Бутырин Тимофей Александрович : другие произведения.

Returning from dark side

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    И снова из мюзикла "Star wars. Episode last: balance of the Force". Романтическая блюзовая баллада в стиле Эрика Клептона.

Returning from dark side


   They said that you are evil.
   They said that you are not with us,
   But I didn't believe them all that time.
   I said you're not a devil.
   I said you'll not betray us,
   And now they see that I was right.


   And now it seems to me, that you are back.
   You proved that I, that I was right.
   You've just put all your feelings under check.
   And I see: you are returning from dark side.


   I know: love got a power.
   It's stronger even than Jedi's force.
   And now I see that it is true.
   You know, love is a wonder
   Without it in our world you can be lost.
   With it you can everything refuse.


Wonderful guitar solo


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