Холдор Вулкан : другие произведения.

New idea

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  Holder Vulkan
  Member of the Uzbek Union of Writers
  New idea
  The quantity of people on a planet for today is made by 7 500 000 000 people.
  Now think, how many money will gather up, if each person will give one rouble one euro or one dollar to a new fund?
  We, that is nations of the world should create new worldwide fund where each person, (if it really is the person) should list one rouble or one dollar in the bank account of this fund which means it will be directed on carrying out of hi-tech operations by the seriously ill patient to children by suffering serious disease by a heart disease or an immunodeficiency, also for transplantation of heart, a liver, kidneys and a bone brain.
  It is idea not only will rescue lives of sick children, but also pulls together, unites nations of the world, regardless of nationality, race or religion.
  12:27 day.
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