caryoscelus : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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One sixth of a full turn left to the center of my vision. Six hundred twenty
five nanometer wavelength light forming twelfth of a circle arc.

It is the only stable light in the darkness of my nights. The only never
changing thing, no matter what kind of shapes the darkness around it takes.

In a way, i'm the opposite. Each year, each night, each moment - i am different.
To the point that i can no longer say "i am me" and be certain about it. To the
point that i have to write to prove my existence to myself.

To myself. To myself, of course. There's nobody else in the darkness.

Some people have come from it, some have passed by and beyond. But nobody could
stay here forever.


One sixth of a turn left to the center of my vision. Six hundred twenty five nm
wavelength light forming twelfth of a circle arc.

When the night fades away, so does the light. And with them, fades the truth
that shall never be pronounced; the words that has no meaning upon being
written; the thoughts that contradict their very existence.

When everything will finally fade, what will be left in the world?..


Sixth of a turn left to the center of my vision, six hundred twenty five nm
light forms twelfth of a circle arc.

What will be i without that twelfth of an arc? What will its light be without
me? Soon enough, both of us will find that out.


Sixth of a turn, six hundred twenty five nm, twelfth of a circle arc.

These numbers that i could've forgotten by now if i hadn't written them down. Is
there still any meaning to be found in the depths of that hue? Is there any
warmth left for me?

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