Найквист Джеффри Ричард : другие произведения.

Терроризм был изобретен не в Багдаде или Кабуле, а в Москве

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   Американский политолог Джефф Найквист:
   2-ую мировую войну, войну против Ислама и мировой кризис развязала Россия
   В только что опубликованной новой книге
   известного лондонского профессора истории Виктора Суворова "Главный
   виновник: Великий План Сталина по развязыванию Второй мировой войны"
   четко доказывается, что ответственность за развязывание второй мировой
   войны несет не Германия, как считалось раньше, а Россия.
   Россия обманула Германию, задержав на 17 суток свое вторжение в Польшу.
   На крови немецких и английских солдат "нейтральная" Россия захватила
   множество мирных, свободолюбивых стран. Из-за развязанной Россией
   Второй мировой войны на помощь этим странам не смогли придти ни Англия,
   ни Германии, так как они воевали друг с другом.
   Это была война, развязанная Россией против Запада, отмечает британский историк.
   "Советский Союз вступил во Вторую мировую войну как агрессор", пишет Суворов.
   Польша, Финляндия, Литва, Латвия, Румыния -- все западные соседи Советского Союза -- стали жертвой Красной армии.
   Миллионы узников ГУЛАГа были пленены на новых захваченных территориях.
   Сталин получил, что хотел, и не испытывал никаких угрызений совести,
   посылая в истощенную ресурсами Германию нефть, хлопок, железную руду,
   магний, хром, цинк, никель и олово.
   Без этого сырья, указывает Суворов, Гитлер не смог бы воевать. Но
   Сталин хотел, чтобы Гитлер именно воевал, потому что Сталин отвел ему
   роль "ледокола революции".
   В своей рецензии на книгу Суворова американский политолог Джеффри
   Найквист пишет:
   "Американцы никогда не учитывали, что их истинный враг
   сидит в Москве. Поэтому русские стравили Америку с Исламским миром.
   Республиканская партия потерпела поражение. Американский народ
   повернулся влево, и американская экономика "социализируется". Это
   катастрофический итог, обещающий в будущем еще больше насилия.
   Что случится с мировой экономикой, которая недополучит триллионы
   долларов из-за того, что их на себя тратят американцы? Произойдут ли
   революции? Останутся ли США сверхдержавой?
   Суворов задал вопрос: кто на самом деле развязал Вторую мировую войну.
   Может быть, пока не поздно, нам надо задать вопрос: кто начал "войну
   против террора"? Был ли это хитроумный Осама бин Ладен...?
   Методология Суворова состоит в том, чтобы правильно анализировать
   факты. На вопрос одного журналиста, почему так много историков упустили
   роль Сталина в развязывании Второй мировой войны, он ответил: "Вы
   спрашиваете, почему они такие умные?".
   Если сейчас кто-то спросит, почему ЦРУ и ФБР не поняли роль Москвы в
   атаках на Нью-Йорк 9/11, я должен ответить, как Суворов. Удивительно
   дело, но многие события не подвергаются правильному анализу согласно
   Пропагандируются мифы, и запускаются лживые интерпретации. Это потому,
   что большинство людей не задает вопросов под первыми впечатлениями. Они
   поверхностны в своем анализе. Факты открывают истину только немногим.
   Как указывает Суворов, "Польша была разделена не в Имперской
   канцелярии, а в Кремле".
   "Мы должны также помнить, что современный терроризм был изобретен не в
   Багдаде или Кабуле, а в Москве", заключает свою статью известный
   американский политолог.
   Оригинал на английском:
   Suvorov's Methodology, by J. R. Nyquist, 02.16.2009

Soviet GRU defector Viktor Suvorov has come out with a new book titled
   The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II.
It is Suvorov's thesis that Stalin tricked Hitler into starting the
war. This was easily done because Hitler was impetuous. Stalin, on the
other end, had the virtue of patience and was more deceptive. In
addition, Stalin had absolute control over the Soviet Union. He
enslaved hundreds of millions of people for one purpose: to build a
military machine second to none for the conquest of Europe. To assure
his grand design, Stalin implemented a strategy of "divide and
conquer." He plotted to set Hitler against France and Britain. At the
same time, Stalin set about to build the greatest war machine the world
had ever seen.

At the Nuremberg trials in 1946, the defense attorney
for deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess argued that Stalin was equally
responsible for starting the war. The Soviet leader set the war in
motion by signing a secret pact with Hitler. The agreement involved a
joint invasion and partitioning of Poland. In the course of this
invasion Stalin cheated Hitler by delaying the Soviet invasion of
Poland for 17 days. Hitler was shocked at the betrayal. "Where are the
promised Russian troops?" Stalin's coy answer: "Our forces aren't
ready." As Nikita Khrushchev later explained, "According to this
agreement [the Hitler-Stalin pact], it turned out that Hitler started
the war. This was beneficial for us from the military and from the
moral standpoint. With his actions, he would provoke war with France
and England, by going against Poland. We could remain neutral."

While Germany was at war with England and France, the
Soviet Union was free to invade its neighbors without risk. "The Soviet
Union entered World War II as an aggressor," wrote Suvorov. "Poland,
Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania - all the western
neighbors of the Soviet Union - fell victim to the Red Army." Millions
of gulag prisoners were harvested in the newly conquered territories.
Stalin got what he wanted, and had no qualms about helping
resource-starved Germany by sending oil, grain, cotton, iron ore,
magnesium, chrome, zinc, nickel, and tin to Hitler. "Without these
things," wrote Suvorov, "Hitler could not have fought." But Stalin
wanted Hitler to fight, because Hitler was - according to Stalin - the
"icebreaker" of the revolution.

After the war Hitler's foreign minister, Joachim von
Ribbentrop, was arrested and put on trial at Nuremberg. What war crimes
did this diplomat commit? He had direct knowledge of Stalin's secret
treaty with Hitler. During the Nuremberg trials the Russians warned
Ribbentrop to keep his mouth shut. But under cross examination the Nazi
diplomat was forced to admit that Stalin and Hitler had worked
together. A copy of the secret Hitler-Stalin pact was produced during
Deputy Fuhrer Hess's trial. This created a sensation in the court room,
until a Soviet judge demanded the suppression of "this anonymous
document." The Allied judges supported their Soviet colleague.
The West is always slow to understand Russian strategic thinking. The
Hitler-Stalin pact was about dividing and conquering. It was aimed at
the West. And today, the bosses in the Kremlin continue to aim at the
West. By giving nuclear and missile technology to Iran, the Russians
prepare a new "icebreaker." But today, there are many strategies on
many continents: there is Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the North Koreans,
and the rapidly arming Chinese.

Strategy is not always about fighting. It is about
long-range consequences. If you unloose X, then you unleash Y.
Therefore, strategy is psychological and sociological. Consider the
strategic outcome of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.
Thousands of Americans were killed and the U.S. president responded by
invading two Islamic countries - Afghanistan and Iraq. These invasions
exposed the U.S. administration to withering criticisms from the Left.
As long wars invariably prove unpopular, the discrediting of Bush and
the Republican Party became a foregone conclusion. In this case, the
"icebreaker" of the revolution was al Qaeda. The result of Bush's
overreaction spelled defeat for the Republican Party and victory for
the American Left. And now the Americans have elected a president who
wants to get rid of 80 percent of America's nuclear arsenal.

The Americans never reckoned with the fact that their real
enemy sits in Moscow. And so, America has been played off against the
Islamic world. The Republican Party has been defeated. The American
people have turned to the Left, and the American economy is being
"socialized." Here is a disastrous outcome, and one that promises worse
violence to the future. What will happen when American troops leave
Iraq? What will happen to the world economy as the American's spend
trillions they haven't got? Will there be communist revolutions? Will
the United States continue as a great power?
Suvorov asked the question: who really started World War II. Perhaps, before it's too
late, we should ask who started the "war against terror." Was Osama bin
Laden the mastermind, or was it the KGB agent, Ayman al-Zawahri?
(Before his death, the assassinated FSB/KGB defector Alexander
Litvinenko publicly stated that al-Zawahri was working for Moscow, and
that Russia was behind the global terror campaign.)
Suvorov's methodology is to look at facts that haven't been properly analyzed.
   When asked by a journalist why so many
historians missed the role that Stalin played in starting World War II,
Suvorov responded: "Are you asking why they are all so brilliant?" If
someone asks today why the CIA and FBI haven't grasped Moscow's role in
9/11, I must give Suvorov's answer. It is an amazing truth, that most
events aren't properly examined after the fact. Myths are propagated
and false interpretations become set in stone. This is because normal
people don't question first impressions. They are superficial in their
analysis. That is the way the world works. To question a myth, one has
to have a questioning mind. Facts speak truth only to the few. As
Suvorov points out, "Poland was divided not in the Imperial
Chancellery, but in the Kremlin." We might also recall that modern
terrorism wasn't invented in Baghdad or Kabul, but in Moscow.
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