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The Dawning of Hell

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The true story of a young man's painful journey through the depths of Confusion, desperately seeking the truth, he finds himself caught in... the dawning of...hell.

   The abrasive, nausiating scream of a crow, sitting high on top of the cross, like a telephone pole, suddenly grabs my attention.
   The air around me is a dismal gray, and deadly cold breezes wrap around my lifeless halfnaked body. I can feel my blood rushing through my veins as my soul slams back into my tired corpse. Dazed and confused, I journey back from my Dreamworld Exotica to find myself caught in the thermocline of Amination and Reality. Life in my still aroused conciousness seems to freeze. My heart turns to ice as I slowly open my eyes, " I must learn the truth! Could this be the end to life as I know it?"
   That very moment the answer suddenly flashed before me. Blinding me with such intensity, my eyes are forced shut again, clinching tight, waiting, praying for the pain to release its grip.
   My head begins to contract, crushing my skull, driving the broken bits of bone into my brain. My eyeballs are about to explode, throbbing harder and harder inside their sockets. My body trembles rigorously on the verge of bursting, no longer able to withstand the pressure,
   I Must open my eyes and face this incredibly blinding pain. The Truth Must Be Known!
   Too late to hesitate, I take one last breath into my collapsed lungs. My eyes fling open, every nerve in my crumbled body is exposed and on fire, throwing me into a state of shock. I now lay motionless.
   My eyes once again hide terriefied behind blistered eyelids. Bruised and swollen, my heart begins to beat. A sense of relief comes over me, knowing I am still alive. But the truth has not been yet revealed!
   That razor sharp, screeching feeling began to eat into my skin. I know what I must do. A single teardrop managed to make its way from under the thick pusy, bloody lairs of scabbed skin which were once my eyelids. There was no turning back, I must know the Answer -- the Truth! The mere thought of opening my eyes made me melt into an oozing steamy glob of goop.
   In an instant, the scabs were broken and my eyes wide open -- staring at the very source of my pain and fear!
   To my surprise, there was no pain, no agony, all was quiet and peaceful. But there it was, the Truth.
   This was no Monster at all! My blood began to warm. A smile forced its way between my blistered lips. For, this "Beast" which tore my body into pieces and devoured my soul was nothing at all. And the blinding light was only the sun peeping through the window, wishing me a good morning. The dawning of a new day, it was the Dawning of ...Hell in the padded room number 69 of the local hospital.
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