Гусаров Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

You dream as all

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   You dream as all. It's not a sin.
   You start to fall already then
   When set of small and trifling things
   Cannot fill void in your poor soul.
   The sense still only should be found.
   The dust itself climbs in a head,
   And eyes will be filled with the ground,
   And then you learn, that you are dead.
   The deadman is indifferent to
   His child, his wife and parents too.
   Нe only can hog, snore and bog.
   And that turns out from the block.
   It's terrible to see the truth
   In each sight and to think, that once
   This plague will grasp me and you.
   Who will help us when the end comes?
   I, maybe, sleep and I dream, that
   The city is full of deadmen,
   And they approach to me, and I
   Cannot escape from them.
   They crown and crucify a pig.
   They drink its blood and eat its flesh.
   This cult has the saints and relics.
   And millions them against my god.
   I went to church and prayed in hope,
   That the Lord can prompt me a way
   How to revive them and the pope
   Has told, when he has heard my pray:
   Those people, whose souls are poor, blessed.
   The god forgives our infirm minds.
   But if you will not pass its test,
   You will be ruined with own pride.
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