed Wing | 2002 |
Gilman, Carolyn Ives | Halfway Human | 1998 |
Gilman, Greer Ilene | Moonwise | 1991 |
Gladney, Heather | Teot's War | 1987 |
Gloss, Molly | The Dazzle of Day | 1997 |
Gloss, Molly | Wild Life | 2000 |
Godwin, Parke | Firelord | 1980 |
Goingback, Owl | Crota | 1996 |
Golding, William | Inheritors | 1955 |
Golding, William | Darkness Visible | 1979 |
Goldman, E. M. | The Night Room | 1995 |
Goldstein, Lisa | The Dream Years | 1985 |
Goldstein, Lisa | A Mask for the General | 1987 |
Goldstein, Lisa | Dark Cities Underground | 1999 |
Goodkind, Terry | Wizard's First Rule | 1994 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Queen City Jazz | 1994 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | The Bones of Time | 1996 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Crescent City Rhapsody | 2000 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Light Music | 2002 |
Gotlieb, Phyllis | A Judgment of Dragons | 1980 |
Gotlieb, Phyllis | Flesh and Gold | 1998 |
Goto, Hiromi | The Kappa Child | 2001 |
Gottlieb, Sherry | Love Bite | 1994 |
Gould, Steven | Jumper | 1992 |
Gould, Steven | Wildside | 1996 |
Grant, Charles L. | In a Dark Dream | 1989 |
Grant, Richard | Saraband of Lost Time | 1985 |
Grant, Richard | Rumors of Spring | 1987 |
Grant, Richard | Through the Heart | 1992 |
Gravel, Geary | The Alchemists | 1984 |
Gray, Alasdair | Lanark | 1981 |
Green, Terence M. | Shadow of Ashland | 1996 |
Greenhalgh, Zohra | Contrarywise | 1989 |
Greenland, Colin | Take Back Plenty | 1990 |
Greenland, Colin | Harm's Way | 1993 |
Greenwood, Kerry | The Broken Wheel | 1996 |
Griffin, Russell M. | The Blind Man And The Elephant | 1982 |
Griffith, Nicola | Ammonite | 1993 |
Griffith, Nicola | Slow River | 1995 |
Grimsley, Jim | Kirith Kirin | 2000 |
Grimsley, Jim | The Ordinary | 2004 |
Grimwood, Ken | Replay | 1987 |
Gunn, James | The Listeners | 1972 |
Gunn, Neil M. | The Green Isle Od The Great Deep | 1944 |
Haldeman, Joe | The Forever War | 1974 |
Haldeman, Joe | Mindbridge | 1976 |
Haldeman, Joe | Forever Peace | 1997 |
Haldeman, Joe | Forever Free | 1999 |
Haldeman, Joe | Guardian | 2002 |
Haldeman, Joe | Camouflage | 2004 |
Hambly, Barbara | Dragonsbane | 1986 |
Hambly, Barbara | Those Who Hunt the Night | 1988 |
Hamilton, Laurell K. | Bloody Bones | 1996 |
Hamilton, Peter F. | Fallen Dragon | 2001 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Winterlong | 1990 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Æstival Tide | 1992 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Waking the Moon | 1995 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Glimmering | 1997 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Mortal Love | 2004 |
Harlan, Thomas | The Shadow of Ararat | 1999 |
Harland, Richard | The Dark Edge | 1997 |
Harland, Richard | The Black Crusade | 2004 |
Harris, Charlaine | Living Dead in Dallas | 2002 |
Harris, Charlaine | Dead to the World | 2004 |
Harris, Christine | Foreign Devils | 1999 |
Harris, Thomas | The Silence of the Lambs | 1988 |
Harrison, Harry | Deathworld | 1960 |
Harrison, Harry | The Stainless Steel Rat | 1961 |
Harrison, Harry | Make Room! Make Room! | 1966 |
Harrison, Harry | West of Eden | 1984 |
Harrison, M. John | A Storm of Wings | 1980 |
Harrison, M. John | In Viriconium | 1982 |
Harrison, M. John | Signs of Life | 1997 |
Harrison, M. John | Light | 2002 |
Hartman, Keith | The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse | 1999 |
Hartnett, Sonya | Thursday's Child | 2000 |
Harwood, John | The Ghost Writer | 2004 |
Haydon, Elizabeth | Rhapsody | 1999 |
Heald, Denise Lopes | Mistwalker | 1994 |
Hegland, Jean | Into the Forest | 1996 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Farmer in the Sky | 1950 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Man Who Sold the Moon | 1950 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Double Star | 1956 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Door Into Summer | 1957 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Have Space Suit -- Will Travel | 1958 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Methuselah's Children | 1958 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Starship Troopers | 1959 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Stranger in a Strange Land | 1961 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Glory Road | 1963 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress | 1966 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | I Will Fear No Evil | 1970 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Time Enough for Love | 1973 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Friday | 1982 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Job: A Comedy of Justice | 1984 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | To Sail Beyond the Sunset | 1987 |
Helprin, Mark | A City in Winter | 1986 |
Herbert, Frank | Dune | 1965 |
Herbert, Frank | Hellstrom's Hive | 1973 |
Herbert, Frank | Children of Dune | 1976 |
Herbert, Frank | The Dosadi Experiment | 1978 |
Herbert, James | Nobody True | 2003 |
Hetley, James A. | The Summer Country | 2002 |
Hinz, Christopher | Liege-Killer | 1987 |
Hoban, Russell | Riddley Walker | 1981 |
Hobb, Robin | Assassin's Apprentice | 1995 |
Hodgell, P. C. | God Stalk | 1982 |
Hodgell, P. C. | Dark of the Moon | 1985 |
Hodgson, William Hope | The House On The Borderland | 1908 |
Hodgson, William Hope | The Night Land | 1912 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | The Thread That Binds the Bones | 1993 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | The Silent Strength of Stones | 1995 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Red Heart of Memories | 1999 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | Past the Size of Dreaming | 2001 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Fistful of Sky | 2002 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Stir of Bones | 2003 |
Hogan, James P. | Inherit the Stars | 1977 |
Hogan, James P. | The Genesis Machine | 1978 |
Hogan, James P. | Voyage from Yesteryear | 1982 |
Hogan, James P. | Entoverse | 1991 |
Hogan, James P. | The Multiplex Man | 1992 |
Holder, Nancy | Dead in the Water | 1994 |
Holdstock, Robert | Mythago Wood | 1984 |
Holdstock, Robert | Lavondyss | 1988 |
Holdstock, Robert | The Fetch | 1991 |
Holdstock, Robert | The Hollowing | 1993 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | Brown Girl in the Ring | 1998 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | Midnight Robber | 2000 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | The Salt Roads | 2003 |
Houssin, Joél | Argentine | 1989 |
Hoyt, Sarah A. | Ill Met by Moonlight | 2001 |
Huff, Tanya | Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light | 1989 |
Huff, Tanya | Blood Price | 1991 |
Huff, Tanya | No Quarter | 1996 |
Hughart, Barry | Bridge of Birds | 1984 |
Hughes, Matthew | Black Brillion | 2004 |
Huxley, Aldous | Brave New World | 1932 |
Ingpen, Robert | Australian Gnomes | 1979 |
Irvine, Alexander C. | A Scattering of Jades | 2002 |
Jablokov, Alexander | Carve the Sky | 1991 |
Jacob, Charlee | The Symbiotic Fascination | 1997 |
Jens, Tina L. | The Blues Ain't Nothing' | 2002 |
Jensen, Jan Lars | Shiva 3000 | 1999 |
Jeter, K. W. | Farewell Horizontal | 1989 |
Jinks, Catherine | Eye to Eye | 1997 |
Johnson, Kij | Fudoki | 2003 |
Johnson, Toby | Secret Matter | 1990 |
Jones, Dennis Feltham | Colossus: Forbin Project | 1966 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | Fire and Hemlock | 1984 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | The Crown of Dalemark | 1995 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | Dark Lord of Derkholm | 1998 |
Jones, Gwyneth | White Queen | 1991 |
Jones, Gwyneth | North Wind | 1994 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Bold as Love | 2001 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Castles Made of Sand | 2002 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Midnight Lamp | 2003 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Life | 2004 |
Jones, Tamara Siler | Ghosts in the Snow | 2004 |
Joy, Dara | Knight of a Trillion Stars | 1995 |
Joyce, Graham | Dark Sister | 1992 |
Joyce, Graham | Requiem | 1995 |
Joyce, Graham | The Tooth Fairy | 1996 |
Joyce, Graham | Indigo | 1999 |
Joyce, Graham | Leningrad Nights | 1999 |
Joyce, Graham | Smoking Poppy | 2001 |
Joyce, Graham | The Facts of Life | 2002 |
Kandel, Michael | In Between Dragons | 1990 |
Katz, Judith | Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound | 1992 |
Katz, Louise | The Other Face of Janus | 2001 |
Kavan, Anna | Ice | 1967 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Darkest Road | 1986 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Wandering Fire | 1986 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Tigana | 1990 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | A Song for Arbonne | 1992 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Lions of Al-Rassan | 1995 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Sailing to Sarantium | 1998 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Lord of Emperors | 2000 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Last Light of the Sun | 2004 |
Keene, Brian | The Rising | 2003 |
Kelleher, Victor | Beast of Heaven | 1984 |
Kelleher, Victor | Born of the Sea | 2003 |
Kellogg, M. Bradley | A Rumor of Angels | 1983 |
Kelly, James Patrick | Wildlife | 1994 |
Kendall, Carol | The Firelings | 1982 |
Kernaghan, Eileen | Songs from the Drowned Lands (Journey to Apriloth) | 1983 |
Kernaghan, Eileen | The Snow Queen | 2000 |
Kerr, Peg | The Wild Swans | 1999 |
Kessel, John | Good News from Outer Space | 1989 |
Kessel, John | Meeting in Infinity | 1992 |
Keyes, Daniel | Flowers for Algernon | 1966 |
Keyes, J. Gregory | Newton's Cannon | 1998 |
Keyes, J. Gregory | A Calculus of Angels | 1999 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Silk | 1998 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Threshold | 2001 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Murder of Angels | 2004 |
Kilpatrick, Nancy | Near Death | 1994 |
Kindl, Patrice | Owl in Love | 1993 |
King, Stephen | Salem's Lot | 1975 |
King, Stephen | The Shining | 1977 |
King, Stephen | The Stand | 1978 |
King, Stephen | Night Shift [coll.] | 1978 |
King, Stephen | The Dead Zone | 1979 |
King, Stephen | Firestarter | 1980 |
King, Stephen | Cujo | 1981 |
King, Stephen | Danse Macabre [nonfiction] | 1981 |
King, Stephen | Different Seasons [coll.] | 1982 |
King, Stephen | The Gunslinger | 1982 |
King, Stephen | Pet Sematary | 1983 |
King, Stephen | The Talisman [by SK & Peter Straub] | 1984 |
King, Stephen | Skeleton Crew [coll.] | 1985 |
King, Stephen | It | 1986 |
King, Stephen | Misery | 1987 |
King, Stephen | Four Past Midnight [coll.] | 1990 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands | 1991 |
King, Stephen | Needful Things | 1991 |
King, Stephen | Nightmares & Dreamscapes [coll.] | 1993 |
King, Stephen | Insomnia | 1994 |
King, Stephen | Desperation | 1996 |
King, Stephen | The Green Mile | 1996 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass | 1997 |
King, Stephen | Bag of Bones | 1998 |
King, Stephen | Hearts in Atlantis | 1999 |
King, Stephen | On Writing [nonfiction] | 2000 |
King, Stephen | Black House [by SK & Peter Straub] | 2001 |
King, Stephen | Everything's Eventual [coll.] | 2002 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla | 2003 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower | 2006 |
Kingsbury, Donald | Courtship Rite | 1982 |
Kingsbury, Donald | Psychohistorical Crisis | 2001 |
Kirstein, Rosemary | The Steerswoman | 1989 |
Klein, T. E. D. | The Ceremonies | 1984 |
Koestler, Arthur | The Call Girls | 1972 |
Koja, Kathe | The Cipher | 1991 |
Koman, Victor | The Jehovah Contract | 1987 |
Koman, Victor | Solomon's Knife | 1989 |
Koman, Victor | Kings of the High Frontier | 1996 |
Koontz, Dean | Midnight | 1989 |
Koontz, Dean | Strange Highways [coll.] | 1995 |
Kornbluth, C. M. | The Syndic | 1953 |
Kosinski, Jerzy | Being There | 1970 |
Kotzwinkle, William | Doctor Rat | 1976 |
Kress, Nancy | "Beggars in Spain" | 1991 |
Kress, Nancy | Beggars In Spain | 1993 |
Kress, Nancy | Beggars and Choosers | 1994 |
Kress, Nancy | Maximum Light | 1998 |
Kress, Nancy | Probability Sun | 2001 |
Kress, Nancy | Probability Space | 2002 |
Kritzer, Naomi | Fires of the Faithful | 2002 |
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. | Emprise | 1985 |
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. | The Quiet Pools | 1990 |
Kurtz, Katherine | Deryni Rising | 1970 |
Kurtz, Katherine | Camber the Heretic | 1981 |
Kushner, Ellen | Swordspoint | 1987 |
Kushner, Ellen | Thomas the Rhymer | 1991 |
Kushner, Ellen | The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman] | 2002 |
Lackey, Mercedes | Storm Warning | 1994 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Past Master | 1968 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Fourth Mansions | 1970 |
Lafferty, R. A. | The Devil Is Dead | 1971 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Aurelia | 1982 |
Lai, Larissa | Salt Fish Girl | 2002 |
Laidlaw, Marc | Neon Lotus | 1988 |
Laidlaw, Marc | The 37th Mandala | 1996 |
Lake, David J. | Walkers on the Sky | 1976 |
Lake, David J. | The Man Who Loved Morlocks | 1981 |
Landis, Geoffrey A. | Mars Crossing | 2000 |
Langford, David | The Space Eater | 1982 |
Lansdale, Joe R. | The Drive-In | 1988 |
Larson, Jeanne | Silk Road | 1989 |
Laymon, Richard | The Traveling Vampire Show | 2000 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | A Wizard of Earthsea | 1968 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Left Hand of Darkness | 1969 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Lathe of Heaven | 1971 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Dispossessed | 1974 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Beginning Place | 1980 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Compass Rose [coll.] | 1982 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Always Coming Home | 1985 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea | 1990 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.] | 1995 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Telling | 2000 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Other Wind | 2001 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Tales from Earthsea [coll.] | 2001 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Changing Planes [coll.] | 2003 |
Lebbon, Tim | White | 1999 |
Lebbon, Tim | Naming of Parts | 2000 |
Lee, Sharon | Balance of Trade [by SL & Steve Miller] | 2004 |
Lee, Tanith | The Birthgrave | 1975 |
Lee, Tanith | Death's Master | 1979 |
Lee, Tanith | Kill the Dead | 1980 |
Leiber, Fritz | The Big Time | 1958 |
Leiber, Fritz | The Wanderer | 1964 |
Leiber, Fritz | Our Lady of Darkness | 1977 |
Lem, Stanislaw | Solaris | 1970 |
L'Engle, Madeleine | A Wrinkle in Time | 1962 |
Lethem, Jonathan | Gun, With Occasional Music | 1994 |
Lethem, Jonathan | The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye [coll.] | 1996 |
Levin, Ira | This Perfect Day | 1970 |
Levinson, Paul | The Silk Code | 1999 |
Lewis, C. S. | That Hideous Strength | 1945 |
Lewis, C. S. | The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | 1950 |
Lewis, Roy | What We Did To Father | 1960 |
Lewis, Sinclair | It Can't Happen Here | 1935 |
Linaweaver, Brad | Moon of Ice | 1988 |
Lindsay, David | A Voyage To Arcturus | 1920 |
Lisle, Holly | Fire in the Mist | 1992 |
Little, Bentley | The Revelation | 1990 |
Longyear, Barry B. | "Enemy Mine" | 1979 |
Longyear, Barry B. | Infinity Hold | 1989 |
Lowachee, Karin | Warchild | 2002 |
Lowry, Lois | The Giver | 1993 |
Lucashenko, Melissa | Killing Darcy | 1998 |
Luckett, Dave | A Dark Winter | 1998 |
Luckett, Dave | A Dark Victory | 1999 |
Lupoff, Richard A. | Sword of the Demon | 1977 |
Lupoff, Richard A. | Space War Blues | 1978 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | The Dancers of Arun | 1979 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | Watchtower | 1979 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | Dragon's Winter | 1998 |
MacAvoy, R. A. | Tea with the Black Dragon | 1983 |
MacLean, Katherine | "The Missing Man" | 1971 |
MacLean, Katherine | The Missing Man | 1975 |
MacLeod, Ian R. | The Great Wheel | 1997 |
MacLeod, Ian R. | The Light Ages | 2003 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Star Fraction | 1995 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Stone Canal | 1996 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Cassini Division | 1998 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Sky Road | 1999 |
MacLeod, Ken | Cosmonaut Keep | 2000 |
MacLeod, Ken | Dark Light | 2001 |
MacLeod, Ken | Newton's Wake | 2004 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | Beyond Apollo | 1972 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | Herovit's World | 1973 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | The Remaking of Sigmund Freud | 1985 |
Mamatas, Nick | Move Under Ground | 2004 |
Marano, Michael | Dawn Song | 1998 |
Marillier, Juliet | Daughter of the Forest | 1999 |
Marillier, Juliet | Son of the Shadows | 2000 |
Marley, Louise | The Terrorists of Irustan | 1999 |
Marley, Louise | The Child Goddess | 2004 |
Marquardt, Michelle | Blue Silence | 2002 |
Martin, George R. R. | Dying of the Light | 1977 |
Martin, George R. R. | Fevre Dream | 1982 |
Martin, George R. R. | The Armageddon Rag | 1983 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Game of Thrones | 1996 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Clash of Kings | 1998 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Storm of Swords | 2000 |
Martin, Valerie | Mary Reilly | 1990 |
Mason, Lisa | Summer of Love | 1994 |
Massie, Elizabeth | Sineater | 1992 |
Masson, David | The Caltrap Of Time [coll.] | 1968 |
Masson, Sophie | The Hand of Glory | 2002 |
Matheson, Richard | Bid Time Return | 1975 |
Matthews, Susan R. | An Exchange of Hostages | 1997 |
Matthews, Susan R. | Prisoner of Conscience | 1998 |
May, Julian | The Many-Colored Land | 1981 |
McArthur, Maxine | Time Future | 1999 |
McArthur, Maxine | Less Than Human | 2004 |
McAuley, Paul J. | 400 Billion Stars | 1988 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Eternal Light | 1991 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Pasquale's Angel | 1994 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Fairyland | 1995 |
McAuley, Paul J. | The Secret of Life | 2001 |
McAuley, Paul J. | White Devils | 2004 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonflight | 1968 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Ship Who Sang | 1969 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonquest | 1971 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The White Dragon | 1978 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragondrums | 1979 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Crystal Singer | 1982 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern | 1983 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonsdawn | 1988 |
McCaffrey, Anne | All the Weyrs of Pern | 1991 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Dolphins of Pern | 1994 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Swan Song | 1987 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Stinger | 1988 |
McCammon, Robert R. | The Wolf's Hour | 1989 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Mine | 1990 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Boy's Life | 1991 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Speaks the Nightbird | 2002 |
McCann, A. L. | The White Body of Evening | 2002 |
McCarthy, Wil | The Collapsium | 2000 |
McDevitt, Jack | The Hercules Text | 1986 |
McDevitt, Jack | The Engines of God | 1994 |
McDevitt, Jack | Eternity Road | 1997 |
McDevitt, Jack | Moonfall | 1998 |
McDevitt, Jack | Infinity Beach | 2000 |
McDevitt, Jack | Deepsix | 2001 |
McDevitt, Jack | Chindi | 2002 |
McDevitt, Jack | Omega | 2003 |
McDevitt, Jack | Polaris | 2004 |
McDonald, Ian | Desolation Road | 1988 |
McDonald, Ian | King of Morning, Queen of Day | 1991 |
McDonald, Ian | Hearts, Hands and Voices | 1992 |
McDonald, Ian | Necroville (US title: Terminal Café) | 1994 |
McDonald, Ian | Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone | 1994 |
McDonald, Ian | Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore) | 1995 |
McDonald, Ian | Sacrifice of Fools | 1997 |
McDonald, Ian | Tendeléo's Story | 2000 |
McDonald, Ian | River of Gods | 2004 |
McDowell, Ian | Mordred's Curse | 1996 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | China Mountain Zhang | 1992 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | Mission Child | 1998 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | Nekropolis | 2001 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | The Exile Waiting | 1975 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | Dreamsnake | 1978 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | The Moon and the Sun | 1997 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Forgotten Beasts of Eld | 1974 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Riddle-Master of Hed | 1976 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Heir Of Sea And Fire | 1977 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Harpist in the Wind | 1979 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Changeling Sea | 1988 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Sorceress and the Cygnet | 1991 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Cygnet and the Firebird | 1993 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Something Rich and Strange | 1994 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Book of Atrix Wolfe | 1995 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Winter Rose | 1996 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Song for the Basilisk | 1998 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Tower at Stony Wood | 2000 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Ombria in Shadow | 2002 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | In the Forests of Serre | 2003 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Alphabet of Thorn | 2004 |
McKinley, Robin | The Blue Sword | 1982 |
McKinley, Robin | The Hero and the Crown | 1984 |
McKinley, Robin | Deerskin | 1993 |
McKinley, Robin | Rose Daughter | 1997 |
McKinley, Robin | Sunshine | 2003 |
McMullen, Sean | Mirrorsun Rising | 1995 |
McMullen, Sean | The Centurion's Empire | 1998 |
McMullen, Sean | Souls in the Great Machine | 1999 |
McMullen, Sean | The Miocene Arrow | 2000 |
McMullen, Sean | Eyes of the Calculor | 2001 |
McMullen, Sean | Voyage of the Shadowmoon | 2002 |
McQuay, Mike | Memories | 1987 |
Merle, Robert | Malevil | 1973 |
Meynard, Yves | The Book of Knights | 1998 |
Michalson, Karen | Enemy Glory | 2001 |
Miéville, China | King Rat | 1998 |
Miéville, China | Perdido Street Station | 2000 |
Miéville, China | The Scar | 2003 |
Miéville, China | The Tain | 2003 |
Miéville, China | Iron Council | 2004 |
Milán, Victor | The Cybernetic Samurai | 1985 |
Miller, Faren | The Illusionists | 1991 |
Miller, Walter M., Jr. | A Canticle for Leibowitz | 1959 |
Misha | Red Spider, White Web | 1990 |
Mitchell, David | Cloud Atlas | 2004 |
Mitchell, Mary Ann | Drawn to the Grave | 1997 |
Monteleone, Thomas F. | Blood of the Lamb | 1992 |
Moon, Elizabeth | Sheepfarmer's Daughter | 1988 |
Moon, Elizabeth | Remnant Population | 1996 |
Moon, Elizabeth | The Speed of Dark | 2002 |
Moorcock, Michael | Behold the Man | 1966 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Knight of the Swords | 1971 |
Moorcock, Michael | The King of the Swords | 1971 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Sword and the Stallion | 1974 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Hollow Lands | 1975 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Condition Of Muzak | 1977 |
Moorcock, Michael | Gloriana | 1978 |
Moorcock, Michael | The War Hound and the World's Pain | 1981 |
Moorcock, Michael | Blood | 1995 |
Moore, Alan | Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons] | 1987 |
Moore, Alan | V for Vendetta [by AM & David Lloyd] | 1989 |
Moore, Alan | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen | 2000 |
Morgan, Richard | Altered Carbon | 2002 |
Morgan, Richard | Market Forces | 2004 |
Moriarty, Chris | Spin State | 2003 |
Morrow, James | This Is the Way the World Ends | 1986 |
Morrow, James | Only Begotten Daughter | 1990 |
Morrow, James | City of Truth | 1991 |
Morrow, James | Towing Jehovah | 1994 |
Morse, David | The Iron Bridge | 1998 |
Mujica Lainez, Manuelv | The Wandering Unicorn | 1983 |
Munn, H. Warner | Merlin's Ring | 1974 |
Murphy, Pat | The Falling Woman | 1986 |
Murphy, Pat | The City, Not Long After | 1989 |
Murphy, Pat | Nadya | 1996 |
Nagata, Linda | The Bohr Maker | 1995 |
Nagata, Linda | Memory | 2003 |
Nasir, Jamil | Tower of Dreams | 1999 |
Nassise, Joseph M. | Riverwatch | 2001 |
Navarro, Yvonne | Afterage | 1993 |
Newman, Kim | Anno Dracula | 1992 |
Newman, Kim | The Quorum | 1994 |
Newman, Kim | The Bloody Red Baron | 1995 |
Nicholson, Scott | The Red Church | 2002 |
Niffenegger, Audrey | The Time Traveler's Wife | 2003 |
Nissenson, Hugh | The Song of the Earth | 2001 |
Niven, Larry | Ringworld | 1970 |
Niven, Larry | Protector | 1973 |
Niven, Larry | The Mote In God's Eye [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1974 |
Niven, Larry | Inferno | 1976 |
Niven, Larry | A World Out of Time | 1976 |
Niven, Larry | Lucifer's Hammer [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1977 |
Niven, Larry | The Ringworld Engineers | 1980 |
Niven, Larry | Oath of Fealty [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1981 |
Niven, Larry | The Integral Trees | 1984 |
Niven, Larry | Footfall [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1985 |
Niven, Larry | Fallen Angels [by LN, Jerry Pournelle & Michael Flynn] | 1991 |
Nix, Garth | Sabriel | 1995 |
Nix, Garth | Lirael | 2001 |
Nix, Garth | Abhorsen | 2003 |
Noon, Jeff | Vurt | 1993 |
Norton, Andre | Sargasso of Space | 1955 |
Norton, Andre | The Beast Master | 1959 |
Norton, Andre | Witch World | 1963 |
Oates, Joyce Carol | Zombie | 1995 |
O'Brien, Flann | The Third Policeman | 1967 |
O'Brien, Robert | Z For Zachariah | 1975 |
O'Leary, Patrick | The Gift | 1997 |
O'Leary, Patrick | The Impossible Bird | 2002 |
Oliveri, Michael | Deadliest of the Species | 2001 |
O'Nan, Stewart | A Prayer for the Dying | 1999 |
O'Nan, Stewart | The Night Country | 2003 |
Ore, Rebecca | Becoming Alien | 1988 |
Ore, Rebecca | Being Alien | 1989 |
Orwell, George | Animal Farm | 1945 |
Orwell, George | Nineteen Eighty-Four | 1949 |
O'Shea, Pat | The Hounds of the Morrigan | 1985 |
Palmer, David R. | Emergence | 1984 |
Palwick, Susan | Flying in Place | 1992 |
Pangborn, Edgar | A Mirror for Observers | 1954 |
Pangborn, Edgar | Davy | 1964 |
Pangborn, Edgar | The Company of Glory | 1974 |
Panshin, Alexei | Rite of Passage | 1968 |
Park, Paul | Soldiers of Paradise | 1987 |
Park, Severna | The Annunciate | 1999 |
Passarella, J. G. | Wither | 1999 |
Paxson, Diana L. | Lady of Light | 1982 |
Paxson, Diana L. | The White Raven | 1988 |
Peak, Mervyn | Titus Groan | 1946 |
Pearce, Philippa | Tom's Midnight Garden | 1958 |
Piccirilli, Tom | The Night Class | 2002 |
Pinto, Ricardo | The Chosen | 1999 |
Piper, H. Beam | A Planet for Texans (Lonestar Planet) [by HBP & John J. McGuire] | 1958 |
Piper, H. Beam | Little Fuzzy | 1962 |
Platt, Charles | The Silicon Man | 1991 |
Pohl, Frederik | The Space Merchants [by FP & C. M. Kornbluth] | 1953 |
Pohl, Frederik | Man Plus | 1976 |
Pohl, Frederik | Gateway | 1977 |
Pohl, Frederik | Jem | 1979 |
Pohl, Frederik | Beyond the Blue Event Horizon | 1980 |
Pohl, Frederik | The Years of the City | 1984 |
Pohl, Frederik | Stopping at Slowyear | 1992 |
Pollack, Rachel | Temporary Agency | 1994 |
Pollack, Rachel | Godmother Night | 1996 |
Pournelle, Jerry | Janissaries | 1979 |
Powers, Tim | The Drawing of the Dark | 1979 |
Powers, Tim | The Anubis Gates | 1983 |
Powers, Tim | Dinner at Deviant's Palace | 1985 |
Powers, Tim | On Stranger Tides | 1987 |
Powers, Tim | The Stress of Her Regard | 1989 |
Powers, Tim | Last Call | 1992 |
Powers, Tim | Expiration Date | 1995 |
Powers, Tim | Earthquake Weather | 1997 |
Powers, Tim | Declare | 2000 |
Pratchett, Terry | Pyramids | 1989 |
Pratchett, Terry | Good Omens [by TP & Neil Gaiman] | 1990 |
Pratchett, Terry | Hogfather | 1996 |
Pratchett, Terry | Night Watch | 2002 |
Pratchett, Terry | Monstrous Regiment | 2003 |
Pratchett, Terry | The Wee Free Men | 2003 |
Pratchett, Terry | Going Postal | 2004 |
Pratchett, Terry | A Hat Full of Sky | 2004 |
Preuss, Paul | Secret Passages | 1997 |
Priest, Christopher | The Inverted World | 1974 |
Priest, Christopher | The Space Machine | 1976 |
Priest, Christopher | The Affirmation | 1981 |
Priest, Christopher | The Glamour | 1984 |
Priest, Christopher | The Prestige | 1995 |
Priest, Christopher | The Extremes | 1998 |
Priest, Christopher | The Separation | 2002 |
Pullman, Philip | His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass | 2000 |
Pynchon, Thomas | Gravity's Rainbow | 1973 |
Rand, Ayn | Anthem | 1937 |
Rand, Ayn | Atlas Shrugged | 1957 |
Rawn, Melanie | Dragon Prince | 1988 |
Rawn, Melanie | The Golden Key [by MR, Jennifer Roberson & Kate Elliott] | 1996 |
Reamy, Tom | Blind Voices | 1978 |
Reed, Robert | Down the Bright Way | 1991 |
Reed, Robert | Sister Alice | 2003 |
Reed, Robert | Mere | 2004 |
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield | Dark Matter | 1990 |
Resnick, Mike | Ivory | 1988 |
Resnick, Mike | Bully! | 1990 |
Resnick, Mike | "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" | 1994 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Revelation Space | 2000 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Chasm City | 2001 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Absolution Gap | 2003 |
Rice, Anne | Interview with the Vampire | 1976 |
Rice, Anne | The Vampire Lestat | 1985 |
Rice, Anne | The Queen of the Damned | 1988 |
Rice, Anne | The Witching Hour | 1990 |
Rice, Anne | The Tale of the Body Thief | 1992 |
Roberts, Adam | Salt | 2000 |
Roberts, Keith | Pavana | 1968 |
Roberts, Keith | Molly Zero | 1980 |
Roberts, Keith | Kiteworld | 1985 |
Roberts, Keith | Gráinne | 1987 |
Robinson, Frank M. | The Dark Beyond the Stars | 1991 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Wild Shore | 1984 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Memory of Whiteness | 1985 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Gold Coast | 1988 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Pacific Edge | 1990 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | A Short, Sharp Shock | 1990 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Red Mars | 1992 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Green Mars | 1993 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Blue Mars | 1996 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Years of Rice and Salt | 2002 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Forty Signs of Rain | 2004 |
Robinson, Spider | "Stardance" [by SR & Jeanne Robinson] | 1977 |
Robson, Justina | Silver Screen | 1999 |
Robson, Justina | Natural History | 2003 |
Rosenblum, Mary | The Drylands | 1993 |
Roszak, Theodore | The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein | 1995 |
Roth, Philip | The Plot Against America | 2004 |
Routley, Jane | Fire Angels | 1998 |
Routley, Jane | Aramaya | 1999 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | 1997 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | 1999 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 2000 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 2003 |
Rucker, Rudy | White Light | 1980 |
Rucker, Rudy | Software | 1982 |
Rucker, Rudy | Wetware | 1988 |
Rucker, Rudy | Spaceland | 2002 |
Ruff, Matt | Fool on the Hill | 1988 |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn | The Gallery of His Dreams | 1991 |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn | The White Mists of Power | 1991 |
Rushdie, Salman | Haroun and the Sea of Stories | 1992 |
Russ, Joanna | And Chaos Died | 1970 |
Russ, Joanna | The Female Man | 1975 |
Russ, Joanna | We Who Are About To... | 1977 |
Russell, Eric Frank | The Great Explosion | 1962 |
Russell, Mary Doria | The Sparrow | 1996 |
Russell, Mary Doria | Children of God | 1998 |
Russo, Richard Paul | Subterranean Gallery | 1989 |
Russo, Richard Paul | Ship of Fools | 2001 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Warrior Who Carried Life | 1985 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Unconquered Country | 1986 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Child Garden | 1989 |
Ryman, Geoff | Was | 1992 |
Ryman, Geoff | 253: The Print Remix | 1998 |
Ryman, Geoff | Lust | 2001 |
Ryman, Geoff | Air | 2004 |
Sagan, Carl | Contact | 1985 |
Saint, H. F. | Memoirs of an Invisible Man | 1987 |
Sarban | Ringstones | 1951 |
Sarban | The Sound Of His Horn | 1952 |
Sargent, Pamela | "Danny Goes to Mars" | 1992 |
Saul, John | The God Project | 1983 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Golden Fleece | 1990 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Far-Seer | 1992 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | End of an Era | 1994 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | The Terminal Experiment | 1995 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Starplex | 1996 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Frameshift | 1997 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Illegal Alien | 1997 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Factoring Humanity | 1998 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Flashforward | 1999 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Calculating God | 2000 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Hominids | 2002 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Humans | 2003 |
Saxton, Josephine | Queen of the States | 1986 |
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann | The Healer's War | 1988 |
Schenck, Hilbert | At the Eye of the Ocean | 1981 |
Schenck, Hilbert | A Rose For Armageddon | 1982 |
Schmitz, James H. | The Witches of Karres | 1966 |
Schroeder, Karl | Permanence | 2002 |
Schulman, J. Neil | Alongside Night | 1979 |
Schulman, J. Neil | The Rainbow Cadenza | 1983 |
Scott, Martin | Thraxas | 1999 |
Scott, Melissa | The Game Beyond | 1984 |
Scott, Melissa | Burning Bright | 1993 |
Scott, Melissa | Trouble and Her Friends | 1994 |
Scott, Melissa | Shadow Man | 1995 |
Scott, Melissa | Point of Dreams [by MS & Lisa A. Barnett] | 2001 |
Searcy, David | Ordinary Horror | 2001 |
Sebold, Alice | The Lovely Bones | 2002 |
Segriff, Larry | Alien Dreams | 1998 |
Shaw, Bob | Night Walk | 1967 |
Shaw, Bob | Other Days, Other Eyes | 1972 |
Shaw, Bob | Orbitsville | 1975 |
Shaw, Bob | A Wreath Of Stars | 1976 |
Shaw, Bob | The Ragged Astronauts | 1986 |
Shea, Michael | Nifft the Lean | 1982 |
Shea, Robert | Illuminatus! [by RS & Robert Anton Wilson] | 1975 |
Sheckley, Robert | Mindswap | 1966 |
Sheckley, Robert | Options | 1975 |
Sheffield, Charles | Sight Of Proteus | 1978 |
Sheffield, Charles | The Web Between The Worlds | 1979 |
Sheffield, Charles | Brother to Dragons | 1992 |
Sheffield, Charles | "Georgia on My Mind" | 1993 |
Shelley, Mary | Frankenstein | 1818 |
Shepard, Lucius | Green Eyes | 1984 |
Shepard, Lucius | Life During Wartime | 1987 |
Shepard, Lucius | "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" | 1988 |
Shepard, Lucius | "The Father of Stones" | 1989 |
Shepard, Lucius | "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" | 1992 |
Shepard, Lucius | The Golden | 1993 |
Shepard, Lucius | Louisiana Breakdown | 2003 |
Shepard, Lucius | Viator | 2004 |
Sherman, Delia | Through a Brazen Mirror | 1989 |
Sherman, Delia | The Porcelain Dove | 1993 |
Shiner, Lewis | Frontera | 1984 |
Shiner, Lewis | Deserted Cities of the Heart | 1988 |
Shiner, Lewis | Glimpses | 1993 |
Shinn, Sharon | The Shape-Changer's Wife | 1995 |
Shusterman, Neal | The Dark Side of Nowhere | 1997 |
Silverberg, Robert | Thorns | 1967 |
Silverberg, Robert | Hawksbill Station | 1967 |
Silverberg, Robert | "Nightwings" | 1968 |
Silverberg, Robert | Nightwings | 1969 |
Silverberg, Robert | Up the Line | 1969 |
Silverberg, Robert | Tower of Glass | 1970 |
Silverberg, Robert | A Time of Changes | 1971 |
Silverberg, Robert | The World Inside | 1971 |
Silverberg, Robert | The Book of Skulls | 1972 |
Silverberg, Robert | Dying Inside | 1972 |
Silverberg, Robert | The Stochastic Man | 1975 |
Silverberg, Robert | Shadrach in the Furnace | 1977 |
Silverberg, Robert | Lord Valentine's Castle | 1980 |
Silverberg, Robert | Thebes of the Hundred Gates | 1992 |
Simak, Clifford D. | City | 1952 |
Simak, Clifford D. | Way Station | 1963 |
Simak, Clifford D. | The Goblin Reservation | 1968 |
Simak, Clifford D. | A Choice of Gods | 1972 |
Simak, Clifford D. | A Heritage of Stars | 1977 |
Simak, Clifford D. | "Grotto of the Dancing Deer" | 1980 |
Simak, Clifford D. | Project Pope | 1981 |
Simmons, Dan | Song of Kali | 1985 |
Simmons, Dan | Carrion Comfort | 1989 |
Simmons, Dan | Hyperion | 1989 |
Simmons, Dan | Entropy's Bed at Midnight | 1990 |
Simmons, Dan | The Fall of Hyperion | 1990 |
Simmons, Dan | Summer of Night | 1991 |
Simmons, Dan | Children of the Night | 1992 |
Simmons, Dan | Fires of Eden | 1994 |
Simmons, Dan | Endymion | 1996 |
Simmons, Dan | The Rise of Endymion | 1997 |
Simmons, Dan | A Winter Haunting | 2002 |
Simmons, Dan | Ilium | 2003 |
Sinisalo, Johanna | Not Before Sundown | 2003 |
Siodmak, Curt | Donovan's Brain | 1943 |
Skinner, B.F. | Walden Two | 1948 |
Sladek, John | Roderick | 1982 |
Sladek, John | Tik-Tok | 1983 |
Slonczewski, Joan | A Door Into Ocean | 1986 |
Slonczewski, Joan | The Children Star | 1998 |
Smith, Cordwainer | Norstrilia | 1975 |
Smith, Dean Wesley | Laying the Music to Rest | 1989 |
Smith, Kristine | Code of Conduct | 1999 |
Smith, L. Neil | The Probability Broach | 1980 |
Smith, L. Neil | Pallas | 1993 |
Smith, L. Neil | Forge of the Elders | 2000 |
Smith, Michael Marshall | Only Forward | 1994 |
Smith, Michael Marshall | One of Us | 1998 |
Snyder, Midori | The Innamorati | 1998 |
Somtow, S. P. | Moon Dance | 1990 |
Somtow, S. P. | Darker Angels | 1997 |
Spencer, Wen | Alien Taste | 2001 |
Spencer, William Browning | Resume with Monsters | 1995 |
Spencer, William Browning | Irrational Fears | 1998 |
Spinrad, Norman | Bug Jack Barron | 1969 |
Spinrad, Norman | The Iron Dream | 1972 |
Spinrad, Norman | A World Between | 1979 |
Spinrad, Norman | Songs from the Stars | 1980 |
Spinrad, Norman | The Void Captain's Tale | 1983 |
Spinrad, Norman | Greenhouse Summer | 1999 |
Springer, Nancy | The Sable Moon | 1981 |
Springer, Nancy | Larque on the Wing | 1994 |
Springer, Nancy | Metal Angel | 1994 |
Springer, Nancy | Fair Peril | 1996 |
Stableford, Brian | The Halcyon Drift | 1972 |
Stableford, Brian | The Empire of Fear | 1988 |
Stallman, Robert | The Orphan | 1980 |
Stanton, Mary | The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West | 1988 |
Stapledon, Olaf | Last and First Men | 1930 |
Stapledon, Olaf | Star Maker | 1937 |
Stasheff, Christopher | The Warlock in Spite of Himself | 1969 |
Steele, Allen | Orbital Decay | 1989 |
Steele, Allen | Clarke County, Space | 1990 |
Steele, Allen | "...Where Angels Fear to Tread" | 1997 |
Stephenson, Neal | Snow Crash | 1992 |
Stephenson, Neal | The Diamond Age | 1995 |
Stephenson, Neal | Cryptonomicon | 1999 |
Stephenson, Neal | Quicksilver | 2003 |
Stephenson, Neal | The System of the World | 2004 |
Sterling, Bruce | Schismatrix | 1985 |
Sterling, Bruce | Islands in the Net | 1988 |
Sterling, Bruce | Holy Fire | 1996 |
Sterling, Bruce | Distraction | 1998 |
Stevermer, Caroline | River Rats | 1992 |
Stevermer, Caroline | A College of Magics | 1994 |
Stewart, George R. | Earth Abides | 1949 |
Stewart, Mary | The Crystal Cave | 1970 |
Stewart, Mary | The Hollow Hills | 1973 |
Stewart, Sean | Passion Play | 1992 |
Stewart, Sean | Nobody's Son | 1993 |
Stewart, Sean | Resurrection Man | 1995 |
Stewart, Sean | Clouds End | 1996 |
Stewart, Sean | Mockingbird | 1998 |
Stewart, Sean | Galveston | 2000 |
Stewart, Sean | Perfect Circle | 2004 |
Stith, John E. | Redshift Rendezvous | 1990 |
Stith, John E. | Manhattan Transfer | 1993 |
Stoddard, James | The High House | 1998 |
Stoker, Bram | Dracula | 1897 |
Stone, Del, Jr. | Dead Heat | 1996 |
Stover, Matthew Woodring | Iron Dawn | 1997 |
Straub, Peter | Shadowland | 1980 |
Straub, Peter | Floating Dragon | 1983 |
Straub, Peter | Koko | 1988 |
Straub, Peter | The Throat | 1993 |
Straub, Peter | The Hellfire Club | 1996 |
Straub, Peter | Mr. X | 1998 |
Straub, Peter | lost boy lost girl | 2003 |
Straub, Peter | In the Night Room | 2004 |
Stross, Charles | Singularity Sky | 2003 |
Stross, Charles | Iron Sunrise | 2004 |
Sturgeon, Theodore | More Than Human | 1953 |
Sucharitkul, Somtow | Starship & Haiku | 1981 |
Sullivan, Tricia | Dreaming in Smoke | 1998 |
Sullivan, Tricia | Maul | 2003 |
Süskind, Patrick | Perfume | 1986 |
Sussex, Lucy | The Scarlet Rider | 1996 |
Swann, Thomas Burnett | The Forest of Forever | 1971 |
Swann, Thomas Burnett | How Are the Mighty Fallen | 1974 |
Swanwick, Michael | Griffin's Egg | 1991 |
Swanwick, Michael | Stations of the Tide | 1991 |
Swanwick, Michael | The Iron Dragon's Daughter | 1993 |
Swanwick, Michael | Jack Faust | 1997 |
Swanwick, Michael | Bones of the Earth | 2002 |
Sweet, Caitlin | A Telling of Stars | 2003 |
Tarr, Judith | Lord of the Two Lands | 1993 |
Taylor, Keith | Bard III: The Wild Sea | 1986 |
Taylor, Lucy | The Safety of Unknown Cities | 1995 |
Tem, Melanie | Prodigal | 1991 |
Tem, Melanie | The Man on the Ceiling [by Steve Rasnic Tem & MT] | 2000 |
Tem, Steve Rasnic | In These Final Days of Sales | 2001 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Grass | 1989 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Beauty | 1991 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Sideshow | 1992 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | A Plague of Angels | 1993 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Shadow's End | 1994 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Gibbon's Decline and Fall | 1996 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Family Tree | 1997 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Six Moon Dance | 1998 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Singer from the Sea | 1999 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Fresco | 2000 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Visitor | 2002 |
Tessier, Thomas | Fog Heart | 1997 |
Tevis, Walter | The Man Who Fell To Earth | 1963 |
Tevis, Walter | Mockingbird | 1980 |
Thomas, Donald Michael | The White Hotel | 1981 |
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall | Reindeer Moon | 1987 |
Thomas, Lee | Stained | 2004 |
Thomson, Amy | Virtual Girl | 1993 |
Thomson, Amy | The Color of Distance | 1995 |
Thomson, Amy | Storyteller | 2003 |
Tilley, Patrick | Mission | 1982 |
Tiptree, James, Jr. | Up the Walls of the World | 1978 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Hobbit | 1937 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Lord of the Rings | 1955 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Silmarillion | 1977 |
Traviss, Karen | City of Pearl | 2004 |
Tucker, Wilson | The Year of the Quiet Sun | 1970 |
Turner, Delia Marshall | Nameless Magery | 1998 |
Turner, George | The Sea and Summer | 1987 |
Turner, George | Brain Child | 1991 |
Turner, George | Genetic Soldier | 1994 |
Turtledove, Harry | Worldwar: In the Balance | 1994 |
Turtledove, Harry | How Few Remain | 1997 |
Turtledove, Harry | Ruled Britannia | 2002 |
Turtledove, Harry | Gunpowder Empire | 2003 |
Tuttle, Lisa | Lost Futures | 1992 |
Tuttle, Lisa | The Pillow Friend | 1996 |
Tuttle, Lisa | My Death | 2004 |
Van Gores, Alida | Mermaid's Song | 1989 |
van Vogt, A. E. | Slan | 1946 |
van Vogt, A. E. | The World of Null-A | 1948 |
van Vogt, A. E. | The Weapon Shops of Isher | 1951 |
Vance, Jack | The Dying Earth | 1950 |
Vance, Jack | "The Dragon Masters" | 1963 |
Vance, Jack | "The Last Castle" | 1966 |
Vance, Jack | Lyonesse | 1983 |
Vance, Jack | Lyonesse: Madouc | 1989 |
VanderMeer, Jeff | Veniss Underground | 2003 |
Varley, John | Titan | 1979 |
Varley, John | Wizard | 1980 |
Varley, John | Millennium | 1983 |
Varley, John | "PRESS ENTER[]" | 1984 |
Varley, John | Steel Beach | 1992 |
Varley, John | The Golden Globe | 1998 |
Varley, John | Red Thunder | 2003 |
Vidal, Gore | Kalki | 1978 |
Vinge, Joan D. | The Snow Queen | 1980 |
Vinge, Joan D. | The Summer Queen | 1991 |
Vinge, Vernor | The Peace War | 1984 |
Vinge, Vernor | Marooned in Realtime | 1986 |
Vinge, Vernor | A Fire Upon the Deep | 1992 |
Vinge, Vernor | A Deepness in the Sky | 1999 |
Volsky, Paula | The Grand Ellipse | 2000 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | The Sirens of Titan | 1959 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | Slaughterhouse-Five | 1969 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | Breakfast of Champions | 1973 |
Waitman, Katie | The Merro Tree | 1997 |
Waldrop, Howard | Them Bones | 1984 |
Waldrop, Howard | A Dozen Tough Jobs | 1989 |
Walton, Evangeline | The Song of Rhiannon | 1972 |
Walton, Evangeline | Prince of Annwn | 1974 |
Walton, Jo | The King's Peace | 2000 |
Walton, Jo | Tooth and Claw | 2003 |
Watson, Ian | The Embedding | 1973 |
Watson, Ian | The Jonah Kit | 1975 |
Watson, Ian | Alien Embassy | 1977 |
Watts, Peter | Starfish | 1999 |
Watts, Peter | Maelstrom | 2001 |
Wells, H. G. | The War of the Worlds | 1898 |
Wells, H. G. | The Time Machine | 1985 |
Wells, Martha | The Element of Fire | 1993 |
Westerfeld, Scott | Midnighters: The Secret Hour | 2004 |
Wharton, Ken | Divine Intervention | 2001 |
White, T. H. | The Once and Future King | 1958 |
White, T. H. | The Book of Merlyn | 1977 |
Whiteford, Wynne | Lake of the Sun | 1989 |
Wilde, Kelley | The Suiting | 1988 |
Wilder, Cherry | The Luck of Brin's Five | 1977 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang | 1976 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Juniper Time | 1979 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Naming the Flowers | 1992 |
Wilkins, Kim | The Infernal | 1997 |
Wilkins, Kim | The Resurrectionists | 2000 |
Wilkins, Kim | Angel of Ruin | 2001 |
Wilkinson, Carole | Dragonkeeper | 2003 |
Willard, Nancy | Things Invisible to See | 1985 |
Willey, Elizabeth | The Well-Favored Man | 1993 |
Williams, Conrad | Nearly People | 2001 |
Williams, Liz | The Ghost Sister | 2001 |
Williams, Liz | The Poison Master | 2003 |
Williams, Liz | Banner of Souls | 2004 |
Williams, Sean | The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix] | 1995 |
Williams, Sean | Metal Fatigue | 1996 |
Williams, Sean | The Resurrected Man | 1998 |
Williams, Sean | Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2000 |
Williams, Sean | The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2001 |
Williams, Sean | Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2002 |
Williams, Sean | The Storm Weaver and the Sand | 2002 |
Williams, Sean | Orphans of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2003 |
Williams, Sean | The Crooked Letter | 2004 |
Williams, Tad | Tailchaser's Song | 1985 |
Williams, Tess | Map of Power | 1996 |
Williams, Tess | Sea as Mirror | 2000 |
Williams, Walter Jon | Wall, Stone, Craft | 1993 |
Williams, Walter Jon | Metropolitan | 1995 |
Williams, Walter Jon | City on Fire | 1997 |
Williamson, Jack | The Humanoids | 1949 |
Willis, Connie | "Fire Watch" | 1982 |
Willis, Connie | Lincoln's Dreams | 1987 |
Willis, Connie | "The Last of the Winnebagos" | 1988 |
Willis, Connie | Doomsday Book | 1992 |
Willis, Connie | Remake | 1995 |
Willis, Connie | Bellwether | 1996 |
Willis, Connie | To Say Nothing of the Dog | 1998 |
Willis, Connie | Passage | 2001 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Healer | 1976 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Wheels Within Wheels | 1978 |
Wilson, F. Paul | An Enemy of the State | 1980 |
Wilson, F. Paul | The Keep | 1981 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Sims | 2003 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | A Hidden Place | 1986 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | The Divide | 1990 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Mysterium | 1994 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Darwinia | 1998 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Bios | 1999 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | The Chronoliths | 2001 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Blind Lake | 2003 |
Windling, Terri | The Wood Wife | 1996 |
Winter, Douglas E. | Run | 2000 |
Winter, Laurel | Growing Wings | 2000 |
Wolfe, Gene | "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" | 1972 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Shadow of the Torturer | 1980 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Claw of the Conciliator | 1981 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Sword of the Lictor | 1982 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Citadel of the Autarch | 1983 |
Wolfe, Gene | Free Live Free | 1984 |
Wolfe, Gene | Soldier of the Mist | 1986 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Urth of the New Sun | 1987 |
Wolfe, Gene | Soldier of Arete | 1989 |
Wolfe, Gene | Nightside the Long Sun | 1993 |
Wolfe, Gene | Caldé of the Long Sun | 1994 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Wizard Knight | 2004 |
Wolverton, Dave | On My Way to Paradise | 1989 |
Womack, Jack | Elvissey | 1993 |
Wood, N. Lee | Looking for the Mahdi | 1996 |
Wren, Thomas | The Doomsday Effect | 1986 |
Wright, John C. | The Golden Age | 2002 |
Wright, S. Fowler | The World Below | 1929 |
Wyndham, John | The Day of the Triffids | 1951 |
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn | The Palace | 1979 |
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn | Ariosto | 1980 |
Yolen, Jane | The Devil's Arithmetic | 1988 |
Yolen, Jane | Sister Light, Sister Dark | 1988 |
Yolen, Jane | White Jenna | 1989 |
Yolen, Jane | Briar Rose | 1992 |
Yulsman, Jerry | Elleander Morning | 1984 |
Zahn, Timothy | The Blackcollar | 1983 |
Zebrowski, George | Brute Orbits | 1998 |
Zelazny, Roger | "...And Call Me Conrad" | 1965 |
Zelazny, Roger | This Immortal | 1966 |
Zelazny, Roger | Lord of Light | 1967 |
Zelazny, Roger | Isle of the Dead | 1969 |
Zelazny, Roger | Nine Princes in Amber | 1970 |
Zelazny, Roger | Jack of Shadows | 1971 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Guns of Avalon | 1972 |
Zelazny, Roger | Doorways in the Sand | 1975 |
Zelazny, Roger | "Home Is the Hangman" | 1975 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Hand of Oberon | 1976 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Courts of Chaos | 1978 |
Zelazny, Roger | Trumps of Doom | 1985 |
Zettel, Sarah | Reclamation | 1996 |
Zindell, David | Neverness | 1988 |
Zindell, David | The Broken God | 1993 |
сортировка по дате:
Shelley, Mary | Frankenstein | 1818 |
Abbot, Edwin A. | Flatland | 1884 |
Stoker, Bram | Dracula | 1897 |
Wells, H. G. | The War of the Worlds | 1898 |
Hodgson, William Hope | The House On The Borderland | 1908 |
Burroughs, Edgar Rice | A Princess Of Mars | 1912 |
Hodgson, William Hope | The Night Land | 1912 |
Lindsay, David | A Voyage To Arcturus | 1920 |
Eddison, E. R. | The Worm Ouroboros | 1922 |
Wright, S. Fowler | The World Below | 1929 |
Stapledon, Olaf | Last and First Men | 1930 |
Huxley, Aldous | Brave New World | 1932 |
Lewis, Sinclair | It Can't Happen Here | 1935 |
Rand, Ayn | Anthem | 1937 |
Stapledon, Olaf | Star Maker | 1937 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Hobbit | 1937 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | The Incomplete Enchanter [by Fletcher Pratt & LSdC] | 1941 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | Lest Darkness Fall | 1941 |
Siodmak, Curt | Donovan's Brain | 1943 |
Gunn, Neil M. | The Green Isle Od The Great Deep | 1944 |
Lewis, C. S. | That Hideous Strength | 1945 |
Orwell, George | Animal Farm | 1945 |
Peak, Mervyn | Titus Groan | 1946 |
van Vogt, A. E. | Slan | 1946 |
Skinner, B.F. | Walden Two | 1948 |
van Vogt, A. E. | The World of Null-A | 1948 |
Orwell, George | Nineteen Eighty-Four | 1949 |
Stewart, George R. | Earth Abides | 1949 |
Williamson, Jack | The Humanoids | 1949 |
Asimov, Isaac | I, Robot [coll.] | 1950 |
Bradbury, Ray | The Martian Chronicles | 1950 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Farmer in the Sky | 1950 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Man Who Sold the Moon | 1950 |
Lewis, C. S. | The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | 1950 |
Vance, Jack | The Dying Earth | 1950 |
Sarban | Ringstones | 1951 |
van Vogt, A. E. | The Weapon Shops of Isher | 1951 |
Wyndham, John | The Day of the Triffids | 1951 |
Bester, Alfred | The Demolished Man | 1952 |
Sarban | The Sound Of His Horn | 1952 |
Simak, Clifford D. | City | 1952 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Caves of Steel | 1953 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Foundation Trilogy | 1953 |
Bradbury, Ray | Fahrenheit 451 | 1953 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Childhood's End | 1953 |
Kornbluth, C. M. | The Syndic | 1953 |
Pohl, Frederik | The Space Merchants [by FP & C. M. Kornbluth] | 1953 |
Sturgeon, Theodore | More Than Human | 1953 |
Clement, Hal | Mission of Gravity | 1954 |
Clifton, Mark | They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine) [by MC & Frank Riley] | 1954 |
Pangborn, Edgar | A Mirror for Observers | 1954 |
Asimov, Isaac | The End of Eternity | 1955 |
Brown, Fredric | Martians, Go Home! | 1955 |
Golding, William | Inheritors | 1955 |
Norton, Andre | Sargasso of Space | 1955 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Lord of the Rings | 1955 |
Bester, Alfred | The Stars My Destination | 1956 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | The City and the Stars | 1956 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Double Star | 1956 |
Finney, Jack | Time and Again | 1957 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Door Into Summer | 1957 |
Rand, Ayn | Atlas Shrugged | 1957 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Non-Stop | 1958 |
Blish, James | A Case of Conscience | 1958 |
Budrys, Algis | Who? | 1958 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Have Space Suit -- Will Travel | 1958 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Methuselah's Children | 1958 |
Leiber, Fritz | The Big Time | 1958 |
Pearce, Philippa | Tom's Midnight Garden | 1958 |
Piper, H. Beam | A Planet for Texans (Lonestar Planet) [by HBP & John J. McGuire] | 1958 |
White, T. H. | The Once and Future King | 1958 |
Condon, Richard | Manchurian Candidate | 1959 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Starship Troopers | 1959 |
Miller, Walter M., Jr. | A Canticle for Leibowitz | 1959 |
Norton, Andre | The Beast Master | 1959 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | The Sirens of Titan | 1959 |
Anderson, Poul | The High Crusade | 1960 |
Beagle, Peter S. | A Fine And Private Place | 1960 |
Budrys, Algis | Rogue Moon | 1960 |
Harrison, Harry | Deathworld | 1960 |
Lewis, Roy | What We Did To Father | 1960 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Long Afternoon of Earth | 1961 |
Harrison, Harry | The Stainless Steel Rat | 1961 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Stranger in a Strange Land | 1961 |
Bradbury, Ray | Something Wicked This Way Comes | 1962 |
Burgess, Anthony | A Clockwork Orange | 1962 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Man in the High Castle | 1962 |
L'Engle, Madeleine | A Wrinkle in Time | 1962 |
Piper, H. Beam | Little Fuzzy | 1962 |
Russell, Eric Frank | The Great Explosion | 1962 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Glory Road | 1963 |
Norton, Andre | Witch World | 1963 |
Simak, Clifford D. | Way Station | 1963 |
Tevis, Walter | The Man Who Fell To Earth | 1963 |
Vance, Jack | "The Dragon Masters" | 1963 |
Anderson, Poul | Trader to the Stars | 1964 |
Leiber, Fritz | The Wanderer | 1964 |
Pangborn, Edgar | Davy | 1964 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | "The Saliva Tree" | 1965 |
Anderson, Poul | The Star Fox | 1965 |
Herbert, Frank | Dune | 1965 |
Zelazny, Roger | "...And Call Me Conrad" | 1965 |
Ballard, J. G. | The Crystal World | 1966 |
Barth, John | Giles Goat-Boy | 1966 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Babel-17 | 1966 |
Harrison, Harry | Make Room! Make Room! | 1966 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress | 1966 |
Jones, Dennis Feltham | Colossus: Forbin Project | 1966 |
Keyes, Daniel | Flowers for Algernon | 1966 |
Moorcock, Michael | Behold the Man | 1966 |
Schmitz, James H. | The Witches of Karres | 1966 |
Sheckley, Robert | Mindswap | 1966 |
Vance, Jack | "The Last Castle" | 1966 |
Zelazny, Roger | This Immortal | 1966 |
Anthony, Piers | Chthon | 1967 |
Delany, Samuel R. | The Einstein Intersection | 1967 |
Kavan, Anna | Ice | 1967 |
O'Brien, Flann | The Third Policeman | 1967 |
Shaw, Bob | Night Walk | 1967 |
Silverberg, Robert | Thorns | 1967 |
Silverberg, Robert | Hawksbill Station | 1967 |
Zelazny, Roger | Lord of Light | 1967 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Last Unicorn | 1968 |
Brunner, John | Stand on Zanzibar | 1968 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | False Fatherland | 1968 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | 2001: A Space Odyssey | 1968 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Nova | 1968 |
Dick, Philip K. | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | 1968 |
Disch, Thomas M. | Camp Concentration | 1968 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Past Master | 1968 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | A Wizard of Earthsea | 1968 |
Masson, David | The Caltrap Of Time [coll.] | 1968 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonflight | 1968 |
Panshin, Alexei | Rite of Passage | 1968 |
Roberts, Keith | Pavana | 1968 |
Silverberg, Robert | "Nightwings" | 1968 |
Simak, Clifford D. | The Goblin Reservation | 1968 |
Brunner, John | The Jagged Orbit | 1969 |
Calvino, Italo | Cosmicomics | 1969 |
Carter, Angela | Heroes And Villains | 1969 |
Crichton, Michael | The Andromeda Strain | 1969 |
Dick, Philip K. | Ubik | 1969 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Left Hand of Darkness | 1969 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Ship Who Sang | 1969 |
Silverberg, Robert | Nightwings | 1969 |
Silverberg, Robert | Up the Line | 1969 |
Spinrad, Norman | Bug Jack Barron | 1969 |
Stasheff, Christopher | The Warlock in Spite of Himself | 1969 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | Slaughterhouse-Five | 1969 |
Zelazny, Roger | Isle of the Dead | 1969 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Moment of Eclipse | 1970 |
Anderson, Poul | Tau Zero | 1970 |
Clement, Hal | Star Light | 1970 |
Compton, D. G. | The Steel Crocodile | 1970 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | I Will Fear No Evil | 1970 |
Kosinski, Jerzy | Being There | 1970 |
Kurtz, Katherine | Deryni Rising | 1970 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Fourth Mansions | 1970 |
Lem, Stanislaw | Solaris | 1970 |
Levin, Ira | This Perfect Day | 1970 |
Niven, Larry | Ringworld | 1970 |
Russ, Joanna | And Chaos Died | 1970 |
Silverberg, Robert | Tower of Glass | 1970 |
Stewart, Mary | The Crystal Cave | 1970 |
Tucker, Wilson | The Year of the Quiet Sun | 1970 |
Zelazny, Roger | Nine Princes in Amber | 1970 |
Anderson, Poul | The Byworlder | 1971 |
Anderson, Poul | "The Queen of Air and Darkness" | 1971 |
Bunch, David | Moderan | 1971 |
Chant, Joy | Red Moon and Black Mountain | 1971 |
Gerdner, John | Grendel | 1971 |
Lafferty, R. A. | The Devil Is Dead | 1971 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Lathe of Heaven | 1971 |
MacLean, Katherine | "The Missing Man" | 1971 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonquest | 1971 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Knight of the Swords | 1971 |
Moorcock, Michael | The King of the Swords | 1971 |
Silverberg, Robert | A Time of Changes | 1971 |
Silverberg, Robert | The World Inside | 1971 |
Swann, Thomas Burnett | The Forest of Forever | 1971 |
Zelazny, Roger | Jack of Shadows | 1971 |
Adams, Richard | Watership Down | 1972 |
Anderson, Poul | There Will Be Time | 1972 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Gods Themselves | 1972 |
Brunner, John | The Sheep Look Up | 1972 |
Carter, Angela | The Infernal Desire Machine Of Dr. Hoffman | 1972 |
Effinger, George Alec | What Entropy Means to Me | 1972 |
Farmer, Philip José | To Your Scattered Bodies Go | 1972 |
Gerrold, David | When Harlie Was One | 1972 |
Gunn, James | The Listeners | 1972 |
Koestler, Arthur | The Call Girls | 1972 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | Beyond Apollo | 1972 |
Shaw, Bob | Other Days, Other Eyes | 1972 |
Silverberg, Robert | The Book of Skulls | 1972 |
Silverberg, Robert | Dying Inside | 1972 |
Simak, Clifford D. | A Choice of Gods | 1972 |
Spinrad, Norman | The Iron Dream | 1972 |
Stableford, Brian | The Halcyon Drift | 1972 |
Walton, Evangeline | The Song of Rhiannon | 1972 |
Wolfe, Gene | "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" | 1972 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Guns of Avalon | 1972 |
Anderson, Poul | Hrolf Kraki's Saga | 1973 |
Anderson, Poul | The People of the Wind | 1973 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Rendezvous with Rama | 1973 |
Gerrold, David | The Man Who Folded Himself | 1973 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Time Enough for Love | 1973 |
Herbert, Frank | Hellstrom's Hive | 1973 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | Herovit's World | 1973 |
Merle, Robert | Malevil | 1973 |
Niven, Larry | Protector | 1973 |
Pynchon, Thomas | Gravity's Rainbow | 1973 |
Stewart, Mary | The Hollow Hills | 1973 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. | Breakfast of Champions | 1973 |
Watson, Ian | The Embedding | 1973 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Billion Year Spree [nonfiction] | 1974 |
Anderson, Poul | Fire Time | 1974 |
Anderson, Poul | A Midsummer Tempest | 1974 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | The Bitter Pill | 1974 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | Walk to the End of the World | 1974 |
Dick, Philip K. | Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said | 1974 |
Haldeman, Joe | The Forever War | 1974 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Dispossessed | 1974 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Forgotten Beasts of Eld | 1974 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Sword and the Stallion | 1974 |
Munn, H. Warner | Merlin's Ring | 1974 |
Niven, Larry | The Mote In God's Eye [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1974 |
Pangborn, Edgar | The Company of Glory | 1974 |
Priest, Christopher | The Inverted World | 1974 |
Swann, Thomas Burnett | How Are the Mighty Fallen | 1974 |
Walton, Evangeline | Prince of Annwn | 1974 |
Bester, Alfred | The Computer Connection | 1975 |
Bishop, Michael | A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire | 1975 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Heritage of Hastur | 1975 |
Brunner, John | The Shockwave Rider | 1975 |
Chandler, A. Bertram | The Big Black Mark | 1975 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | Imperial Earth | 1975 |
Coney, Michael G. | Hello Summer, Goodbye | 1975 |
Crowley, John | The Deep | 1975 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Dhalgren | 1975 |
King, Stephen | Salem's Lot | 1975 |
Lee, Tanith | The Birthgrave | 1975 |
MacLean, Katherine | The Missing Man | 1975 |
Matheson, Richard | Bid Time Return | 1975 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | The Exile Waiting | 1975 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Hollow Lands | 1975 |
O'Brien, Robert | Z For Zachariah | 1975 |
Russ, Joanna | The Female Man | 1975 |
Shaw, Bob | Orbitsville | 1975 |
Shea, Robert | Illuminatus! [by RS & Robert Anton Wilson] | 1975 |
Sheckley, Robert | Options | 1975 |
Silverberg, Robert | The Stochastic Man | 1975 |
Smith, Cordwainer | Norstrilia | 1975 |
Watson, Ian | The Jonah Kit | 1975 |
Zelazny, Roger | Doorways in the Sand | 1975 |
Zelazny, Roger | "Home Is the Hangman" | 1975 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | The Malacia Tapestry | 1976 |
Coney, Michael G. | Brontomek! | 1976 |
Curval, Philippe | Cette Chére Humanité | 1976 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Triton | 1976 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | The Dragon and the George | 1976 |
Haldeman, Joe | Mindbridge | 1976 |
Herbert, Frank | Children of Dune | 1976 |
Kotzwinkle, William | Doctor Rat | 1976 |
Lake, David J. | Walkers on the Sky | 1976 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Riddle-Master of Hed | 1976 |
Niven, Larry | Inferno | 1976 |
Niven, Larry | A World Out of Time | 1976 |
Pohl, Frederik | Man Plus | 1976 |
Priest, Christopher | The Space Machine | 1976 |
Rice, Anne | Interview with the Vampire | 1976 |
Shaw, Bob | A Wreath Of Stars | 1976 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang | 1976 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Healer | 1976 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Hand of Oberon | 1976 |
Anthony, Piers | A Spell for Chameleon | 1977 |
Barrington Bayley | Collision with Chronos | 1977 |
Benford, Gregory | In the Ocean of Night | 1977 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Forbidden Tower | 1977 |
Budrys, Algis | Michaelmas | 1977 |
Chalker, Jack Laurence | Midnight At The Well Of Souls | 1977 |
Chant, Joy | The Grey Mane of Morning | 1977 |
Dick, Philip K. | A Scanner Darkly | 1977 |
Gerrold, David | Moonstar Odyssey | 1977 |
Hogan, James P. | Inherit the Stars | 1977 |
King, Stephen | The Shining | 1977 |
Leiber, Fritz | Our Lady of Darkness | 1977 |
Lupoff, Richard A. | Sword of the Demon | 1977 |
Martin, George R. R. | Dying of the Light | 1977 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Heir Of Sea And Fire | 1977 |
Moorcock, Michael | The Condition Of Muzak | 1977 |
Niven, Larry | Lucifer's Hammer [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1977 |
Pohl, Frederik | Gateway | 1977 |
Robinson, Spider | "Stardance" [by SR & Jeanne Robinson] | 1977 |
Russ, Joanna | We Who Are About To... | 1977 |
Silverberg, Robert | Shadrach in the Furnace | 1977 |
Simak, Clifford D. | A Heritage of Stars | 1977 |
Tolkien, J. R. R. | The Silmarillion | 1977 |
Watson, Ian | Alien Embassy | 1977 |
White, T. H. | The Book of Merlyn | 1977 |
Wilder, Cherry | The Luck of Brin's Five | 1977 |
Anderson, Poul | The Avatar | 1978 |
Asprin, Robert | Another Fine Myth | 1978 |
Barrington Bayley | The Garments of Caean | 1978 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | Motherlines | 1978 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Faded Sun: Kesrith | 1978 |
Cowper, Richard | The Road to Corlay | 1978 |
Dozois, Gardner | Strangers | 1978 |
Herbert, Frank | The Dosadi Experiment | 1978 |
Hogan, James P. | The Genesis Machine | 1978 |
King, Stephen | The Stand | 1978 |
King, Stephen | Night Shift [coll.] | 1978 |
Lupoff, Richard A. | Space War Blues | 1978 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The White Dragon | 1978 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | Dreamsnake | 1978 |
Moorcock, Michael | Gloriana | 1978 |
Reamy, Tom | Blind Voices | 1978 |
Sheffield, Charles | Sight Of Proteus | 1978 |
Tiptree, James, Jr. | Up the Walls of the World | 1978 |
Vidal, Gore | Kalki | 1978 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Wheels Within Wheels | 1978 |
Zelazny, Roger | The Courts of Chaos | 1978 |
Adams, Douglas | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | 1979 |
Anthony, Piers | Castle Roogna | 1979 |
Asprin, Robert | Thieves' World [ed] | 1979 |
Ballard, J. G. | The Unlimited Dream Company | 1979 |
Bishop, Michael | Transfigurations | 1979 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Fires of Azeroth | 1979 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | The Fountains of Paradise | 1979 |
Crowley, John | Engine Summer | 1979 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Tales of Nevèrÿon | 1979 |
Disch, Thomas M. | On Wings of Song | 1979 |
Duane, Diane | The Door Into Fire | 1979 |
Eisenstein, Phyllis | Sorcerer's Son | 1979 |
Golding, William | Darkness Visible | 1979 |
Ingpen, Robert | Australian Gnomes | 1979 |
King, Stephen | The Dead Zone | 1979 |
Lee, Tanith | Death's Master | 1979 |
Longyear, Barry B. | "Enemy Mine" | 1979 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | The Dancers of Arun | 1979 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | Watchtower | 1979 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragondrums | 1979 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Harpist in the Wind | 1979 |
Pohl, Frederik | Jem | 1979 |
Pournelle, Jerry | Janissaries | 1979 |
Powers, Tim | The Drawing of the Dark | 1979 |
Schulman, J. Neil | Alongside Night | 1979 |
Sheffield, Charles | The Web Between The Worlds | 1979 |
Spinrad, Norman | A World Between | 1979 |
Varley, John | Titan | 1979 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Juniper Time | 1979 |
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn | The Palace | 1979 |
Adams, Douglas | The Restaurant At the End of the Universe | 1980 |
Asprin, Robert | Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn [ed] | 1980 |
Benford, Gregory | Timescape | 1980 |
Brin, David | Sundiver | 1980 |
Broderick, Damien | The Dreaming Dragons | 1980 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Wild Seed | 1980 |
Campbell, Ramsey | To Wake the Dead | 1980 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Land of Laughs | 1980 |
Chalker, Jack Laurence | The Wars Of The Well | 1980 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Vampire Tapestry | 1980 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | The Wounded Land | 1980 |
Forward, Robert L. | Dragon's Egg | 1980 |
Godwin, Parke | Firelord | 1980 |
Gotlieb, Phyllis | A Judgment of Dragons | 1980 |
Harrison, M. John | A Storm of Wings | 1980 |
King, Stephen | Firestarter | 1980 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Beginning Place | 1980 |
Lee, Tanith | Kill the Dead | 1980 |
Niven, Larry | The Ringworld Engineers | 1980 |
Pohl, Frederik | Beyond the Blue Event Horizon | 1980 |
Roberts, Keith | Molly Zero | 1980 |
Rucker, Rudy | White Light | 1980 |
Silverberg, Robert | Lord Valentine's Castle | 1980 |
Simak, Clifford D. | "Grotto of the Dancing Deer" | 1980 |
Smith, L. Neil | The Probability Broach | 1980 |
Spinrad, Norman | Songs from the Stars | 1980 |
Stallman, Robert | The Orphan | 1980 |
Straub, Peter | Shadowland | 1980 |
Tevis, Walter | Mockingbird | 1980 |
Varley, John | Wizard | 1980 |
Vinge, Joan D. | The Snow Queen | 1980 |
Wilson, F. Paul | An Enemy of the State | 1980 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Shadow of the Torturer | 1980 |
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn | Ariosto | 1980 |
Asprin, Robert | Shadows of Sanctuary [ed] | 1981 |
Attanasio, A. A. | Radix | 1981 |
Baker, Scott | The Idiot King | 1981 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Nameless | 1981 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Downbelow Station | 1981 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Ealdwood | 1981 |
Crowley, John | Little, Big | 1981 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Divine Invasion | 1981 |
Dick, Philip K. | VALIS | 1981 |
Gray, Alasdair | Lanark | 1981 |
Hoban, Russell | Riddley Walker | 1981 |
King, Stephen | Cujo | 1981 |
King, Stephen | Danse Macabre [nonfiction] | 1981 |
Kurtz, Katherine | Camber the Heretic | 1981 |
Lake, David J. | The Man Who Loved Morlocks | 1981 |
May, Julian | The Many-Colored Land | 1981 |
Moorcock, Michael | The War Hound and the World's Pain | 1981 |
Niven, Larry | Oath of Fealty [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1981 |
Priest, Christopher | The Affirmation | 1981 |
Schenck, Hilbert | At the Eye of the Ocean | 1981 |
Simak, Clifford D. | Project Pope | 1981 |
Springer, Nancy | The Sable Moon | 1981 |
Sucharitkul, Somtow | Starship & Haiku | 1981 |
Thomas, Donald Michael | The White Hotel | 1981 |
Wilson, F. Paul | The Keep | 1981 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Claw of the Conciliator | 1981 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Spring | 1982 |
Asimov, Isaac | Foundation's Edge | 1982 |
Asprin, Robert | Storm Season [ed] | 1982 |
Bishop, Michael | No Enemy But Time | 1982 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Hawkmistress! | 1982 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Pride of Chanur | 1982 |
Clarke, Arthur C. | 2010: Odyssey Two | 1982 |
Coney, Michael G. | Cat Karina | 1982 |
Dick, Philip K. | The Transmigration of Timothy Archer | 1982 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | The One Tree | 1982 |
Griffin, Russell M. | The Blind Man And The Elephant | 1982 |
Harrison, M. John | In Viriconium | 1982 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Friday | 1982 |
Hodgell, P. C. | God Stalk | 1982 |
Hogan, James P. | Voyage from Yesteryear | 1982 |
Kendall, Carol | The Firelings | 1982 |
King, Stephen | Different Seasons [coll.] | 1982 |
King, Stephen | The Gunslinger | 1982 |
Kingsbury, Donald | Courtship Rite | 1982 |
Lafferty, R. A. | Aurelia | 1982 |
Langford, David | The Space Eater | 1982 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Compass Rose [coll.] | 1982 |
Martin, George R. R. | Fevre Dream | 1982 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Crystal Singer | 1982 |
McKinley, Robin | The Blue Sword | 1982 |
Paxson, Diana L. | Lady of Light | 1982 |
Rucker, Rudy | Software | 1982 |
Schenck, Hilbert | A Rose For Armageddon | 1982 |
Shea, Michael | Nifft the Lean | 1982 |
Sladek, John | Roderick | 1982 |
Tilley, Patrick | Mission | 1982 |
Willis, Connie | "Fire Watch" | 1982 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Sword of the Lictor | 1982 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Summer | 1983 |
Anderson, Poul | Orion Shall Rise | 1983 |
Asimov, Isaac | The Robots of Dawn | 1983 |
Barrington Bayley | The Zen Gun | 1983 |
Batchelor, John Calvin | The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica | 1983 |
Bear, Greg | "Blood Music" | 1983 |
Benford, Gregory | Against Infinity | 1983 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Mists of Avalon | 1983 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Thendara House | 1983 |
Brin, David | Startide Rising | 1983 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Incarnate | 1983 |
Chant, Joy | When Voiha Wakes | 1983 |
Cherryh, C. J. | The Tree Of Swords And Jewels | 1983 |
Ford, John M. | The Dragon Waiting | 1983 |
Gentle, Mary | Golden Witchbreed | 1983 |
Kellogg, M. Bradley | A Rumor of Angels | 1983 |
Kernaghan, Eileen | Songs from the Drowned Lands (Journey to Apriloth) | 1983 |
King, Stephen | Pet Sematary | 1983 |
MacAvoy, R. A. | Tea with the Black Dragon | 1983 |
Martin, George R. R. | The Armageddon Rag | 1983 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern | 1983 |
Mujica Lainez, Manuelv | The Wandering Unicorn | 1983 |
Powers, Tim | The Anubis Gates | 1983 |
Saul, John | The God Project | 1983 |
Schulman, J. Neil | The Rainbow Cadenza | 1983 |
Sladek, John | Tik-Tok | 1983 |
Spinrad, Norman | The Void Captain's Tale | 1983 |
Straub, Peter | Floating Dragon | 1983 |
Vance, Jack | Lyonesse | 1983 |
Varley, John | Millennium | 1983 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Citadel of the Autarch | 1983 |
Zahn, Timothy | The Blackcollar | 1983 |
Banks, Iain | The Wasp Factory | 1984 |
Barker, Clive | Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. I-III | 1984 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Digging Leviathan | 1984 |
Brin, David | The Practice Effect | 1984 |
Butler, Octavia E. | "Bloodchild" | 1984 |
Carter, Angela | Nights at the Circus | 1984 |
Dann, Jack | The Man Who Melted | 1984 |
de Lint, Charles | Moonheart | 1984 |
Delany, Samuel R. | Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand | 1984 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | The Final Encyclopedia | 1984 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | Daughter of Regals and Other Tales [coll.] | 1984 |
Elgin, Suzette Haden | Native Tongue | 1984 |
Gemmell, David | Legend | 1984 |
Gibson, William | Neuromancer | 1984 |
Gravel, Geary | The Alchemists | 1984 |
Harrison, Harry | West of Eden | 1984 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | Job: A Comedy of Justice | 1984 |
Holdstock, Robert | Mythago Wood | 1984 |
Hughart, Barry | Bridge of Birds | 1984 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | Fire and Hemlock | 1984 |
Kelleher, Victor | Beast of Heaven | 1984 |
King, Stephen | The Talisman [by SK & Peter Straub] | 1984 |
Klein, T. E. D. | The Ceremonies | 1984 |
McKinley, Robin | The Hero and the Crown | 1984 |
Niven, Larry | The Integral Trees | 1984 |
Palmer, David R. | Emergence | 1984 |
Pohl, Frederik | The Years of the City | 1984 |
Priest, Christopher | The Glamour | 1984 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Wild Shore | 1984 |
Scott, Melissa | The Game Beyond | 1984 |
Shepard, Lucius | Green Eyes | 1984 |
Shiner, Lewis | Frontera | 1984 |
Varley, John | "PRESS ENTER[]" | 1984 |
Vinge, Vernor | The Peace War | 1984 |
Waldrop, Howard | Them Bones | 1984 |
Wolfe, Gene | Free Live Free | 1984 |
Yulsman, Jerry | Elleander Morning | 1984 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Helliconia Winter | 1985 |
Atwood, Margaret | The Handmaid's Tale | 1985 |
Barker, Clive | Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. IV-VI | 1985 |
Barker, Clive | The Damnation Game | 1985 |
Bear, Greg | Blood Music [novel] | 1985 |
Bear, Greg | Eon | 1985 |
Bishop, Michael | Ancient of Days | 1985 |
Brin, David | The Postman | 1985 |
Card, Orson Scott | Ender's Game | 1985 |
Carey, Peter | Illywhacker | 1985 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Cuckoo's Egg | 1985 |
de Lint, Charles | Mulengro | 1985 |
Finch, Sheila | Infinity's Web | 1985 |
Goldstein, Lisa | The Dream Years | 1985 |
Grant, Richard | Saraband of Lost Time | 1985 |
Hodgell, P. C. | Dark of the Moon | 1985 |
King, Stephen | Skeleton Crew [coll.] | 1985 |
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. | Emprise | 1985 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Always Coming Home | 1985 |
Malzberg, Barry N. | The Remaking of Sigmund Freud | 1985 |
Milán, Victor | The Cybernetic Samurai | 1985 |
Niven, Larry | Footfall [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] | 1985 |
O'Shea, Pat | The Hounds of the Morrigan | 1985 |
Powers, Tim | Dinner at Deviant's Palace | 1985 |
Rice, Anne | The Vampire Lestat | 1985 |
Roberts, Keith | Kiteworld | 1985 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Memory of Whiteness | 1985 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Warrior Who Carried Life | 1985 |
Sagan, Carl | Contact | 1985 |
Simmons, Dan | Song of Kali | 1985 |
Sterling, Bruce | Schismatrix | 1985 |
Wells, H. G. | The Time Machine | 1985 |
Willard, Nancy | Things Invisible to See | 1985 |
Williams, Tad | Tailchaser's Song | 1985 |
Zelazny, Roger | Trumps of Doom | 1985 |
Aldiss, Brian W. | Trillion Year Spree [nonfiction] | 1986 |
Banks, Iain | The Bridge | 1986 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Folk of the Air | 1986 |
Bear, Greg | "Tangents" | 1986 |
Bisson, Terry | Talking Man | 1986 |
Blaylock, James P. | Homunculus | 1986 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Shards of Honor | 1986 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Hungry Moon | 1986 |
Card, Orson Scott | Speaker for the Dead | 1986 |
Chase, Robert R. | The Game of Fox and Lion | 1986 |
de Lint, Charles | Yarrow | 1986 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Artificial Things [coll.] | 1986 |
Frankowski, Leo | The Cross-Time Engineer | 1986 |
Gibson, William | Count Zero | 1986 |
Hambly, Barbara | Dragonsbane | 1986 |
Helprin, Mark | A City in Winter | 1986 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Darkest Road | 1986 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Wandering Fire | 1986 |
King, Stephen | It | 1986 |
McDevitt, Jack | The Hercules Text | 1986 |
Morrow, James | This Is the Way the World Ends | 1986 |
Murphy, Pat | The Falling Woman | 1986 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Unconquered Country | 1986 |
Saxton, Josephine | Queen of the States | 1986 |
Shaw, Bob | The Ragged Astronauts | 1986 |
Slonczewski, Joan | A Door Into Ocean | 1986 |
Süskind, Patrick | Perfume | 1986 |
Taylor, Keith | Bard III: The Wild Sea | 1986 |
Vinge, Vernor | Marooned in Realtime | 1986 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | A Hidden Place | 1986 |
Wolfe, Gene | Soldier of the Mist | 1986 |
Wren, Thomas | The Doomsday Effect | 1986 |
Armstrong, Michael | After the Zap | 1987 |
Arnaud, G. J. | La Compagnie des Glaces (The Ice Corporation) | 1987 |
Barker, Clive | Weaveworld | 1987 |
Barker, Clive | Cabal | 1987 |
Bear, Greg | The Forge of God | 1987 |
Benford, Gregory | Great Sky River | 1987 |
Bowker, Richard | Dover Beach | 1987 |
Brin, David | The Uplift War | 1987 |
Bull, Emma | War for the Oaks | 1987 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Dawn | 1987 |
Cadigan, Pat | Mindplayers | 1987 |
Cantrell, Lisa W. | The Manse | 1987 |
Card, Orson Scott | Seventh Son | 1987 |
Constantine, Storm | The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit | 1987 |
Crowley, John | Ægypt | 1987 |
de Lint, Charles | Jack the Giant Killer | 1987 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | Way of the Pilgrim | 1987 |
Effinger, George Alec | When Gravity Fails | 1987 |
Fergusson, Bruce | The Shadow of His Wings | 1987 |
Friedman, C. S. | In Conquest Born | 1987 |
Geary, Patricia | Strange Toys | 1987 |
Gladney, Heather | Teot's War | 1987 |
Goldstein, Lisa | A Mask for the General | 1987 |
Grant, Richard | Rumors of Spring | 1987 |
Grimwood, Ken | Replay | 1987 |
Heinlein, Robert A. | To Sail Beyond the Sunset | 1987 |
Hinz, Christopher | Liege-Killer | 1987 |
King, Stephen | Misery | 1987 |
Koman, Victor | The Jehovah Contract | 1987 |
Kushner, Ellen | Swordspoint | 1987 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Swan Song | 1987 |
McQuay, Mike | Memories | 1987 |
Moore, Alan | Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons] | 1987 |
Park, Paul | Soldiers of Paradise | 1987 |
Powers, Tim | On Stranger Tides | 1987 |
Roberts, Keith | Gráinne | 1987 |
Saint, H. F. | Memoirs of an Invisible Man | 1987 |
Shepard, Lucius | Life During Wartime | 1987 |
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall | Reindeer Moon | 1987 |
Turner, George | The Sea and Summer | 1987 |
Willis, Connie | Lincoln's Dreams | 1987 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Urth of the New Sun | 1987 |
Allen, Roger MacBride | Orphan of Creation | 1988 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Resurrection, Inc. | 1988 |
Banks, Iain | The Player of Games | 1988 |
Bishop, Michael | Unicorn Mountain | 1988 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Last Coin | 1988 |
Broderick, Damien | Striped Holes | 1988 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Falling Free | 1988 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Influence | 1988 |
Card, Orson Scott | Red Prophet | 1988 |
Carroll, Jonathan | Sleeping In Flame | 1988 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Cyteen | 1988 |
Dalkey, Kara | The Nightingale | 1988 |
Forward, Robert L. | Futue Magic | 1988 |
Gibson, William | Mona Lisa Overdrive | 1988 |
Hambly, Barbara | Those Who Hunt the Night | 1988 |
Harris, Thomas | The Silence of the Lambs | 1988 |
Holdstock, Robert | Lavondyss | 1988 |
Laidlaw, Marc | Neon Lotus | 1988 |
Lansdale, Joe R. | The Drive-In | 1988 |
Linaweaver, Brad | Moon of Ice | 1988 |
McAuley, Paul J. | 400 Billion Stars | 1988 |
McCaffrey, Anne | Dragonsdawn | 1988 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Stinger | 1988 |
McDonald, Ian | Desolation Road | 1988 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Changeling Sea | 1988 |
Moon, Elizabeth | Sheepfarmer's Daughter | 1988 |
Ore, Rebecca | Becoming Alien | 1988 |
Paxson, Diana L. | The White Raven | 1988 |
Rawn, Melanie | Dragon Prince | 1988 |
Resnick, Mike | Ivory | 1988 |
Rice, Anne | The Queen of the Damned | 1988 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Gold Coast | 1988 |
Rucker, Rudy | Wetware | 1988 |
Ruff, Matt | Fool on the Hill | 1988 |
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann | The Healer's War | 1988 |
Shepard, Lucius | "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" | 1988 |
Shiner, Lewis | Deserted Cities of the Heart | 1988 |
Stableford, Brian | The Empire of Fear | 1988 |
Stanton, Mary | The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West | 1988 |
Sterling, Bruce | Islands in the Net | 1988 |
Straub, Peter | Koko | 1988 |
Wilde, Kelley | The Suiting | 1988 |
Willis, Connie | "The Last of the Winnebagos" | 1988 |
Yolen, Jane | The Devil's Arithmetic | 1988 |
Yolen, Jane | Sister Light, Sister Dark | 1988 |
Zindell, David | Neverness | 1988 |
Anderson, Poul | The Boat of a Million Years | 1989 |
Bishop, Michael | Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana | 1989 |
Card, Orson Scott | Prentice Alvin | 1989 |
Carroll, Jonathan | A Child Across the Sky | 1989 |
Collins, Nancy A. | Sunglasses After Dark | 1989 |
Cramer, John G. | Twistor | 1989 |
Duncan, Dave | West of January | 1989 |
Dunn, Katherine | Geek Love | 1989 |
Edgerton, Teresa | Child of Saturn | 1989 |
Effinger, George Alec | A Fire in the Sun | 1989 |
Grant, Charles L. | In a Dark Dream | 1989 |
Greenhalgh, Zohra | Contrarywise | 1989 |
Houssin, Joél | Argentine | 1989 |
Huff, Tanya | Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light | 1989 |
Jeter, K. W. | Farewell Horizontal | 1989 |
Kessel, John | Good News from Outer Space | 1989 |
Kirstein, Rosemary | The Steerswoman | 1989 |
Koman, Victor | Solomon's Knife | 1989 |
Koontz, Dean | Midnight | 1989 |
Larson, Jeanne | Silk Road | 1989 |
Longyear, Barry B. | Infinity Hold | 1989 |
McCammon, Robert R. | The Wolf's Hour | 1989 |
Moore, Alan | V for Vendetta [by AM & David Lloyd] | 1989 |
Murphy, Pat | The City, Not Long After | 1989 |
Ore, Rebecca | Being Alien | 1989 |
Powers, Tim | The Stress of Her Regard | 1989 |
Pratchett, Terry | Pyramids | 1989 |
Russo, Richard Paul | Subterranean Gallery | 1989 |
Ryman, Geoff | The Child Garden | 1989 |
Shepard, Lucius | "The Father of Stones" | 1989 |
Sherman, Delia | Through a Brazen Mirror | 1989 |
Simmons, Dan | Carrion Comfort | 1989 |
Simmons, Dan | Hyperion | 1989 |
Smith, Dean Wesley | Laying the Music to Rest | 1989 |
Steele, Allen | Orbital Decay | 1989 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Grass | 1989 |
Van Gores, Alida | Mermaid's Song | 1989 |
Vance, Jack | Lyonesse: Madouc | 1989 |
Waldrop, Howard | A Dozen Tough Jobs | 1989 |
Whiteford, Wynne | Lake of the Sun | 1989 |
Wolfe, Gene | Soldier of Arete | 1989 |
Wolverton, Dave | On My Way to Paradise | 1989 |
Yolen, Jane | White Jenna | 1989 |
Banks, Iain | Use of Weapons | 1990 |
Bear, Greg | Queen of Angels | 1990 |
Bisson, Terry | "Bears Discover Fire" | 1990 |
Blake, Katherine | The Interior Life | 1990 |
Brin, David | Earth | 1990 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | The Vor Game | 1990 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Midnight Sun | 1990 |
Dowling, Terry | Rhynosseros | 1990 |
Feist, Raymond E. | Servant of the Empire [by REF & Janny Wurts] | 1990 |
Flynn, Michael F. | In the Country of the Blind | 1990 |
Gaiman, Neil | Good Omens [by Terry Pratchett & NG] | 1990 |
Gentle, Mary | Rats and Gargoyles | 1990 |
Gibson, William | The Difference Engine [by WG & Bruce Sterling] | 1990 |
Greenland, Colin | Take Back Plenty | 1990 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Winterlong | 1990 |
Johnson, Toby | Secret Matter | 1990 |
Kandel, Michael | In Between Dragons | 1990 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Tigana | 1990 |
King, Stephen | Four Past Midnight [coll.] | 1990 |
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. | The Quiet Pools | 1990 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea | 1990 |
Little, Bentley | The Revelation | 1990 |
Martin, Valerie | Mary Reilly | 1990 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Mine | 1990 |
Misha | Red Spider, White Web | 1990 |
Morrow, James | Only Begotten Daughter | 1990 |
Pratchett, Terry | Good Omens [by TP & Neil Gaiman] | 1990 |
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield | Dark Matter | 1990 |
Resnick, Mike | Bully! | 1990 |
Rice, Anne | The Witching Hour | 1990 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Pacific Edge | 1990 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | A Short, Sharp Shock | 1990 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Golden Fleece | 1990 |
Simmons, Dan | Entropy's Bed at Midnight | 1990 |
Simmons, Dan | The Fall of Hyperion | 1990 |
Somtow, S. P. | Moon Dance | 1990 |
Steele, Allen | Clarke County, Space | 1990 |
Stith, John E. | Redshift Rendezvous | 1990 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | The Divide | 1990 |
Aldridge, Ray | Gate of Faces | 1991 |
Arnason, Eleanor | A Woman of the Iron People | 1991 |
Barker, Clive | Imajica | 1991 |
Barnes, John | Orbital Resonance | 1991 |
Baxter, Stephen | Raft | 1991 |
Bell, Douglas | Mojo and the Pickle Jar | 1991 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Paper Grail | 1991 |
Bryant, Edward | Fetish | 1991 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Barrayar | 1991 |
Bull, Emma | Bone Dance | 1991 |
Cadigan, Pat | Synners | 1991 |
Card, Orson Scott | Xenocide | 1991 |
Carroll, Jonathan | Outside the Dog Museum | 1991 |
Danvers, Dennis | Wilderness | 1991 |
de Lint, Charles | The Little Country | 1991 |
de Lint, Charles | Our Lady of the Harbour | 1991 |
Denton, Bradley | Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede | 1991 |
Disch, Thomas M. | The M.D. | 1991 |
Dowling, Terry | Wormwood [coll.] | 1991 |
Fancher, Jane | Groundties | 1991 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Sarah Canary | 1991 |
Gentle, Mary | The Architecture of Desire | 1991 |
Gilman, Greer Ilene | Moonwise | 1991 |
Hogan, James P. | Entoverse | 1991 |
Holdstock, Robert | The Fetch | 1991 |
Huff, Tanya | Blood Price | 1991 |
Jablokov, Alexander | Carve the Sky | 1991 |
Jones, Gwyneth | White Queen | 1991 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands | 1991 |
King, Stephen | Needful Things | 1991 |
Koja, Kathe | The Cipher | 1991 |
Kress, Nancy | "Beggars in Spain" | 1991 |
Kushner, Ellen | Thomas the Rhymer | 1991 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Eternal Light | 1991 |
McCaffrey, Anne | All the Weyrs of Pern | 1991 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Boy's Life | 1991 |
McDonald, Ian | King of Morning, Queen of Day | 1991 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Sorceress and the Cygnet | 1991 |
Miller, Faren | The Illusionists | 1991 |
Morrow, James | City of Truth | 1991 |
Niven, Larry | Fallen Angels [by LN, Jerry Pournelle & Michael Flynn] | 1991 |
Platt, Charles | The Silicon Man | 1991 |
Reed, Robert | Down the Bright Way | 1991 |
Robinson, Frank M. | The Dark Beyond the Stars | 1991 |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn | The Gallery of His Dreams | 1991 |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn | The White Mists of Power | 1991 |
Simmons, Dan | Summer of Night | 1991 |
Swanwick, Michael | Griffin's Egg | 1991 |
Swanwick, Michael | Stations of the Tide | 1991 |
Tem, Melanie | Prodigal | 1991 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Beauty | 1991 |
Turner, George | Brain Child | 1991 |
Vinge, Joan D. | The Summer Queen | 1991 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Assemblers of Infinity [by KJA & Doug Beason] | 1992 |
Barnes, John | A Million Open Doors | 1992 |
Blaylock, James P. | Lord Kelvin's Machine | 1992 |
Brite, Poppy Z. | Lost Souls | 1992 |
Calder, Richard | Dead Girls | 1992 |
Card, Orson Scott | The Memory of Earth | 1992 |
Coville, Bruce | My Teacher Glows in the Dark | 1992 |
Dowling, Terry | Blue Tyson | 1992 |
Egan, Greg | Quarantine | 1992 |
Gould, Steven | Jumper | 1992 |
Grant, Richard | Through the Heart | 1992 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Æstival Tide | 1992 |
Hogan, James P. | The Multiplex Man | 1992 |
Joyce, Graham | Dark Sister | 1992 |
Katz, Judith | Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound | 1992 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | A Song for Arbonne | 1992 |
Kessel, John | Meeting in Infinity | 1992 |
Lisle, Holly | Fire in the Mist | 1992 |
Massie, Elizabeth | Sineater | 1992 |
McDonald, Ian | Hearts, Hands and Voices | 1992 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | China Mountain Zhang | 1992 |
Monteleone, Thomas F. | Blood of the Lamb | 1992 |
Newman, Kim | Anno Dracula | 1992 |
Palwick, Susan | Flying in Place | 1992 |
Pohl, Frederik | Stopping at Slowyear | 1992 |
Powers, Tim | Last Call | 1992 |
Rice, Anne | The Tale of the Body Thief | 1992 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Red Mars | 1992 |
Rushdie, Salman | Haroun and the Sea of Stories | 1992 |
Ryman, Geoff | Was | 1992 |
Sargent, Pamela | "Danny Goes to Mars" | 1992 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Far-Seer | 1992 |
Sheffield, Charles | Brother to Dragons | 1992 |
Shepard, Lucius | "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" | 1992 |
Silverberg, Robert | Thebes of the Hundred Gates | 1992 |
Simmons, Dan | Children of the Night | 1992 |
Stephenson, Neal | Snow Crash | 1992 |
Stevermer, Caroline | River Rats | 1992 |
Stewart, Sean | Passion Play | 1992 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Sideshow | 1992 |
Tuttle, Lisa | Lost Futures | 1992 |
Varley, John | Steel Beach | 1992 |
Vinge, Vernor | A Fire Upon the Deep | 1992 |
Wilhelm, Kate | Naming the Flowers | 1992 |
Willis, Connie | Doomsday Book | 1992 |
Yolen, Jane | Briar Rose | 1992 |
Aldridge, Ray | The Beauty Addict | 1993 |
Anthony, Patricia | Cold Allies | 1993 |
Arnason, Eleanor | Ring of Swords | 1993 |
Baird, Wilhelmina | CrashCourse | 1993 |
Baxter, Stephen | Timelike Infinity | 1993 |
Beagle, Peter S. | The Innkeeper's Song | 1993 |
Bear, Greg | Moving Mars | 1993 |
Blumlein, Michael | X, Y | 1993 |
Brin, David | Glory Season | 1993 |
Brite, Poppy Z. | Drawing Blood | 1993 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Parable of the Sower | 1993 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Kingdom of Kevin Malone | 1993 |
Claiborne, Sybil | In the Garden of Dead Cars | 1993 |
Clute, John | The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction [by JC & Peter Nicholls, eds.] | 1993 |
Connolly, Flynn | The Rising of the Moon | 1993 |
de Lint, Charles | Dreams Underfoot | 1993 |
Denton, Bradley | Blackburn | 1993 |
Ellison, Harlan | Mefisto In Onyx | 1993 |
Engh, M. J. | Rainbow Man | 1993 |
Evans, Christopher | Aztec Century | 1993 |
Ford, John M. | Growing Up Weightless | 1993 |
Gibson, William | Virtual Light | 1993 |
Greenland, Colin | Harm's Way | 1993 |
Griffith, Nicola | Ammonite | 1993 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | The Thread That Binds the Bones | 1993 |
Holdstock, Robert | The Hollowing | 1993 |
Kindl, Patrice | Owl in Love | 1993 |
King, Stephen | Nightmares & Dreamscapes [coll.] | 1993 |
Kress, Nancy | Beggars In Spain | 1993 |
Lowry, Lois | The Giver | 1993 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Cygnet and the Firebird | 1993 |
McKinley, Robin | Deerskin | 1993 |
Navarro, Yvonne | Afterage | 1993 |
Noon, Jeff | Vurt | 1993 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Green Mars | 1993 |
Rosenblum, Mary | The Drylands | 1993 |
Scott, Melissa | Burning Bright | 1993 |
Sheffield, Charles | "Georgia on My Mind" | 1993 |
Shepard, Lucius | The Golden | 1993 |
Sherman, Delia | The Porcelain Dove | 1993 |
Shiner, Lewis | Glimpses | 1993 |
Smith, L. Neil | Pallas | 1993 |
Stewart, Sean | Nobody's Son | 1993 |
Stith, John E. | Manhattan Transfer | 1993 |
Straub, Peter | The Throat | 1993 |
Swanwick, Michael | The Iron Dragon's Daughter | 1993 |
Tarr, Judith | Lord of the Two Lands | 1993 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | A Plague of Angels | 1993 |
Thomson, Amy | Virtual Girl | 1993 |
Wells, Martha | The Element of Fire | 1993 |
Willey, Elizabeth | The Well-Favored Man | 1993 |
Williams, Walter Jon | Wall, Stone, Craft | 1993 |
Wolfe, Gene | Nightside the Long Sun | 1993 |
Womack, Jack | Elvissey | 1993 |
Zindell, David | The Broken God | 1993 |
Anderson, Poul | The Stars Are Also Fire | 1994 |
Arnzen, Michael A. | Grave Markings | 1994 |
Attanasio, A. A. | Solis | 1994 |
Banks, Iain | Feersum Endjinn | 1994 |
Barnes, John | Mother of Storms | 1994 |
Bishop, Michael | Brittle Innings | 1994 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Mirror Dance | 1994 |
Bunch, Chris | The Warrior's Tale [by Allan Cole & CB] | 1994 |
Cadigan, Pat | Fools | 1994 |
Carroll, Jonathan | From the Teeth of Angels | 1994 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Furies | 1994 |
Crowley, John | Love & Sleep | 1994 |
Dean, Pamela | The Dubious Hills | 1994 |
Denton, Bradley | The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians & A Conflagration Artist [coll.] | 1994 |
Egan, Greg | Permutation City | 1994 |
Farmer, Nancy | The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm | 1994 |
Gerrold, David | "The Martian Child" | 1994 |
Goodkind, Terry | Wizard's First Rule | 1994 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Queen City Jazz | 1994 |
Gottlieb, Sherry | Love Bite | 1994 |
Heald, Denise Lopes | Mistwalker | 1994 |
Holder, Nancy | Dead in the Water | 1994 |
Jones, Gwyneth | North Wind | 1994 |
Kelly, James Patrick | Wildlife | 1994 |
Kilpatrick, Nancy | Near Death | 1994 |
King, Stephen | Insomnia | 1994 |
Kress, Nancy | Beggars and Choosers | 1994 |
Lackey, Mercedes | Storm Warning | 1994 |
Lethem, Jonathan | Gun, With Occasional Music | 1994 |
Mason, Lisa | Summer of Love | 1994 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Pasquale's Angel | 1994 |
McCaffrey, Anne | The Dolphins of Pern | 1994 |
McDevitt, Jack | The Engines of God | 1994 |
McDonald, Ian | Necroville (US title: Terminal Café) | 1994 |
McDonald, Ian | Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone | 1994 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Something Rich and Strange | 1994 |
Morrow, James | Towing Jehovah | 1994 |
Newman, Kim | The Quorum | 1994 |
Pollack, Rachel | Temporary Agency | 1994 |
Resnick, Mike | "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" | 1994 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | End of an Era | 1994 |
Scott, Melissa | Trouble and Her Friends | 1994 |
Simmons, Dan | Fires of Eden | 1994 |
Smith, Michael Marshall | Only Forward | 1994 |
Springer, Nancy | Larque on the Wing | 1994 |
Springer, Nancy | Metal Angel | 1994 |
Stevermer, Caroline | A College of Magics | 1994 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Shadow's End | 1994 |
Turner, George | Genetic Soldier | 1994 |
Turtledove, Harry | Worldwar: In the Balance | 1994 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Mysterium | 1994 |
Wolfe, Gene | Caldé of the Long Sun | 1994 |
Asaro, Catherine | Primary Inversion | 1995 |
Baxter, Stephen | The Time Ships | 1995 |
Bethke, Bruce | Headcrash | 1995 |
Blaylock, James P. | All the Bells on Earth | 1995 |
Brin, David | Brightness Reef | 1995 |
Card, Orson Scott | Alvin Journeyman | 1995 |
Caswell, Brian | Deucalion | 1995 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Invader | 1995 |
Clute, John | Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia | 1995 |
de Lint, Charles | The Ivory and the Horn | 1995 |
Dix, Shane | The Unknown Soldier [by Sean Williams & SD] | 1995 |
Dowling, Terry | An Intimate Knowledge of the Night | 1995 |
Egan, Greg | Axiomatic [coll.] | 1995 |
Egan, Greg | Distress | 1995 |
Freireich, Valerie J. | Becoming Human | 1995 |
Ghosh, Amitav | The Calcutta Chromosome | 1995 |
Goldman, E. M. | The Night Room | 1995 |
Griffith, Nicola | Slow River | 1995 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Waking the Moon | 1995 |
Hobb, Robin | Assassin's Apprentice | 1995 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | The Silent Strength of Stones | 1995 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | The Crown of Dalemark | 1995 |
Joy, Dara | Knight of a Trillion Stars | 1995 |
Joyce, Graham | Requiem | 1995 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Lions of Al-Rassan | 1995 |
Koontz, Dean | Strange Highways [coll.] | 1995 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.] | 1995 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Star Fraction | 1995 |
McAuley, Paul J. | Fairyland | 1995 |
McDonald, Ian | Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore) | 1995 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Book of Atrix Wolfe | 1995 |
McMullen, Sean | Mirrorsun Rising | 1995 |
Moorcock, Michael | Blood | 1995 |
Nagata, Linda | The Bohr Maker | 1995 |
Newman, Kim | The Bloody Red Baron | 1995 |
Nix, Garth | Sabriel | 1995 |
Oates, Joyce Carol | Zombie | 1995 |
Powers, Tim | Expiration Date | 1995 |
Priest, Christopher | The Prestige | 1995 |
Roszak, Theodore | The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein | 1995 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | The Terminal Experiment | 1995 |
Scott, Melissa | Shadow Man | 1995 |
Shinn, Sharon | The Shape-Changer's Wife | 1995 |
Spencer, William Browning | Resume with Monsters | 1995 |
Stephenson, Neal | The Diamond Age | 1995 |
Stewart, Sean | Resurrection Man | 1995 |
Taylor, Lucy | The Safety of Unknown Cities | 1995 |
Thomson, Amy | The Color of Distance | 1995 |
Williams, Sean | The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix] | 1995 |
Williams, Walter Jon | Metropolitan | 1995 |
Willis, Connie | Remake | 1995 |
Alderman, Gill | The Memory Palace | 1996 |
Banks, Iain | Excession | 1996 |
Barker, Clive | Sacrament | 1996 |
Barnes, John | One for the Morning Glory | 1996 |
Barton, William | "Age of Aquarius" | 1996 |
Baxter, Stephen | Voyage | 1996 |
Bell, Hillary | Mirror, Mirror | 1996 |
Brin, David | Infinity's Shore | 1996 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Cetaganda | 1996 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Memory | 1996 |
Card, Orson Scott | Children of the Mind | 1996 |
Dann, Jack | The Memory Cathedral | 1996 |
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) | The Golden Key [by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson & KE] | 1996 |
Fry, Stephen | Making History | 1996 |
Garfinkle, Richard | Celestial Matters | 1996 |
Goingback, Owl | Crota | 1996 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | The Bones of Time | 1996 |
Gould, Steven | Wildside | 1996 |
Green, Terence M. | Shadow of Ashland | 1996 |
Greenwood, Kerry | The Broken Wheel | 1996 |
Hamilton, Laurell K. | Bloody Bones | 1996 |
Hegland, Jean | Into the Forest | 1996 |
Huff, Tanya | No Quarter | 1996 |
Joyce, Graham | The Tooth Fairy | 1996 |
King, Stephen | Desperation | 1996 |
King, Stephen | The Green Mile | 1996 |
Koman, Victor | Kings of the High Frontier | 1996 |
Laidlaw, Marc | The 37th Mandala | 1996 |
Lethem, Jonathan | The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye [coll.] | 1996 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Stone Canal | 1996 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Game of Thrones | 1996 |
McDowell, Ian | Mordred's Curse | 1996 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Winter Rose | 1996 |
Moon, Elizabeth | Remnant Population | 1996 |
Murphy, Pat | Nadya | 1996 |
Pollack, Rachel | Godmother Night | 1996 |
Pratchett, Terry | Hogfather | 1996 |
Rawn, Melanie | The Golden Key [by MR, Jennifer Roberson & Kate Elliott] | 1996 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Blue Mars | 1996 |
Russell, Mary Doria | The Sparrow | 1996 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Starplex | 1996 |
Simmons, Dan | Endymion | 1996 |
Springer, Nancy | Fair Peril | 1996 |
Sterling, Bruce | Holy Fire | 1996 |
Stewart, Sean | Clouds End | 1996 |
Stone, Del, Jr. | Dead Heat | 1996 |
Straub, Peter | The Hellfire Club | 1996 |
Sussex, Lucy | The Scarlet Rider | 1996 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Gibbon's Decline and Fall | 1996 |
Tuttle, Lisa | The Pillow Friend | 1996 |
Williams, Sean | Metal Fatigue | 1996 |
Williams, Tess | Map of Power | 1996 |
Willis, Connie | Bellwether | 1996 |
Windling, Terri | The Wood Wife | 1996 |
Wood, N. Lee | Looking for the Mahdi | 1996 |
Zettel, Sarah | Reclamation | 1996 |
Anderson, Poul | The Fleet of Stars | 1997 |
Asaro, Catherine | Catch the Lightning | 1997 |
Bakis, Kirsten | Lives of the Monster Dogs | 1997 |
Baxter, Stephen | Titan | 1997 |
Baxter, Stephen | Vacuum Diagrams | 1997 |
Beagle, Peter S. | Giant Bones | 1997 |
Berliner, Janet | Children of the Dusk [by JB & George Guthridge] | 1997 |
Brenchley, Chaz | Light Errant | 1997 |
Broderick, Damien | The White Abacus | 1997 |
Brown, Simon | Winter | 1997 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Nazareth Hill | 1997 |
Carmody, Isobelle | Greylands | 1997 |
Chapman, Stepan | The Troika | 1997 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Finity's End | 1997 |
Clute, John | The Encyclopedia of Fantasy [by JC & John Grant, eds.] | 1997 |
de Lint, Charles | Trader | 1997 |
Dedman, Stephen | The Art of Arrow Cutting | 1997 |
Delacorte, Peter | Time on My Hands: A Novel with Photographs | 1997 |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee | Mistress of Spices | 1997 |
Dorsey, Candas Jane | Black Wine | 1997 |
Due, Tananarive | My Soul to Keep | 1997 |
Egan, Greg | Diaspora | 1997 |
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) | King's Dragon | 1997 |
Evangelisti, Valerio | Nicholas Eymerich | 1997 |
Ford, Jeffrey | The Physiognomy | 1997 |
Forsyth, Kate | Dragonclaw: Book One of The Witches of Eileanan | 1997 |
Gloss, Molly | The Dazzle of Day | 1997 |
Haldeman, Joe | Forever Peace | 1997 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Glimmering | 1997 |
Harland, Richard | The Dark Edge | 1997 |
Harrison, M. John | Signs of Life | 1997 |
Jacob, Charlee | The Symbiotic Fascination | 1997 |
Jinks, Catherine | Eye to Eye | 1997 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass | 1997 |
MacLeod, Ian R. | The Great Wheel | 1997 |
Matthews, Susan R. | An Exchange of Hostages | 1997 |
McDevitt, Jack | Eternity Road | 1997 |
McDonald, Ian | Sacrifice of Fools | 1997 |
McIntyre, Vonda N. | The Moon and the Sun | 1997 |
McKinley, Robin | Rose Daughter | 1997 |
Mitchell, Mary Ann | Drawn to the Grave | 1997 |
O'Leary, Patrick | The Gift | 1997 |
Powers, Tim | Earthquake Weather | 1997 |
Preuss, Paul | Secret Passages | 1997 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | 1997 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Frameshift | 1997 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Illegal Alien | 1997 |
Shusterman, Neal | The Dark Side of Nowhere | 1997 |
Simmons, Dan | The Rise of Endymion | 1997 |
Somtow, S. P. | Darker Angels | 1997 |
Steele, Allen | "...Where Angels Fear to Tread" | 1997 |
Stover, Matthew Woodring | Iron Dawn | 1997 |
Swanwick, Michael | Jack Faust | 1997 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Family Tree | 1997 |
Tessier, Thomas | Fog Heart | 1997 |
Turtledove, Harry | How Few Remain | 1997 |
Waitman, Katie | The Merro Tree | 1997 |
Wilkins, Kim | The Infernal | 1997 |
Williams, Walter Jon | City on Fire | 1997 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights [by KJA & Rebecca Moestra] | 1998 |
Banks, Iain | Inversions | 1998 |
Barker, Clive | Galilee | 1998 |
Barnes, John | Earth Made of Glass | 1998 |
Bear, Greg | Dinosaur Summer | 1998 |
Bertin, Joanne | The Last Dragonlord | 1998 |
Bishop, Anne | Daughter of the Blood | 1998 |
Brin, David | Heaven's Reach | 1998 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Komarr | 1998 |
Butler, Octavia E. | Parable of the Talents | 1998 |
de Lint, Charles | Someplace to Be Flying | 1998 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | Reave the Just and Other Tales [coll.] | 1998 |
Douglass, Sara | Pilgrim | 1998 |
Egan, Greg | Luminous [coll.] | 1998 |
Erdrich, Louise | The Antelope Wife | 1998 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | Black Glass [coll.] | 1998 |
Gaiman, Neil | Smoke and Mirrors | 1998 |
Gaiman, Neil | Stardust | 1998 |
Gilman, Carolyn Ives | Halfway Human | 1998 |
Gotlieb, Phyllis | Flesh and Gold | 1998 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | Brown Girl in the Ring | 1998 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | Dark Lord of Derkholm | 1998 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Sailing to Sarantium | 1998 |
Keyes, J. Gregory | Newton's Cannon | 1998 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Silk | 1998 |
King, Stephen | Bag of Bones | 1998 |
Kress, Nancy | Maximum Light | 1998 |
Lucashenko, Melissa | Killing Darcy | 1998 |
Luckett, Dave | A Dark Winter | 1998 |
Lynn, Elizabeth A. | Dragon's Winter | 1998 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Cassini Division | 1998 |
Marano, Michael | Dawn Song | 1998 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Clash of Kings | 1998 |
Matthews, Susan R. | Prisoner of Conscience | 1998 |
McDevitt, Jack | Moonfall | 1998 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | Mission Child | 1998 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Song for the Basilisk | 1998 |
McMullen, Sean | The Centurion's Empire | 1998 |
Meynard, Yves | The Book of Knights | 1998 |
Miéville, China | King Rat | 1998 |
Morse, David | The Iron Bridge | 1998 |
Priest, Christopher | The Extremes | 1998 |
Routley, Jane | Fire Angels | 1998 |
Russell, Mary Doria | Children of God | 1998 |
Ryman, Geoff | 253: The Print Remix | 1998 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Factoring Humanity | 1998 |
Segriff, Larry | Alien Dreams | 1998 |
Slonczewski, Joan | The Children Star | 1998 |
Smith, Michael Marshall | One of Us | 1998 |
Snyder, Midori | The Innamorati | 1998 |
Spencer, William Browning | Irrational Fears | 1998 |
Sterling, Bruce | Distraction | 1998 |
Stewart, Sean | Mockingbird | 1998 |
Stoddard, James | The High House | 1998 |
Straub, Peter | Mr. X | 1998 |
Sullivan, Tricia | Dreaming in Smoke | 1998 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Six Moon Dance | 1998 |
Turner, Delia Marshall | Nameless Magery | 1998 |
Varley, John | The Golden Globe | 1998 |
Williams, Sean | The Resurrected Man | 1998 |
Willis, Connie | To Say Nothing of the Dog | 1998 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Darwinia | 1998 |
Zebrowski, George | Brute Orbits | 1998 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | Dune: House Atreides [by Brian Herbert & KJA] | 1999 |
Asaro, Catherine | The Veiled Web | 1999 |
Barnes, Rory | The Book of Revelation [by Damien Broderick & RB] | 1999 |
Baxter, Stephen | Time: Manifold 1 | 1999 |
Beagle, Peter S. | Tamsin | 1999 |
Bear, Greg | Darwin's Radio | 1999 |
Blaylock, James P. | The Rainy Season | 1999 |
Bowes, Richard | Minions of the Moon | 1999 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | A Civil Campaign | 1999 |
Card, Orson Scott | Ender's Shadow | 1999 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Marriage of Sticks | 1999 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | The Conqueror's Child | 1999 |
Cherryh, C. J. | Precursor | 1999 |
Cisco, Michael | The Divinity Student | 1999 |
Coville, Bruce | I Was a 6th Grade Alien | 1999 |
DuBois, Brendan | Resurrection Day | 1999 |
Egan, Greg | Teranesia | 1999 |
Erikson, Steven | Gardens of the Moon | 1999 |
Gibson, William | All Tomorrow's Parties | 1999 |
Goldstein, Lisa | Dark Cities Underground | 1999 |
Haldeman, Joe | Forever Free | 1999 |
Harlan, Thomas | The Shadow of Ararat | 1999 |
Harris, Christine | Foreign Devils | 1999 |
Hartman, Keith | The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse | 1999 |
Haydon, Elizabeth | Rhapsody | 1999 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Red Heart of Memories | 1999 |
Jensen, Jan Lars | Shiva 3000 | 1999 |
Joyce, Graham | Indigo | 1999 |
Joyce, Graham | Leningrad Nights | 1999 |
Kerr, Peg | The Wild Swans | 1999 |
Keyes, J. Gregory | A Calculus of Angels | 1999 |
King, Stephen | Hearts in Atlantis | 1999 |
Lebbon, Tim | White | 1999 |
Levinson, Paul | The Silk Code | 1999 |
Luckett, Dave | A Dark Victory | 1999 |
MacLeod, Ken | The Sky Road | 1999 |
Marillier, Juliet | Daughter of the Forest | 1999 |
Marley, Louise | The Terrorists of Irustan | 1999 |
McArthur, Maxine | Time Future | 1999 |
McMullen, Sean | Souls in the Great Machine | 1999 |
Nasir, Jamil | Tower of Dreams | 1999 |
O'Nan, Stewart | A Prayer for the Dying | 1999 |
Park, Severna | The Annunciate | 1999 |
Passarella, J. G. | Wither | 1999 |
Pinto, Ricardo | The Chosen | 1999 |
Robson, Justina | Silver Screen | 1999 |
Routley, Jane | Aramaya | 1999 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | 1999 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Flashforward | 1999 |
Scott, Martin | Thraxas | 1999 |
Smith, Kristine | Code of Conduct | 1999 |
Spinrad, Norman | Greenhouse Summer | 1999 |
Stephenson, Neal | Cryptonomicon | 1999 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | Singer from the Sea | 1999 |
Vinge, Vernor | A Deepness in the Sky | 1999 |
Watts, Peter | Starfish | 1999 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Bios | 1999 |
Anderson, Poul | Genesis | 2000 |
Asaro, Catherine | The Quantum Rose | 2000 |
Barton, William | Heart of Glass | 2000 |
Blom, Suzanne Allés | Inca | 2000 |
Campbell, Ramsey | Silent Children | 2000 |
Danielewski, Mark Z. | House of Leaves | 2000 |
de Lint, Charles | Forests of the Heart | 2000 |
Desmond, Sean | Adam's Fall | 2000 |
Dix, Shane | Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2000 |
Dowling, Terry | Blackwater Days | 2000 |
Dunn, Mark | Think Tank | 2000 |
Gardner, James Alan | Hunted | 2000 |
Gentle, Mary | Ash: A Secret History | 2000 |
Gerrold, David | Jumping Off the Planet | 2000 |
Gloss, Molly | Wild Life | 2000 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Crescent City Rhapsody | 2000 |
Grimsley, Jim | Kirith Kirin | 2000 |
Hartnett, Sonya | Thursday's Child | 2000 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | Midnight Robber | 2000 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | Lord of Emperors | 2000 |
Kernaghan, Eileen | The Snow Queen | 2000 |
King, Stephen | On Writing [nonfiction] | 2000 |
Landis, Geoffrey A. | Mars Crossing | 2000 |
Laymon, Richard | The Traveling Vampire Show | 2000 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Telling | 2000 |
Lebbon, Tim | Naming of Parts | 2000 |
MacLeod, Ken | Cosmonaut Keep | 2000 |
Marillier, Juliet | Son of the Shadows | 2000 |
Martin, George R. R. | A Storm of Swords | 2000 |
McCarthy, Wil | The Collapsium | 2000 |
McDevitt, Jack | Infinity Beach | 2000 |
McDonald, Ian | Tendeléo's Story | 2000 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | The Tower at Stony Wood | 2000 |
McMullen, Sean | The Miocene Arrow | 2000 |
Miéville, China | Perdido Street Station | 2000 |
Moore, Alan | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen | 2000 |
Powers, Tim | Declare | 2000 |
Pullman, Philip | His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass | 2000 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Revelation Space | 2000 |
Roberts, Adam | Salt | 2000 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 2000 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Calculating God | 2000 |
Smith, L. Neil | Forge of the Elders | 2000 |
Stewart, Sean | Galveston | 2000 |
Tem, Melanie | The Man on the Ceiling [by Steve Rasnic Tem & MT] | 2000 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Fresco | 2000 |
Volsky, Paula | The Grand Ellipse | 2000 |
Walton, Jo | The King's Peace | 2000 |
Wilkins, Kim | The Resurrectionists | 2000 |
Williams, Sean | Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2000 |
Williams, Tess | Sea as Mirror | 2000 |
Winter, Douglas E. | Run | 2000 |
Winter, Laurel | Growing Wings | 2000 |
Barker, Clive | Coldheart Canyon | 2001 |
Bisson, Terry | The Pickup Artist | 2001 |
Bradbury, Ray | From the Dust Returned | 2001 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | The Curse of Chalion | 2001 |
Card, Orson Scott | Shadow of the Hegemon | 2001 |
Carey, Jacqueline | Kushiel's Dart | 2001 |
Carroll, Jonathan | The Wooden Sea | 2001 |
Chiang, Ted | "Hell Is the Absence of God" | 2001 |
Clark, Simon | The Night of the Triffids | 2001 |
Colfer, Eoin | Artemis Fowl | 2001 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Pashazade: The First Arabesk | 2001 |
Czerneda, Julie E. | In the Company of Others | 2001 |
Daniel, Tony | Metaplanetary | 2001 |
de Lint, Charles | The Onion Girl | 2001 |
Dix, Shane | The Dark Imbalance [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2001 |
Dodd, Quenin | Beatnik Rutabagas from beyond the Stars | 2001 |
Dorsey, Candas Jane | A Paradigm of Earth | 2001 |
Douglass, Sara | The Wounded Hawk | 2001 |
Fforde, Jasper | The Eyre Affair | 2001 |
Gaiman, Neil | American Gods | 2001 |
Goto, Hiromi | The Kappa Child | 2001 |
Hamilton, Peter F. | Fallen Dragon | 2001 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | Past the Size of Dreaming | 2001 |
Hoyt, Sarah A. | Ill Met by Moonlight | 2001 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Bold as Love | 2001 |
Joyce, Graham | Smoking Poppy | 2001 |
Katz, Louise | The Other Face of Janus | 2001 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Threshold | 2001 |
King, Stephen | Black House [by SK & Peter Straub] | 2001 |
Kingsbury, Donald | Psychohistorical Crisis | 2001 |
Kress, Nancy | Probability Sun | 2001 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | The Other Wind | 2001 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Tales from Earthsea [coll.] | 2001 |
MacLeod, Ken | Dark Light | 2001 |
McAuley, Paul J. | The Secret of Life | 2001 |
McDevitt, Jack | Deepsix | 2001 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | Nekropolis | 2001 |
McMullen, Sean | Eyes of the Calculor | 2001 |
Michalson, Karen | Enemy Glory | 2001 |
Nassise, Joseph M. | Riverwatch | 2001 |
Nissenson, Hugh | The Song of the Earth | 2001 |
Nix, Garth | Lirael | 2001 |
Oliveri, Michael | Deadliest of the Species | 2001 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Chasm City | 2001 |
Russo, Richard Paul | Ship of Fools | 2001 |
Ryman, Geoff | Lust | 2001 |
Scott, Melissa | Point of Dreams [by MS & Lisa A. Barnett] | 2001 |
Searcy, David | Ordinary Horror | 2001 |
Spencer, Wen | Alien Taste | 2001 |
Tem, Steve Rasnic | In These Final Days of Sales | 2001 |
Watts, Peter | Maelstrom | 2001 |
Wharton, Ken | Divine Intervention | 2001 |
Wilkins, Kim | Angel of Ruin | 2001 |
Williams, Conrad | Nearly People | 2001 |
Williams, Liz | The Ghost Sister | 2001 |
Williams, Sean | The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2001 |
Willis, Connie | Passage | 2001 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | The Chronoliths | 2001 |
Anderson, M. T. | Feed | 2002 |
Barker, Clive | Abarat [graphic narrative] | 2002 |
Barnes, Steven | Lion's Blood | 2002 |
Baxter, Stephen | Omegatropic [nonfiction] | 2002 |
Brin, David | Kiln People | 2002 |
Broderick, Damien | Transcension | 2002 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Diplomatic Immunity | 2002 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Darkest Part of the Woods | 2002 |
Carroll, Jonathan | White Apples | 2002 |
Chabon, Michael | Summerland | 2002 |
Clegg, Douglas | The Hour Before Dark | 2002 |
de Lint, Charles | Seven Wild Sisters | 2002 |
de Lint, Charles | Waifs and Strays | 2002 |
Di Filippo, Paul | A Year in the Linear City | 2002 |
Dix, Shane | Echoes of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2002 |
Egan, Greg | Schild's Ladder | 2002 |
Emshwiller, Carol | The Mount | 2002 |
Eskridge, Kelley | Solitaire | 2002 |
Ford, Jeffrey | The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque | 2002 |
Frost, Gregory | Fitcher's Brides | 2002 |
Gaiman, Neil | Coraline | 2002 |
Gidron, Martin J. | The Severed Wing | 2002 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | Light Music | 2002 |
Haldeman, Joe | Guardian | 2002 |
Harris, Charlaine | Living Dead in Dallas | 2002 |
Harrison, M. John | Light | 2002 |
Hetley, James A. | The Summer Country | 2002 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Fistful of Sky | 2002 |
Irvine, Alexander C. | A Scattering of Jades | 2002 |
Jens, Tina L. | The Blues Ain't Nothing' | 2002 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Castles Made of Sand | 2002 |
Joyce, Graham | The Facts of Life | 2002 |
King, Stephen | Everything's Eventual [coll.] | 2002 |
Kress, Nancy | Probability Space | 2002 |
Kritzer, Naomi | Fires of the Faithful | 2002 |
Kushner, Ellen | The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman] | 2002 |
Lai, Larissa | Salt Fish Girl | 2002 |
Lowachee, Karin | Warchild | 2002 |
Marquardt, Michelle | Blue Silence | 2002 |
Masson, Sophie | The Hand of Glory | 2002 |
McCammon, Robert R. | Speaks the Nightbird | 2002 |
McCann, A. L. | The White Body of Evening | 2002 |
McDevitt, Jack | Chindi | 2002 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Ombria in Shadow | 2002 |
McMullen, Sean | Voyage of the Shadowmoon | 2002 |
Moon, Elizabeth | The Speed of Dark | 2002 |
Morgan, Richard | Altered Carbon | 2002 |
Nicholson, Scott | The Red Church | 2002 |
O'Leary, Patrick | The Impossible Bird | 2002 |
Piccirilli, Tom | The Night Class | 2002 |
Pratchett, Terry | Night Watch | 2002 |
Priest, Christopher | The Separation | 2002 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | The Years of Rice and Salt | 2002 |
Rucker, Rudy | Spaceland | 2002 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Hominids | 2002 |
Schroeder, Karl | Permanence | 2002 |
Sebold, Alice | The Lovely Bones | 2002 |
Simmons, Dan | A Winter Haunting | 2002 |
Swanwick, Michael | Bones of the Earth | 2002 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | The Visitor | 2002 |
Turtledove, Harry | Ruled Britannia | 2002 |
Williams, Sean | Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2002 |
Williams, Sean | The Storm Weaver and the Sand | 2002 |
Wright, John C. | The Golden Age | 2002 |
Baker, Kage | The Anvil of the World | 2003 |
Barton, William | Off on a Starship | 2003 |
Baxter, Stephen | Coalescent | 2003 |
Bear, Greg | Darwin's Children | 2003 |
Bergeron, Alain (fr.) | Phaos | 2003 |
Bishop, K. J. | The Etched City | 2003 |
Bisson, Terry | Dear Abbey | 2003 |
Blum, Jonathan | Fallen Gods [by JB & Kate Orman] | 2003 |
Buckner, M. M. | Hyperthought | 2003 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | Paladin of Souls | 2003 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Felaheen: The Third Arabesk | 2003 |
Davies, Murray | Collaborator | 2003 |
Dix, Shane | Orphans of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] | 2003 |
Doctorow, Cory | Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom | 2003 |
Doctorow, Cory | A Place So Foreign and 8 More [coll.] | 2003 |
Dunkle, Clare B. | The Hollow Kingdom | 2003 |
Fowler, Christopher | Full Dark House | 2003 |
Funke, Cornelia | Inkheart | 2003 |
Gibson, William | Pattern Recognition | 2003 |
Herbert, James | Nobody True | 2003 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | A Stir of Bones | 2003 |
Hopkinson, Nalo | The Salt Roads | 2003 |
Johnson, Kij | Fudoki | 2003 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Midnight Lamp | 2003 |
Keene, Brian | The Rising | 2003 |
Kelleher, Victor | Born of the Sea | 2003 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla | 2003 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | Changing Planes [coll.] | 2003 |
MacLeod, Ian R. | The Light Ages | 2003 |
McDevitt, Jack | Omega | 2003 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | In the Forests of Serre | 2003 |
McKinley, Robin | Sunshine | 2003 |
Miéville, China | The Scar | 2003 |
Miéville, China | The Tain | 2003 |
Moriarty, Chris | Spin State | 2003 |
Nagata, Linda | Memory | 2003 |
Niffenegger, Audrey | The Time Traveler's Wife | 2003 |
Nix, Garth | Abhorsen | 2003 |
O'Nan, Stewart | The Night Country | 2003 |
Pratchett, Terry | Monstrous Regiment | 2003 |
Pratchett, Terry | The Wee Free Men | 2003 |
Reed, Robert | Sister Alice | 2003 |
Reynolds, Alastair | Absolution Gap | 2003 |
Robson, Justina | Natural History | 2003 |
Rowling, J. K. | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 2003 |
Sawyer, Robert J. | Humans | 2003 |
Shepard, Lucius | Louisiana Breakdown | 2003 |
Simmons, Dan | Ilium | 2003 |
Sinisalo, Johanna | Not Before Sundown | 2003 |
Stephenson, Neal | Quicksilver | 2003 |
Straub, Peter | lost boy lost girl | 2003 |
Stross, Charles | Singularity Sky | 2003 |
Sullivan, Tricia | Maul | 2003 |
Sweet, Caitlin | A Telling of Stars | 2003 |
Thomson, Amy | Storyteller | 2003 |
Turtledove, Harry | Gunpowder Empire | 2003 |
VanderMeer, Jeff | Veniss Underground | 2003 |
Varley, John | Red Thunder | 2003 |
Walton, Jo | Tooth and Claw | 2003 |
Wilkinson, Carole | Dragonkeeper | 2003 |
Williams, Liz | The Poison Master | 2003 |
Williams, Sean | Orphans of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] | 2003 |
Wilson, F. Paul | Sims | 2003 |
Wilson, Robert Charles | Blind Lake | 2003 |
Banks, Iain | The Algebraist | 2004 |
Barker, Clive | Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War | 2004 |
Burke, Kealan-Patrick | The Turtle Boy | 2004 |
Campbell, Ramsey | The Overnight | 2004 |
Clarke, Susanna | Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell | 2004 |
Colfer, Eoin | The Supernaturalist | 2004 |
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon | Stamping Butterflies | 2004 |
Crew, Gary | Beneath the Surface [by GC & Steven Woolman] | 2004 |
Dann, Jack | The Rebel | 2004 |
Duchamp, L. Timmel | Love's Body, Dancing in Time [coll.] | 2004 |
Everson, John | Covenant | 2004 |
Farmer, Nancy | The Sea of Trolls | 2004 |
Faust, Minister | The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad | 2004 |
Fowler, Christopher | Breathe | 2004 |
Grimsley, Jim | The Ordinary | 2004 |
Haldeman, Joe | Camouflage | 2004 |
Hand, Elizabeth | Mortal Love | 2004 |
Harland, Richard | The Black Crusade | 2004 |
Harris, Charlaine | Dead to the World | 2004 |
Harwood, John | The Ghost Writer | 2004 |
Hughes, Matthew | Black Brillion | 2004 |
Jones, Gwyneth | Life | 2004 |
Jones, Tamara Siler | Ghosts in the Snow | 2004 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | The Last Light of the Sun | 2004 |
Kiernan, Caitlín R. | Murder of Angels | 2004 |
Lee, Sharon | Balance of Trade [by SL & Steve Miller] | 2004 |
MacLeod, Ken | Newton's Wake | 2004 |
Mamatas, Nick | Move Under Ground | 2004 |
Marley, Louise | The Child Goddess | 2004 |
McArthur, Maxine | Less Than Human | 2004 |
McAuley, Paul J. | White Devils | 2004 |
McDevitt, Jack | Polaris | 2004 |
McDonald, Ian | River of Gods | 2004 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | Alphabet of Thorn | 2004 |
Miéville, China | Iron Council | 2004 |
Mitchell, David | Cloud Atlas | 2004 |
Morgan, Richard | Market Forces | 2004 |
Pratchett, Terry | Going Postal | 2004 |
Pratchett, Terry | A Hat Full of Sky | 2004 |
Reed, Robert | Mere | 2004 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | Forty Signs of Rain | 2004 |
Roth, Philip | The Plot Against America | 2004 |
Ryman, Geoff | Air | 2004 |
Shepard, Lucius | Viator | 2004 |
Stephenson, Neal | The System of the World | 2004 |
Stewart, Sean | Perfect Circle | 2004 |
Straub, Peter | In the Night Room | 2004 |
Stross, Charles | Iron Sunrise | 2004 |
Thomas, Lee | Stained | 2004 |
Traviss, Karen | City of Pearl | 2004 |
Tuttle, Lisa | My Death | 2004 |
Westerfeld, Scott | Midnighters: The Secret Hour | 2004 |
Williams, Liz | Banner of Souls | 2004 |
Williams, Sean | The Crooked Letter | 2004 |
Wolfe, Gene | The Wizard Knight | 2004 |
King, Stephen | The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower | 2006 |
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