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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Non-standard English lesson

   The date: the 28th of October
   The theme: So many countries, so many customs
   The aim:
   1. to learn about English customs and traditions (Guy Fawkes Day)
   2. to revise lexical and grammatical material (Future Simple; `be going to...')
   3. to develop speaking skills
   The visual aids: Power Point presentation, cards, dice, blackboard
   The procedure of the lesson:
      -- Greeting and checking attendance.
   Introducing students to the theme of the lesson
   Good afternoon, children! Glad to see you. I hope you are fine.
   Today we have the final lesson on the topic "So many countries, so many customs".
   2. Phonetic exercise
   (Proverbs on the blackboard)
   By the way, children, what's the Russian for:
   So many countries, so many customs
   So many men, so many minds
   Custom is a second nature
   Ответы учащихся:
   У каждой пташки свои замашки.
   Сколько стран - столько и обычаев.
   Сколько голов - столько умов.
   Сколько людей, столько и мнений.
   Привычка - вторая натура.
      -- You know that every country, every nation has its own customs and traditions.
   Today we are going to speak and to learn more about famous English holiday Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire night. What is it? Where did it come from? Why and how do English people celebrate it?
   Power Point Presentation E:\Презенn22.ppt
      -- Future Simple
   Способы выражения будущего времени:
      -- shall/will + V3/Ved
   shan't/won't + V3/Ved
      -- to be going to do something
   I am going to...
   He/She/It is going to...
   You/The/We are going to...
      -- Work in pairs. Work on `to be going to...' construction
   Each pair of students is given cards with questions:
   `What are you going to do'

What are you going to do after classes?

I'm going to play football.

0x01 graphic

   What are you going to do after class?
   What are you going to do tomorrow?
   What are you going to do on the weekend?
   When are you going to go to bed tonight?
   Who are you going to meet?
   What are you going to eat for dinner?
   Where are you going to go tomorrow?
   What are you going to study tomorrow?
   What are you going to watch tonight?
   When are you going to get up tomorrow?
   What are you going to wear tomorrow?
   Who are you going to meet tomorrow?
   When are you going to go home today?
   What are you going to read tonight?
   3. Game `Whose sun is brighter'
   4. Giving home task. Saying goodbye.

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