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  Brittni De La Mora
  How To Grow In God By Getting Back To The Basics.
  June 26, 2016
  Hello Friends,
  I wanted to share some cliff notes with you from the sermon I preached on Friday at The Uprising, a Young Adult Ministry from Cornerstone Church of San Diego. I call this message, 'Back To The Basics'. I believe this message will help anyone wanting to grow closer to God.
  - Don't complicate your calling or you might forfeit your calling. Too many times we fail to recognize that it's not hanging around the right people that will catapult us into our destiny, it's hanging out with Jesus that will catapult us into our destiny.
  - Remember that God will open up doors for you that no man can shut.
  - There is no success without a savior.
  - In John 15:15 Jesus calls you his friend. But do you call him your friend?
  - We have a God that does not want to keep secrets from us. He wants to reveal Heavenly things to us. He wants you to be clear of what your purpose on earth is. There's no need to walk around confused. If you spend one on one time with Jesus then He will bring clarity and vision into your life.
  Let's Get Back To The Basics By Getting Into Gods Presence:
  1. With Our Faith
  Read Mark 5:25 it talks about the woman with the issue of blood. She blood for 12 years desiring a cure. Unfortunately there was no cure. One day she heard about this man named Jesus and thought, "If I could just touch His garment I will be healed." When she spotted Jesus she touched His robe & healing power left him. Jesus turned to her and said, "Go in peace daughter, your faith has healed you." Not only did this woman's faith heal her, but it was also her faith to believe that 'If I could just get into God's presence my miracle will happen'. Which is why the first thing we need to get into God's presence is faith. We need the faith to believe that if we could just get into God's presence our miracle will happen. #UseYourFaithEveryDay
  2. With Our Worship
  Exodus 8:1 God says, let my people go so they can worship me.
  We were created to worship God. A lot of us have trouble worshipping because we have trouble surrendering. Be careful that you don't worship your problems over your God. Remember that God is greater than the problems you face. Surrender them to Him by worshipping Him. When you do this, you will unlock the Kingdom of Heaven, and give God permission to go before you. When you worship God suddenly your battles become His battles. Let God fight for you. You'll wear yourself out if you keep trying to control things that were never meant to be in your control. #WorshipGodEveryDay
  3. With Our Prayers
  "But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."Matthew 6:6
  I wonder how many blessing are in the secret place with God waiting for your prayers to bring them down from Heaven to Earth. #PrayEveryDay
  4. With Our Bible
  The enemy can not stand against the word of God. The bible will give you power and strength when life makes you feel weak. Just as Jesus fought off the attack of the devil with the word of God we need to do the same. There are battles you may be facing today that would dissipate if you began to speak against them with the word of God. Plus, if you want to hear from God reading His word is the best way to do so. #ReadTheBibleEveryDay
  These are the 4 steps I take every day to grow closer to God. This is what has worked for me for 4 years. If you're looking for a guideline to help you grow closer to God I encourage you to:
  1. Have Faith
  2. Worship God with a Song
  3. Pray
  4. Read the Bible
  (Do them in that order... The great thing is, after following steps 2-4 you'll develop even more faith because that is what God's presence will bring you. This is simply a guideline that I follow everyday - but do what works for you. We all are meant to have a personal relationship with our God. Not everyone's relationship is identical.)
  The best gift you can give anyone (yourself included) is the God in you. The God in you will allow you to help other's in need, encourage the discouraged, and bring hope to the hopeless.
  Remember that you are loved!
  Brittni De La Mora
  Pruned To Prosper...
  June 23, 2016
  Have you ever asked God for something and it seemed like instead of giving you what you asked for he began to remove things from your life instead?
  For instance you pray for greater financial provision and then you lose your job...
  Or you pray for a relationship and then suddenly nobody wants to date you...
  In the heat of the moment you become frantic and fearful and you think that God does not hear your prayers. I want to correct that thought right now, because God does hear your prayers. However, we get confused because we think that just because we asked God for something that he has to answer it the way that we have determined that he should answer it. But Isaiah 55:9 teaches us that God's ways are not our ways. So be encouraged because God has plans to give you the desires of your heart, but the process of getting you the blessing you asked for may not look like the process you were expecting. You may have been expecting a raise at your current job, but God allowed you to get fired so that you would start the business you always wanted to start. You may have prayed for a relationship, but God is keeping you single to prepare and mature you for the right man or woman. God will always prune you with the intent of prospering you. Don't allow a season of pruning to discourage you. God has plans to prosper you, but first He will prune you.
  Is It Possible To Stay Pure While Dating?
  June 22, 2016
  We all know the struggle is real, but staying pure IS possible. My husband and I managed to stay pure (celebrant to honor God) while dating & I know you can too. I pray this blog encourages you and inspires you to wait upon the Lord.
  Here's what we did....
  1. We reminded ourselves of what we were fighting for.
  2. We reminded ourselves that momentary satisfaction could potentially destroy our destiny.
  3. We prayed together & read the bible together consistently. It is Only God who can give you the strength & grace to stay pure, so keep Him as the focal point of your relationship.
  4. We reminded ourselves that our relationship is meant to honor God, not our flesh.
  5. We reminded ourselves of how bad our lives were before we knew God. This helped us to stay thankful for what He had done in our lives and helped us stay on track.
  6. If there was a place where we felt tempted, then we stayed away from it. Why put yourself in a position that's difficult to resist temptation? It's not worth it.
  I love what Pastor Rich Wilkerson says, "Keep it Vertical. If you're dating you don't need to get horizontal."
  Remember, pre-marriage is JUST A SEASON of life. Once you're married you may do as you please with your spouse. So remind yourself that the blessing is coming.
  7. We stayed accountable to our friends. I had a friend check up on me almost daily and so did my husband. This really helped because God gave me someone to check in with. Great stability comes from accountability. So be honest with someone you trust so they can pray for you and encourage you in the ways of the Lord. Don't try to do this walk alone.
  8. We watched sermons on purity. This allowed us to welcome in the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If your purity is important to you then you'll do whatever it takes to keep it.
  9. Last but certainly not least.... We reminded ourselves that the wait is Always worth it. Because honoring God is Always worth it. We knew that there would be blessings behind our obedience because that is what the book of Deuteronomy teaches us.
  If you're in a relationship and you're not yet married, I want you to know that the wait is worth it. It is only a matter of time before you'll get to be intimate with you husband or wife. So I want to encourage you to continue to be patient. God's blessings that come with obedience are far greater than momentary satisfaction. Remember that You Are Worth The Wait - and so is your future husband or wife. Honor them and God will honor you.
  Serve The Absurd... What does that even mean?
  June 20, 2016
  What does that even mean?
  What does that even mean?
  Sometimes the Lord will ask you to do some pretty absurd tasks:
  1. "Noah build an arc during a drought."
  2. "Moses stick out your rod and part the Red Sea."
  3. "Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead."
  Imagine if these 3 men of God would not have obeyed God. Noah would have drowned with the rest of the world, Moses and his followers would have been killed by Pharaoh, and Lazarus would have remained dead. Now imagine the blessings that you may miss out on if you choose to ignore the ridiculous commands of God. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do the absurd for God. Don't allow your thoughts or the opinions of others stop the absurd calling that God has on your life. Just do it and don't worry about anyone.
   And that's what I mean by serve the absurd. So the next time God asks you to do something absurd, will you do it?
  A Friend To Your Destiny.
  June 18, 2016
  Brittni De La Mora preaching at The Uprising Y. A. at Cornerstone Church of San Diego.
  Brittni De La Mora preaching at The Uprising Y. A. at Cornerstone Church of San Diego.
  Last night at Uprising Y. A. (@uprisingyoungadults on Instagram) I spoke about what it means to be a friend to someone's destiny.
  When God wants to open a door to your destiny He will first test you to see if you're willing to open up a door to someone else's destiny. Remember that what God has for you will eventually find you. Don't be afraid to serve another man's dream because one day God will send someone into your life to serve your dream.
  Advice For The Singles.
  June 18, 2016
  The 700 Club shoot
  The 700 Club shoot
  🔸Single Woman: If a man wants to be with you then he will rise to the standards you set. Don't lower your standards just because he isn't willing to work to meet them. Know your worth and don't lower your value for anyone. There is nothing more sexy than a confident woman of God.
  🔹Single Man: As you seek God He will reveal to you the woman that you should be looking into. Don't just jump into any relationship, observe the person you're interested in before asking her out. Prepare yourself as well. My husband always says that men should build their own nest first - meaning work on yourself especially during your single season. Pray about a vision for your life and actively begin taking steps to get there. Is your current job in alignment with what you want for your future? If your future requires specific education are you in school to working to obtain that? Once you know what you need to do, be proactive. God will bring the right woman into your life at the right time.
  🔸For both the single woman and single man I encourage you to be patient and wait for the person God has for you. Don't settle. You'll know when you're settling because you'll be questioning if you're even with the right person. If the person doesn't inspire you, challenge you, and bring you closer to God then don't waste your time.
  🔸Also, watch sermons and read books on relationships. This will encourage and prepare you for Mr. Or Mrs. Forever.
  🔸Lastly, make the most of being single. Have fun. Get to know YOU. Being single won't last forever, so enjoy it while you still can.
  My Favorite Dating Advice...
  June 17, 2016
  On a missions trip in Mexico.
  On a missions trip in Mexico.
  Date with a purpose. During the dating season it's important to go out of your way to get to know the person you may eventually marry. Ask them EVERY question that comes to mind. If you're dating them exclusively then you both have the right to ask each other difficult questions. After all, you may end up spending the rest of your life with this person.
   What does their credit look like? What do their spending habits look like? What does their spiritual life look like & is it in alignment with yours? (nothing worse than raising children in a divided household - hello arguments) What is their vision for life, marriage, family? Do they have a retirement plan? Where do they see themselves in 5, 10, 20 years from now? Then ask yourself if you can live with their answers to your questions. If you can, then joyfully proceed. If not then really pray and ask God if you're with the right person. Dating should be fun yet purposeful. You get to date to pick the person that you'll forever be best friend's, companion's, and lover's with. So choose wisely and Happy dating.
  My Favorite Marriage Advice... ❤
  June 16, 2016
  I've only been married for 4 months but I've asked many couples whom have been married for 20 + years what their secret to success has been. Here are some of my favorite answers...
  1. Never lose your try. When you dated your spouse, you went out of your way for them and Always tried your best. Be careful to never lose that. Never grow comfortable.
  2. R.E.S.P.E.C.T - always respect your spouse. Place them in high honor. Don't ever call them out in public either. Correct them privately.
  3. Keep God at the center of your marriage and it will go well for you.
  4. Make Lots of Love - Sex is not just an act of pleasure . It is an act that brings an intimate bond between a husband and wife every time they have sex. Sex in its purist form will give you a connection in your relationship that will be incomparable to any other relationships you have. So husbands, wives, enjoy each other..... A LOT.
  June 15, 2016
  I am So excited to welcome you to God has placed a beautiful burden upon my heart to help those who feel as hopeless and unlovable as I once did. It is my personal mission in life to spread the good news that no matter what you have done in life, no matter who you are, no matter what people say or think about you, and no matter how dark the places you have visited in life, there is a God that loves you deeply, and there is nothing you can do to change that (isn't that amazing? :D )
  I want to see the people of this world be transformed by the Love of God. God's love is what has transformed me. Less than 4 years ago I was an Adult Film Star and today I am married to an amazing man of God, Richard De La Mora, and we are next in line to be ordained as Pastors at our home Church, Cornerstone Church of San Diego. Who would have ever thought that I would end up here? I was a hopeless woman looking for love through men, drugs, money, and pornography. My search for love caused me to make a lot of mistakes and left me feeling so empty inside. Who would have ever thought that I would one day be next in line to be ordained as a Pastor? Friends, this is the beauty of God. He doesn't care about the mistakes you've made because He cares about you. His love is so deep that He will turn your messes into a beautiful message to glorify His name.
  God has a great plan and purpose for your life and I want to inspire you and encourage you to reach your God given potential. I believe there's more in you and God has more in store for you.
  it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to BrittniDeLaMora.Com A place where you will feel loved and accepted. I will always be transparent with you because I want you to know that you are not alone.
  Till next time.....
  Be Blessed & Be Loved.
  Bless others & Love Others.
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