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A world of old foundations is rapidly crumbling

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  A world of old foundations is rapidly crumbling. There has never been such time in the history of the humankind. History has not known such global change and reformation of the Earth"s civilizations.

  A unique Manifestation of the Higher Consciousness in the form of the Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Earth has happened before these outstanding events.

  His Coming to Earth marked the beginning of a new era, the era of the Golden Age, the Age for creations with an absolutely new Consciousness, the human Consciousness in a quantum transition and quantum Being, which have never taken place in the whole History of the Planet Earth existence.

  We, who understand and realise these events of the quantum transition from one level of Being to a completely different World, are incredibly lucky to witness and participate in these events.

  Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba formed creature of His Own kind to make changes in all spheres of Being. These interventions into the surrounding materialised world are invisible for physical eyes and they play a tremendous role these days.

  A supernormal influence of the Avatar on the consciousness of the chosen ones, is an undeniable evidence of the new potential capabilities of some creatures in human forms. Their contact with the World and their influence over it have been already making large changes in those spheres of Being, where the Universe lets them to Be. Without any efforts, actions and tensions, a presence of these people in any place, any time, any condition is already the fact of the Divine Work.

  What is quantum substance? These are the high frequency vibrations of the high frequency Divine Being.

  Not everyone has been given a unique right to understand this Divine Transition, or more correctly a Conversion from one level of Consciousness to another - ethereal, pure, and cosmic.

  Is it easy? - Yes, it is easy if you have grown and matured, purified yourself, accepted and understood everything. If your physical structures are ready for those higher vibrations of the new quantum quality.

  Is it difficult? - Yes, it is difficult, as you have not heard the Higher Messages about the forthcoming changes, ignored Divine messages, transmitted through the Divine Messengers, and even ignored the Message of the Creator Himself.

  And the result of these Messages we see in present times. Everything that is old, nasty, impure, and immoral is being rapidly destroyed. All karmic bonds between people, countries and continents have been being changed, the Consciousness has "selected" the minimum amount of the human creatures, who will easily "enter" the new quantum space of the World.

  My Mission is to accelerate all processes in this global transition just through a thought, a look, and a judgment. There are thousands of evidences for it without posters and advertisements. I would just say - the year 2014 - was the beginning of the active influence of the Divine Energies over the destruction of gigantic immoral structures in all spheres on the Planet. The year 2016 (Easter) on the 1st of May - the Codes for quantum change of the existing substance were given from the Divine. Precisely from this moment the Transformation has been being accelerated on the Planet to the maximum extent. And at the end of these processes - a "Pandemic" of the year 2020. I personally, was "given" this right from the Divine to influence the consciousness through the Messages of the Avatar and His Direct Guidance in our outstanding days, amazing in their significance and importance.

  And you also have been being "connected" to this unique event. Do not fall out of the bundle.

  With Divine Love,

  Adi Shakti.

  P. S. Absolutely all guidelines, directives, and instructions for all spheres of Being precisely for our Time, the Time of the Quantum Transition have been being given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Purna Avatar of our Age. There has never been, there is no and there would not be any alternative to the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, given precisely for this Period.

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