Brittni De La Mora : другие произведения.


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  The Pain | For seven long years, Brittni De La Mora"s life was bound to the chains of suffering. Manipulated into starting a career as a porn star and escort as an eighteen-year-old college student, all she wanted was a family. Her childhood had been full of emotional abuse and turmoil, and now here was an industry holding out its arms to her in a welcoming embrace.
  Brittni quickly took the adult world by storm-never anticipating that it would turn on her. Brittni appeared in approximately 275 adult films before the age of twenty-five and gained enough notoriety to be nominated for an AVN Award for Best New Starlet in 2008. Her reputation was only further solidified when Maxim magazine named her one of the Top 12 Female Porn Stars in 2010, while Howard Stern dubbed her "the smartest girl in porn" after she made two appearances on his popular radio show. But this intelligent, articulate woman was on a downward spiral into a life of degradation, drugs, substance abuse, prostitution, depression, and several suicide attempts. What started with a skyrocketing career, awards, accolades, and unimaginable popularity soon became the source of her greatest pain. Then Brittni did the unimaginable for someone who seemed to be at the pinnacle of success-she got saved and got out.
  The Fallout | December 11, 2012 was a day in Brittni"s life she will not forget. Not because she was on a plane to Las Vegas to film a scene for the most prestigious internet/video production company, but because she would not return the same. Before she left, she felt an urge to bring her Bible with her on the plane. This urge, she now recognizes as the Holy Spirit. While sitting in the back row of her Southwest flight, she came across Revelation 2:20-23. This particular verse capitalizes on an adulterous woman named Jezebel. In this scripture, Jesus talks about how He will curse her and those who participate in her sinful fornication, all the way down to her children. After reading that, she felt the Holy Spirit come over her with great conviction. When Brittni accepted this job, she never knew it would be the last one she ever did.
   The Restoration | After that day, she notified her management that she would no longer participate in the adult film industry. She began releasing people from her life that were affiliated with her former occupation, and attended Cornerstone Church of San Diego. It was there that she fully surrendered her life to the cause of Jesus Christ. After an intimate and extensive healing journey with God, Brittni found herself being led to pray for her family and friends. Through that, the Holy Spirit acknowledged a need for forgiveness towards them and towards herself. Giving and receiving the forgiveness of Christ was a crucial step that allowed Brittni to move quickly into her God given calling. Since then, she has been growing in her walk with the Lord each day. In 2013 God began opening many doors for her to globally share her testimony on television, at churches and various organizations. In February 2016 Brittni married the man of her dreams, Richard De La Mora. They continue to share their testimony and preach the word of God both internationally and at The Uprising Y.A., a young adult ministry at their home Church, Cornerstone Church of San Diego. As God graces Brittni with each passing day, she is forever grateful of His miraculous peace and healing in her life.
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