Капилян Елена Владимировна : другие произведения.

The wind

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The wind

Inane and desolate 
This dank and grayish evening, 
Ana nippy rays are pelting
The shutters through the whimpers.
And like the candle's flickers
Our encounter sparks.
You're entering my shelter
To dwell for it is late.

Don't go away, please stay,
For you're at heart - a knight. 
The sorrows you abide
Your sword will cast away.
And underneath your blind
I will eclipse and hide. 
And as becoming bolder,
I'll let your shoulder kiss 
my shoulder.

I'm holding to no dream,
Delusions die in vain,
But as observing you
The light - all I can see.
And though primrose is dim,
At time of our tryst,
I won't escape again
Please, don't let go of me...

self-translated from Russian 

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