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' "When has a dragon died of the poison of a snake?" '

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    ' "When has a dragon died of the poison of a snake?" ' is based on views of Friedrich Nietzsche and particularly his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."

  ' "When has a dragon died of the poison of a snake?" '
  So, you want to speak about individuality, - individuality of a valuable being? Then, you want to hear of Zarathustra who is an example of a valuable individual. He lives his solitary life away from all the common creatures. He is not one of them. He is not as common as they are. He is strong in all aspects. He is free from the morality of custom. He does not need anybody, but only equally opposing force which should be even better than he is. He is well above all common creatures. Market-place beings are not his fellows, or brothers and sisters. It does not even worth to waste any strength while dealing with them because Zarathustra knows who is who, and what each one is worth. He saves his strength for a valuable enemy in order to have a fair fight. What is seen as fair for the crowd is not seen as such by Zarathustra because he is a realist. He sees life as it is. Cry for help and humanity is not a component of the real life. Zarathustra is very kind, but not Jewishly kind. He will not allow himself to become rotten. It is not his fate to fester and stink, but to fight this widely spreading carcinoma. Unfortunatelly, this carcinoma wins very often because it consists of many malignant cells. There are more malignant cells than healthy and valuable ones that are able to withstand the widely spreading number of these malignancies. The majority's will is perverted. It is aimed at equality, and this is called as virtue. But you know that men are not equal. That is not how the nature works.
  Zarathustra is a liberator. He is a lion. He is a destructor, and at the same time, he is a creator. He creates through destruction. He wants to clean up the world of all this festering senility. He knows that if one wants to be a creator, he must first to become a destructor. False values must be destroyed!
  The will to power is the creative force that is aimed at life,-life as it is. Anywhere live organisms can be found, the will to power can be found as well. Everything wishes for dominance. A weak unit wishes to dominate the weakest, and so on. These natural to life processes can be found on all levels of life. There is no equality of any kind, and that is the equity! "Thus spoke Zarathustra."
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