3. Алексей2002/11/24 02:21
>And what'bout New Year? You poem most be called : "I'm very glad to see you" or " With independense day" or "Happy birthday to you"
Oh, Sir! I have to think - is not.
Совсем другая подоплёка,
И смысл стиха совсем не тот.
Ну всё ж, СПАСИБО - хоть за что-то!
2. Prapor (Prapor2@mail.tascom.ru) 2002/11/24 02:12
And what'bout New Year? You poem most be called : "I'm very glad to see you" or " With independense day" or "Happy birthday to you"
1. Алексей2002/11/23 21:30