...... be Happy!!!
2. Prapor (Prapor2@mail.tascom.ru) 2002/11/24 02:12
And what'bout New Year? You poem most be called : "I'm very glad to see you" or " With independense day" or "Happy birthday to you"
3. Алексей2002/11/24 02:21
>And what'bout New Year? You poem most be called : "I'm very glad to see you" or " With independense day" or "Happy birthday to you"
Oh, Sir! I have to think - is not.
Совсем другая подоплёка,
И смысл стиха совсем не тот.
Ну всё ж, СПАСИБО - хоть за что-то!
4. Карпеева Мария Александровна (thedevoted@mail.ru) 2002/11/24 15:10
>...... be Happy!!!
А можно ошибки исправить? Тока, боюсь, стиха-то уже не получится:)))
5. Згонник Сергей Викторович (zgonnic@hotbox.ru) 2002/11/24 16:11
Очень красиво. Если хочешь ещё английской поэзии - приходи в гости:
Совсем состарился:)
7. Passer (oxanava@aol.com) 2002/11/25 06:26
You know, it was pleasant to me very much. I wanted to specify to you about the small mistakes, but I have decided not. I think, to you it is not necessary to be upset in this occasion. Edgar Allan Poe - the prose writer and the poet had mistakes too. My teachers spoke us in college - hi has supposed rough grammatic mistakes of the English language in the verses. We speak and we write in the American language.
O. Passer
8. Алексей2002/11/25 11:28
>>4.Карпеева Мария Александровна
>>...... be Happy!!!
>А можно ошибки исправить? Тока, боюсь, стиха-то уже не получится:)))
Я за любые предложения и компромисы. Человек добый (иногда) и отзывчивый (не всегда).
9. Алексей2002/11/25 11:29
>>5.Згонник Сергей Викторович
>Очень красиво. Если хочешь ещё английской поэзии - приходи в гости:
Спасибо за приглашение. Зайду.
10. Алексей2002/11/25 11:34
>You know, it was pleasant to me very much. I wanted to specify to you about the small mistakes, but I have decided not. I think, to you it is not necessary to be upset in this occasion. Edgar Allan Poe - the prose writer and the poet had mistakes too. My teachers spoke us in college - hi has supposed rough grammatic mistakes of the English language in the verses. We speak and we write in the American language.
>O. Passer
Thank you! I didn't know it. We will see. Thanks.