Дыскин Анатолий Арнольдович : другие произведения.

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   Список источников
  -- Althen, Cary. American Ways. Yarmouth, Main, 1988
  -- Brookheser, Richard. We Call All Share American Culture/ Time Magazine August 31, 1992,74
  -- “Dying Dream” Guardian Education. July 5, 1994,4-5
  -- Datesman M.K, Crandall J, Kearny E.N.. The American Ways. Prentice Hall, Regens, N.Y.,1997
  -- Elson, John. “ The Great Migration” Time Magazine, Special Issue, Fall, 1993,28-33
  -- “ The Fight to Bear Arms” U.S. News and World Report, May 22, 1995, 28
  -- Galbraith J.K., The Affluent Society, Boston: Houston Mifflin, 1992
  -- Gibbs, Nancy. The Vicious Cycle”, Time Magazine, June 20, 1994, 24-33
  -- Glazer, Nathan. Multiculturalism and Public Policy”. Values and Public Policy Washington.D.C., The Brooklins Institution, 1994
  -- Henry W.A. ”Pride and Predjudice”, Time Magazine, February 1994
  -- Levy, Theodore and Ginsberg Benjamin., American Government; Freedom and Power, N.Y.: WW Norton,1994
  -- Morrow, Lance ” Family Values”, Time Magazine, August 31, 1992, 22-27
  -- Reaves, Richard, American Journey; Traveling with Forgueville in Ssearch in Democracy in America, N.Y Symon a. .Shuster, 1982
  -- Smith , Norris(editor) Changing U.S. Demographics., The Reference Shelf v74,#1, Wilson Company, 2002
  -- The Simple Life, Time Magazine, April 8, 1991, 58-63
  -- Tataki, Ronald, Different Mirror. A History of Multicultural America, Boston; Little, Brown , 1993
  -- Wattenberg, Ben J. , The Real America,; A Surprising Examination of State of Union, N.Y. Doubleday, 1974
  -- Yank, Danielovich., New Rules; Searching for Self-Fulfillment in a World Turned Upside Down, N.Y., Random House 1981
  -- Wanning , Ester., Culture Shock, Portland, Oregon, 1991

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